
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

Home of the .gov registry

dotgov gov

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

Home of the .gov registry




## The .gov Program

A homepage for the .gov program.

### Built using

* The [U.S. Web Design Standards](, a set of reusable, high quality components for modern websites. Maintains consistency with the [many other U.S. government websites using the Standards](

* The U.S. Web Design Standards [Jekyll theme]( A few of the components have been overwritten or customized, but the theme is in use.

### Developing locally

This site uses [Jekyll](, a Ruby-based static site generator.

The application is optimized for deployment on 18F's [Federalist]( static site hosting service.

Install dependencies with Bundler:

bundle install

And run the site with Jekyll:

bundle exec jekyll serve

If all goes well, visit the site at `http://localhost:4000`.

### Public domain

This project is in the worldwide [public domain]( As stated in [CONTRIBUTING](

> This project is in the public domain within the United States, and copyright and related rights in the work worldwide are waived through the [CC0 1.0 Universal public domain dedication](
> All contributions to this project will be released under the CC0 dedication. By submitting a pull request, you are agreeing to comply with this waiver of copyright interest.