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Single-file executable tool for working with PMTiles archives

caddy pmtiles

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

Single-file executable tool for working with PMTiles archives




# go-pmtiles

The single-file utility for creating and working with [PMTiles]( archives.

## Installation

See [Releases]( for your OS and architecture.

## Creating a PMTiles archive from MBTiles

Convert an [MBTiles]( archive:

pmtiles convert INPUT.mbtiles OUTPUT.pmtiles

## Create a PMTiles archive from a larger one

pmtiles extract INPUT.pmtiles OUTPUT.pmtiles --region=REGION.geojson
pmtiles extract OUTPUT.pmtiles --region=REGION.geojson
pmtiles extract INPUT.pmtiles OUTPUT.pmtiles --maxzoom=MAXZOOM --bucket=s3://BUCKET_NAME

* `--region` a GeoJSON Polygon, Multipolygon, Feature, or FeatureCollection
* `--maxzoom=13`, `--minzoom=12` extract only a subset of zoom levels, see [docs for details](
* `--download-threads` parallel requests to speed up downloads
* `--overfetch` extra data to download to batch small requests: 0.05 is 5%

## Uploading

Upload an archive to S3-compatible cloud storage:

# requires environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY credentials
pmtiles upload INPUT.pmtiles REMOTE.pmtiles --bucket=s3://BUCKET_NAME

## Inspecting archives

pmtiles show INPUT.pmtiles
pmtiles show INPUT.pmtiles --bucket=s3://BUCKET_NAME

## Serving Z/X/Y tiles

This section covers running a Z/X/Y tile server proxy for clients that read only those URLs. The simplest way to consume PMTiles on the web is directly in the browser: see the [JavaScript examples](

Serve a directory of archives from local or cloud storage as a Z/X/Y endpoint:

pmtiles serve .
# serves at http://localhost:8077/FILENAME/{z}/{x}/{y}.mvt

pmtiles serve / --bucket=s3://BUCKET_NAME
pmtiles serve prefix --bucket=s3://BUCKET_NAME

For production usage, it's recommended to run behind a reverse proxy like Nginx or Caddy to manage HTTP headers (`Access-Control-Allow-Origin`, `Cache-Control`...) and SSL certificates.

pmtiles serve [FLAGS] BUCKET

* `--cors=ORIGIN` set the value of the Access-Control-Allow-Origin. * is a valid value but must be escaped in your shell. Appropriate for development use.
* `--cache-size=SIZE_MB` set the total size of the header and directory LRU cache. Default is 64 MB.
* `--port=PORT` specify the HTTP port.

Metadata is served at the URL path `//metadata`.

Tiles are served at the URL path `////.`, where the extension `` is one of `mvt`, `png`, `jpg`, `webp`, `avif`.

## Remote URLs

Cloud storage URLs can be any URL recognized by [gocloud]( Configure a custom endpoint and region:


You may need to escape special characters like `&` and `?` in your shell.

## Cloud Storage Permissions

To upload your files to AWS S3 you will need an IAM policy for writing/reading to a bucket, at minimum this:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "s3:*",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket-name/*"