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Portable single-file linux container

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Portable single-file linux container




# RunImage

## **Portable single-file unprivileged Linux container in user namespaces.**


`RunImage` is designed to be completely `static` and `portable` to run on almost any `Linux`. It is based on a specially configured [Arch Linux rootfs]( The technology of single-file containerization is based on a modified static `AppImage` [runtime](, `squashfs` image with `lz4` compression method for better work speed, statically compiled [binaries]( for the operation of the container [ script](, and containerization itself is carried out by [statically compiled]( [Bubblewrap](

In addition, `RunImage` has the ability to `isolate` itself from the main `system`, use separate `portable home` directories and `configuration` files for each `executable` file being run, and run separate `X11` servers, including running multiple `Xorg` servers on `TTY`. `XFCE` is used as `DE`

You can use it to `develop` and `run` any `applications` and `games`, including applications and games for `Windows`, launch games from retro platforms using popular `emulators`, work with the `office`, with `remote desktops`, `multimedia`, `browsers`, `messengers`, and even run `virtual machines` with `QEMU/KVM` and `Virt-Manager`, `USB` and `block device` `forwarding` in `VM` also `works`

Also inside the `container`, you can use various means of `proxification`, such as `proxychains`, `tor` and others and run `VNC` and `SSH` servers.
In `network sandbox` mode (see `SANDBOX_NET`*) you can use `VPN` (tested `openvpn`, `wireguard`, `sshuttle`, [tun2proxy]( and other network tools `without root` rights.

The full list of installed packages can be found in the [**releases**]( file `pkg_list{-release-type}.txt`

## Features:

* A `portable` single `executable` file with an idea - downloaded and launched. Nothing needs to be installed in the system.
* Works on most `Linux` distributions, including even very old ones or without `glibc` or `systemd` and in `live` boot mode.
* `OverlayFS` mode (It looks like the usual means of containerization like docker) (See [Usage](
* `Read-Write` mount in `OverlayFS` mode.
* Running and working `without root` rights, including package management.
* The ability to work in a `packed` and `unpacked` form.
* The ability to run both `32-bit` and `64-bit` executable files.
* Based on `Arch Linux`, contains the latest software and [AUR]( support.
* Access to [BlackArch]( repo.
* Own `Pacman` [repository]( with [mirror](
* Updating without extraction `runimage` and automatic rebuild if the update was successful.
* The ability to launching `AppImage` applications with `FUSE` mount (not needed to extract).
* The ability to `exec` commands at the `host level` (see `ENABLE_HOSTEXEC` and [hostexec](
* The ability to use both separate `home` directories for each `executable` file, and completely `seamless` use of the `system` `home` directory.
* The ability to use separate `configuration` files for each launched `executable` file (see [config](
* There is no `performance` drawdown. All applications and executable files run at the same `speed` as in the `system`
* The ability to `Filesystem`, `X11`, `DBUS`, `UDEV`, `Network`, `SystemD`, `USERs` and `PIDs` sandboxing.
* `Temporary` `home` directory in `RAM` (can be used as a real `private mode` for browsers and applications)
* `Sandbox` and `portable` `home` directory.
* The ability to launching a full `DE` in `windowed/full screen` mode and on `TTY`
* Works with any versions of `nvidia` proprietary `drivers`
* Works in `Wayland` session.
* `Monitoring` of running `processes`
* Background `processes control`
* `Attaching` to a running `containers`
* The ability to start and control `SystemD` services with [fake-systemd]( package.
* Usability and comprehensibility.

## Requirements:

* Supported architectures (should work on any `Linux` kernel architecture. However, it is currently only built for `x86_64`)
* Minimum recommended Linux `kernel` version `4.18+` (tested on `Centos 7` with `3.10` and on `Ubuntu 12.04` with `3.11` using `SUID Bubblewrap` and it's works, but `5.0+` with [user namespaces]( support is recommended)
* `FUSE` (but not necessarily, because it is possible to work in `unpacked` form without `FUSE` mounting). Also you can create `/dev/fuse` manually (as root) if the `kernel` module exists (see this [code](
mknod /dev/fuse -m 0666 c 10 229

## To get started:

1. Download latest release from the [**releases**]( page. ([HF mirror](
2. Make it executable before run.
chmod +x runimage

## Usage (from RunImage help):

└──╼ $ runimage {bubblewrap args} {executable} {executable args}

--run-help |--rH Show this usage info
--run-bwhelp |--rBwh Show Bubblewrap usage info
--run-version|--rV Show runimage, rootfs, static, runtime version
--run-pkglist|--rP Show packages installed in runimage
--run-binlist|--rBin Show /usr/bin in runimage
--run-shell |--rS {args} Run runimage shell or execute a command in runimage shell
--run-desktop|--rD Launch runimage desktop
--overfs-list|--oL Show the list of runimage OverlayFS
--overfs-rm |--oR {id id ...|all} Remove OverlayFS
--run-build |--rB {build args} Build new runimage container
--run-update |--rU {build args} Update packages and rebuild runimage
--run-kill |--rK Kill all running runimage containers
--run-procmon|--rPm {RUNPIDs} Monitoring of processes running in runimage containers
--run-attach |--rA {RUNPID} {args} Attach to a running runimage container or exec command

Only for not extracted (RunImage runtime options):
--runtime-extract {pattern} Extract content from embedded filesystem image
--runtime-extract-and-run {args} Run runimage afer extraction without using FUSE
--runtime-help Show runimage runtime help (Shown in this help)
--runtime-mount Mount embedded filesystem image and print
--runtime-offset Print byte offset to start of embedded
--runtime-portable-home Create a portable home folder to use as $HOME
--runtime-portable-config Create a portable config folder to use as $XDG_CONFIG_HOME
--runtime-version Print version of runimage runtime

Environment variables to configure:
NO_NET=1 Disables network access
TMP_HOME=1 Creates tmpfs /home/$USER and /root in RAM and uses it as $HOME
TMP_HOME_DL=1 As above, but with binding $HOME/Downloads directory
SANDBOX_HOME=1 Creates sandbox home directory and bind it to /home/$USER or to /root
SANDBOX_HOME_DL=1 As above, but with binding $HOME/Downloads directory
SANDBOX_HOME_DIR="/path/dir" Specifies sandbox home directory and bind it to /home/$USER or to /root
PORTABLE_HOME=1 Creates a portable home directory and uses it as $HOME
PORTABLE_HOME_DIR="/path/dir" Specifies a portable home directory and uses it as $HOME
PORTABLE_CONFIG=1 Creates a portable config directory and uses it as $XDG_CONFIG_HOME
NO_CLEANUP=1 Disables unmounting and cleanup mountpoints
ALLOW_BG=1 Allows you to run processes in the background
UNSHARE_PIDS=1 Unshares all host processes
UNSHARE_USERS=1 Don't bind-mount /etc/{passwd,group}
SHARE_SYSTEMD=1 Shares SystemD from the host
UNSHARE_DBUS=1 Unshares DBUS from the host
UNSHARE_UDEV=1 Unshares UDEV from the host (/run/udev)
UNSHARE_MODULES=1 Unshares kernel modules from the host (/usr/lib/modules)
UNSHARE_LOCALTIME=1 Unshares localtime from the host (/etc/localtime)
UNSHARE_NSS=1 Unshares NSS from the host (/etc/nsswitch.conf)
UNSHARE_DEF_MOUNTS=1 Unshares default mount points (/mnt /media /run/media)
NO_NVIDIA_CHECK=1 Disables checking the nvidia driver version
NVIDIA_DRIVERS_DIR="/path/dir" Specifies custom Nvidia driver images directory
RUNCACHEDIR="/path/dir" Specifies custom runimage cache directory
SQFUSE_REMOUNT=1 Remounts the container using squashfuse (fix MangoHud and VkBasalt bug)
OVERFS_MODE=1 Enables OverlayFS mode
KEEP_OVERFS=1 Enables OverlayFS mode with saving after closing runimage
OVERFS_ID=ID Specifies the OverlayFS ID
KEEP_OLD_BUILD=1 Creates a backup of the old RunImage when building a new one
BUILD_WITH_EXTENSION=1 Adds an extension when building (compression method and rootfs type)
CMPRS_ALGO={zstd|xz|lz4} Specifies the compression algo for runimage build
ZSDT_CMPRS_LVL={1-22} Specifies the compression ratio of the zstd algo for runimage build
NO_RUNDIR_BIND=1 Disables binding RunDir to /var/RunDir
RUN_SHELL="shell" Selects $SHELL in runimage
NO_CAP=1 Disables Bubblewrap capabilities (Default: ALL, drop CAP_SYS_NICE)
you can also use /usr/bin/nocap in runimage
AUTORUN="{executable} {args}" Run runimage with autorun options for /usr/bin executables
ALLOW_ROOT=1 Allows to run runimage under root user
QUIET_MODE=1 Disables all non-error runimage messages
NO_WARN=1 Disables all warning runimage messages
DONT_NOTIFY=1 Disables all non-error runimage notification
RUNTIME_EXTRACT_AND_RUN=1 Run runimage afer extraction without using FUSE
TMPDIR="/path/{TMPDIR}" Used for extract and run options
RUNIMAGE_CONFIG="/path/{config}" runimage сonfiguration file (0 to disable)
ENABLE_HOSTEXEC=1 Enables the ability to execute commands at the host level
NO_RPIDSMON=1 Disables the monitoring thread of running processes
SANDBOX_NET=1 Creates a network sandbox
SANDBOX_NET_SHARE_HOST=1 Creates a network sandbox with access to host loopback
SANDBOX_NET_CIDR= Specifies tap interface subnet in network sandbox (Def:
SANDBOX_NET_TAPNAME=tap0 Specifies tap interface name in network sandbox (Def: eth0)
SANDBOX_NET_MAC=B6:40:E0:8B:A6:D7 Specifies tap interface MAC in network sandbox (Def: random)
SANDBOX_NET_MTU=65520 Specifies tap interface MTU in network sandbox (Def: 1500)
SANDBOX_NET_HOSTS="file" Binds specified file to /etc/hosts in network sandbox
SANDBOX_NET_RESOLVCONF="file" Binds specified file to /etc/resolv.conf in network sandbox
BUWRAP_ARGS+=() Array with Bubblewrap arguments (for config file)
EXEC_ARGS+=() Array with Bubblewrap exec arguments (for config file)
XORG_CONF="/path/xorg.conf" Binds xorg.conf to /etc/X11/xorg.conf in runimage (0 to disable)
(Default: /etc/X11/xorg.conf bind from the system)
XEPHYR_SIZE="HEIGHTxWIDTH" Sets runimage desktop resolution (Default: 1600x900)
XEPHYR_DISPLAY=":9999" Sets runimage desktop $DISPLAY (Default: :1337)
XEPHYR_FULLSCREEN=1 Starts runimage desktop in full screen mode
UNSHARE_CLIPBOARD=1 Disables clipboard synchronization for runimage desktop

SYS_BUWRAP=1 Using system bwrap
SYS_SQFUSE=1 Using system squashfuse
SYS_UNSQFS=1 Using system unsquashfs
SYS_MKSQFS=1 Using system mksquashfs
SYS_UNIONFS=1 Using system unionfs
SYS_SLIRP=1 Using system slirp4netns
SYS_TOOLS=1 Using all binaries from the system
If they are not found in the system - auto return to the built-in

Other environment variables:
If inside RunImage:
RunImage path (for packed):
Squashfs offset (for packed):
Null argument:
PID of script:
Parent PID of script:
Run binary directory:
RootFS directory:
Static binaries directory:
RunImage or RunDir directory:
RunImage external configs directory:
Sandbox homes directory:
Portable homes directory:
Cache directory:
Nvidia driver images directory:
RunImage name or link name or executable name:
RunImage version:
RootFS version:
Static version:
RunImage runtime version:
Directory for all OverlayFS:
OverlayFS ID directory:
OverlayFS ID mount directory:
RunImage runtime:
Rootfs type:
squashfuse and unionfs PIDs:
The name of the user who runs runimage:

Custom scripts and aliases:
/bin/cip Сheck public ip
/bin/dbus-flmgr Launch the system file manager via dbus
/bin/nocap Disables container capabilities
/bin/pac sudo pacman (fake sudo)
/bin/packey sudo pacman-key (fake sudo)
/bin/panelipmon Shows information about an active network connection
/bin/runbuild Starts the runimage build
/bin/rundesktop Starts the desktop mode
/bin/{xclipsync,xclipfrom} For clipboard synchronization in desktop mode
/bin/webm2gif Convert webm to gif
/bin/transfer Upload file to
/bin/rpidsmon For monitoring of processes running in runimage containers
/bin/hostexec For execute commands at the host level (see ENABLE_HOSTEXEC)
/usr/bin/runupdate For runimage update

ls='ls --color=auto'
dir='dir --color=auto'
grep='grep --color=auto'
vdir='vdir --color=auto'
fgrep='fgrep --color=auto'
egrep='egrep --color=auto'
rm='rm -i'
cp='cp -i'
mv='mv -i'
ll='ls -lh'
la='ls -lha'
l='ls -CF'
em='emacs -nw'
_i='sudo -i'
cip='curl -s 2>/dev/null'
dd='dd status=progress'
pac='sudo pacman'
pacman='sudo pacman'
pacman-key='sudo pacman-key'
packey='sudo pacman-key'

Additional information:
You can create a symlink/hardlink to runimage or rename runimage and give it the name
of some executable file from /usr/bin in runimage, this will allow you to run
runimage in autorun mode for this executable file.
The same principle applies to the AUTORUN variable:
└──╼ $ AUTORUN="ls -la" runimage {autorun executable args}
Here runimage will become something like an alias for 'ls' in runimage
with the '-la' argument. You can also use AUTORUN as an array for complex commands in the config.
AUTORUN=("ls" "-la" "/path/to something")
This will also work in extracted form for the Run binary.

When using the PORTABLE_HOME and PORTABLE_CONFIG variables, runimage will create or
search for these directories next to itself. The same behavior will occur when
adding a runimage or Run binary or renamed or symlink/hardlink to them in the PATH
it can be used both extracted and compressed and for all executable files being run:
if a symlink/hardlink to runimage is used:
or with runimage/Run name:
It can also be with the name of the executable file from AUTORUN environment variables,
or with the same name as the executable being run.
SANDBOX_HOME* similar to PORTABLE_HOME, but the system HOME becomes isolated.
SANDBOX_HOME_DIR and PORTABLE_HOME_DIR point to a specific directory or create it in the absence of.

RunImage uses fakechroot and fakeroot, which allows you to use root commands, including in
unpacked form, to update the rootfs or install/remove packages.
sudo and pkexec have also been replaced with fake ones. (see /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/pkexec)

RunImage configuration file:
Special BASH-syntax file with the .rcfg extension, which describes additional
instructions and environment variables for running runimage.
Configuration file can be located next to runimage:
it can be used both extracted and compressed and for all executable files being run:
if a symlink/hardlink to runimage is used:
or in $RUNCONFIGDIR directory:
It can also be with the name of the executable file from AUTORUN environment variables,
or with the same name as the executable being run.
In $RUNDIR/config there are default configs in RunImage, they are run in priority,
then external configs are run if they are found.

RunImage desktop:
Ability to run RunImage in desktop mode. Default DE: XFCE (see /usr/bin/rundesktop)
If the launch is carried out from an already running desktop, then Xephyr will start
in windowed/full screen mode (see XEPHYR_* environment variables)
Use CTRL+SHIFT to grab the keyboard and mouse.
It is also possible to run on TTY with Xorg (see XORG_CONF environment variables)
To do this, just log in to TTY and run RunImage desktop.
Important! The launch on the TTY should be carried out only under the user under whom the
login to the TTY was carried out.

RunImage OverlayFS:
Allows you to create additional separate layers to modify the container file system without
changing the original container file system. Works packed and unpacked. Also, in packed form,
it allows you to mount the container in RW mode.
It also allows you to attach to the same OverlayFS when you specify its ID:
└──╼ $ OVERFS_ID=1337 runimage {args}
If OverlayFS with such ID does not exist, it will be created.
To save OverlayFS after closing the container, use KEEP_OVERFS:
└──╼ $ KEEP_OVERFS=1 runimage {args}
To run a one-time OverlayFS, use OVERFS_MODE:
└──╼ $ OVERFS_MODE=1 runimage {args}

RunImage build:
Allows you to create your own runimage containers.
This works both externally by passing build args:
└──╼ $ runimage --run-build {build args}
And it also works inside the running instance (see /bin/runbuild):
┌─[user@host]─[~] - in runimage
└──╼ $ runbuild {build args}
Optionally, you can specify the following build arguments:
{/path/new_runimage_name} {-zstd|-xz|-lz4} {zstd compression level 1-19}
By default, runimage is created in the current directory with a standard name and
with lz4 compression. If a new RunImage is successfully build, the old one is deleted.

RunImage update:
Allows you to update packages and rebuild RunImage. In unpacked form, automatic build will
not be performed. When running an update, you can also pass arguments for a new build.
(see RunImage build) (also see /usr/bin/runupdate)
└──╼ $ runimage --run-update {build args}
By default, update and rebuild is performed in $RUNIMAGEDIR

RunImage network sandbox:
Allows you to create a private network namespace with slirp4netns and inside the container
manage routing, create/delete network interfaces, connect to a vpn (checked openvpn
and wireguard), configure your resolv.conf and hosts, etc. (see SANDBOX_NET*)
By default, network sandbox created in subnet, with eth0 tap name, tap ip,
1500 tap MTU, and random MAC.

RunImage hostexec:
Allows you to run commands at the host level (see ENABLE_HOSTEXEC and /usr/bin/hostexec)
└──╼ $ ENABLE_HOSTEXEC=1 runimage --run-shell
┌─[user@host]─[~] - pass command as args
└──╼ $ hostexec {hostexec args} {executable} {executable args}
┌─[user@host]─[~] - pass command to stdin
└──╼ $ echo "{executable} {executable args}"|hostexec {hostexec args}
--help |-h Show this usage info
--shell |-s {args} Launch host shell (socat)
--superuser |-su {args} Execute command as superuser
--terminal |-t {args} Execute command in host terminal

For Nvidia users with a proprietary driver:
If the nvidia driver version does not match in runimage and in the host, runimage
will make an image with the nvidia driver of the required version (requires internet)
or will download a ready-made image from the github repository and further used as
an additional module to runimage.
You can download a ready-made driver image from the releases or build driver image manually:
In runimage, a fake version of the nvidia driver is installed by default to reduce the size:
But you can also install the usual nvidia driver of your version in runimage.
Checking the nvidia driver version can be disabled using NO_NVIDIA_CHECK variable.
The nvidia driver image can be located next to runimage:
or in $RUNIMAGEDIR/nvidia-drivers (Default):
or the driver can be extracted as the directory
also, the driver can be in RunImage in a packed or unpacked form:
'$RUNDIR/nvidia-drivers/{nvidia_version}.nv.drv' - image
'$RUNDIR/nvidia-drivers/{nvidia_version}' - directory

If the kernel does not support user namespaces, you need to install
SUID Bubblewrap into the system, or install a kernel with user namespaces support.
If SUID Bubblewrap is found in the system, it will be used automatically.
If you use SUID Bubblewrap, then you will encounter some limitations, such as the inability to use
FUSE in RunImage, without running it under the root user, because the capabilities are
disabled, and so on. So it would be better for you to install kernel with
user namespaces support.
I recommend installing the XanMod kernel (, because I noticed that the speed
of runimage in compressed form on this kernel is much higher due to more correct caching settings
and special patches.

## Build/Rebuild your own runimage in manual mode:

* [Download]( base version of the runimage (it's called `runimage`)
* Make it executable:
chmod +x runimage
* Run it in `OverlayFS` mode (If you are using a proprietary nvidia driver, then I recommend disabling the driver check function by `NO_NVIDIA_CHECK=1` for proper build/rebuild in manual mode. You do not need to do this in automatic mode):
OVERFS_MODE=1 ./runimage --run-shell
* Install or remove the necessary packages, change `$OVERFS_MNT/rootfs`, etc. You can change `$OVERFS_MNT/rootfs` in the standard ways for you. But do not close the container until the moment of build.
* You can also specify your own type of rootfs in `$OVERFS_MNT/rootfs/.type` file, but it's not necessary.
* After all the manipulations with rootfs, create a new runimage using this command in the container (See [Usage](
* Or from another terminal tab (See [Usage](
OVERFS_ID=$OVERFS_ID ./runimage --run-build
* After the build is completed, you can close the container:
# or CTRL-D

## Troubleshooting and problem solving:

* To start `SystemD` services with `systemctl` in `RunImage` `SystemD` replaced with [fake-systemd]( package based on [docker-systemctl-replacement]( with some modification. It's depend on `python3`
* By default, all container processes running in the background will be killed after the container is closed, to allow background processes, use the environment variable `ALLOW_BG=1`
* To start the `SSH server` you need to install patched [runimage-openssh]( package from runimage [pacman repo](
pac -Sy runimage-openssh
ssh-keygen -A
# Don't forget to add your ssh keys for authorization to /etc/ssh/authorized_keys in the container
# or to $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys
# password authorization disabled and don't work
systemctl start sshd # systemctl depend on python3
# OR
/usr/bin/sshd -D &
* When unpacked, use the [Run-wrapper]( binary file to properly launch the container.
* If SELinux is enabled in the system, then there may be problems with the launch and operation of Wine ([solution](
* To start nested bubblewrap containerization, you need to disable capabilities (see NO_CAP env var or use [nocap](
NO_CAP=1 runimage {args}
# or nocap in runimage
nocap bwrap {args}
nocap steam {args}
* When using `TMP_HOME`* you may run out of RAM, be careful with this.
* It is also advisable to use `TMPDIR` when using `--runtime-extract-and-run` or `RUNTIME_EXTRACT_AND_RUN`, because by default, unpacking before starting will be carried out in `/tmp`, which may also lead to the end of RAM
* With `UNSHARE_PIDS`, RunImage desktop does not start on TTY.
* `Xephyr` does not support GL acceleration and Vulkan has performance issues (But this is not related to RunImage)
* If you have problems with sound when running RunImage desktop on TTY, just restart pulseaudio.
* Possible tearing on nvidia in RunImage desktop mode ([solution](
killall pulseaudio ; pulseaudio -D
* If you disable bubblewrap capabilities using `NO_CAP`, you will not be able to use `FUSE` inside the container.
* In packed form for fix bug with `MangoHud` and `vkBasalt` in `DXVK` mode need remount container with `squashfuse` (see `SQFUSE_REMOUNT=1`). In `lwrun` it's enabled by default.
* If `PID_MAX` is less then `4194304`, recommended to increase [PID_MAX]( to 4194304 for better stability:
sudo sh -c 'echo kernel.pid_max=4194304 >> /etc/sysctl.d/98-pid_max.conf'
sudo sh -c 'echo 4194304 > /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max'

## Main used projects:

* [archlinux](
* [bubblewrap-static](
* [chaotic-aur](
* [blackarch](
* [runimage-repo](
* [runimage-repo-hf](
* [runimage-mirrorlist](
* [runimage-fake-nvidia-driver](
* [runimage-nvidia-drivers](
* [runimage-rootfs](
* [runimage-runtime-static](
* [runimage-static](
* [runimage-fake-sudo-pkexec](
* [Run-wrapper](
* [fake-systemd](
* [bash-static](
* [coreutils-static](
* [findutils-static](
* [gawk-static](
* [grep-static](
* [gzip-static](
* [kmod-static](
* [notify-send-rs](
* [procps-static](
* [sed-static](
* [squashfs-tools-static](
* [squashfuse-static](
* [static-curl](
* [tar-static](
* [which-static](
* [xorg-xhost-static](
* [xz-static](
* [minos-static](
* [unionfs-fuse-static](
* [importenv](
* [slirp4netns](
* [util-linux-static](
* [fakeroot](
* [fakechroot](
* [ptyspawn](
* [socat-static](
* [pacutils](

## Projects based on RunImage:

* [Lux Wine](
* [stable-diffusion](
* [NitroWine](
* [PortArch](

## Similar projects:

* [Conty](

## RunImage tested and works on:

* [Adelie Linux](
* [AlmaLinux](
* [Alpine](
* [Alt Workstation](
* [Antergos](
* [antiX](
* [Arch Linux](
* [ArcoLinux](
* [Artix Linux](
* [Astra Linux](
* [Batocera](
* [Bodhi Linux](
* [BlendOS](
* [CachyOS](
* [Calculate](
* [CentOS](
* [ChromeOS Flex](
* [Clear Linux](
* [Debian](
* [Deepin](
* [EasyOS](
* [ElementaryOS](
* [EndeavourOS](
* [EuroLinux](
* [Fedora Silverblue](
* [Fedora Workstation](
* [Garuda Linux](
* [Gentoo](
* [GoboLinux](
* [Green Linux](
* [Grml Linux](
* [Kali Linux](
* [KDE neon](
* [Kodachi](
* [Kubuntu](
* [Linux Lite](
* [Linux Mint](
* [Lubuntu](
* [Mageia](
* [Manjaro](
* [MX Linux](
* [Nitrux nxOS](
* [NixOS](
* [Nobara](
* [openSUSE](
* [Oracle Linux](
* [Parrot](
* [PCLinuxOS](
* [PeppermintOS (Devuan)](
* [Pop!_OS](
* [Porteus](
* [Puppy Linux](
* [Qubes](
* [Red OS](
* [Rocky Linux](
* [ROSA](
* [Simply/ALT Linux](
* [Slackware](
* [Slax Linux](
* [Solus](
* [SparkyLinux](
* [SpiralLinux](
* [SteamOS (HoloISO)](
* [Tails](
* [Ubuntu](
* [Ubuntu MATE](
* [UBLinux](
* [VanillaOS](
* [Venom Linux](
* [Void Linux](
* [Whonix](
* [Windowsfx (Linuxfx)](
* [Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL 2 on Win 11)](
* [Xubuntu](
* [Zorin OS](