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Android boilerplate app that showcases architecture and libraries used at ribot

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Android boilerplate app that showcases architecture and libraries used at ribot




Thank you for your interest in ribot’s development work. Unfortunately there are no current plans to make any changes to this project in the near future, and it is not being maintained or updated. We hope you still find this a useful resource and you can check out the newest recommendations in [Android Jetpack]( for more ideas!

# Android Boilerplate

Sample Android app that we use at [ribot]( as a reference for new Android projects. It demonstrates the architecture, tools and guidelines that we use when developing for the Android platform (

Libraries and tools included:

- Support libraries
- RecyclerViews and CardViews
- [RxJava]( and [RxAndroid](
- [Retrofit 2](
- [Dagger 2](
- [SqlBrite](
- [Butterknife](
- [Timber](
- [Glide](
- [AutoValue]( with extensions [AutoValueParcel]( and [AutoValueGson](
- Functional tests with [Espresso](
- [Robolectric](
- [Mockito](
- [Checkstyle](, [PMD]( and [Findbugs]( for code analysis

## Requirements

- JDK 1.8
- [Android SDK](
- Android N [(API 24) ](
- Latest Android SDK Tools and build tools.

## Architecture

This project follows ribot's Android architecture guidelines that are based on [MVP (Model View Presenter)]( Read more about them [here](


### How to implement a new screen following MVP

Imagine you have to implement a sign in screen.

1. Create a new package under `ui` called `signin`
2. Create an new Activity called `ActivitySignIn`. You could also use a Fragment.
3. Define the view interface that your Activity is going to implement. Create a new interface called `SignInMvpView` that extends `MvpView`. Add the methods that you think will be necessary, e.g. `showSignInSuccessful()`
4. Create a `SignInPresenter` class that extends `BasePresenter`
5. Implement the methods in `SignInPresenter` that your Activity requires to perform the necessary actions, e.g. `signIn(String email)`. Once the sign in action finishes you should call `getMvpView().showSignInSuccessful()`.
6. Create a `SignInPresenterTest`and write unit tests for `signIn(email)`. Remember to mock the `SignInMvpView` and also the `DataManager`.
7. Make your `ActivitySignIn` implement `SignInMvpView` and implement the required methods like `showSignInSuccessful()`
8. In your activity, inject a new instance of `SignInPresenter` and call `presenter.attachView(this)` from `onCreate` and `presenter.detachView()` from `onDestroy()`. Also, set up a click listener in your button that calls `presenter.signIn(email)`.

## Code Quality

This project integrates a combination of unit tests, functional test and code analysis tools.

### Tests

To run **unit** tests on your machine:

./gradlew test

To run **functional** tests on connected devices:

./gradlew connectedAndroidTest

Note: For Android Studio to use syntax highlighting for Automated tests and Unit tests you **must** switch the Build Variant to the desired mode.

### Code Analysis tools

The following code analysis tools are set up on this project:

* [PMD]( It finds common programming flaws like unused variables, empty catch blocks, unnecessary object creation, and so forth. See [this project's PMD ruleset](config/quality/pmd/pmd-ruleset.xml).

./gradlew pmd

* [Findbugs]( This tool uses static analysis to find bugs in Java code. Unlike PMD, it uses compiled Java bytecode instead of source code.

./gradlew findbugs

* [Checkstyle]( It ensures that the code style follows [our Android code guidelines]( See our [checkstyle config file](config/quality/checkstyle/checkstyle-config.xml).

./gradlew checkstyle

### The check task

To ensure that your code is valid and stable use check:

./gradlew check

This will run all the code analysis tools and unit tests in the following order:

![Check Diagram](images/check-task-diagram.png)

## Distribution

The project can be distributed using either [Crashlytics]( or the [Google Play Store](

### Play Store

We use the __Gradle Play Publisher__ plugin. Once set up correctly, you will be able to push new builds to
the Alpha, Beta or production channels like this

./gradlew publishApkRelease
Read [plugin documentation]( for more info.

### Crashlytics

You can also use Fabric's Crashlytics for distributing beta releases. Remember to add your fabric
account details to `app/src/`.

To upload a release build to Crashlytics run:

./gradlew assembleRelease crashlyticsUploadDistributionRelease

## New project setup

To quickly start a new project from this boilerplate follow the next steps:

* Download this [repository as a zip](
* Change the package name.
* Rename packages in main, androidTest and test using Android Studio.
* In `app/build.gradle` file, `packageName` and `testInstrumentationRunner`.
* In `src/main/AndroidManifest.xml` and `src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml`.
* Create a new git repository, [see GitHub tutorial](
* Replace the example code with your app code following the same architecture.
* In `app/build.gradle` add the signing config to enable release versions.
* Add Fabric API key and secret to and uncomment Fabric plugin set up in `app/build.gradle`
* Update `` to keep models (see TODO in file) and add extra rules to file if needed.
* Update README with information relevant to the new project.
* Update LICENSE to match the requirements of the new project.

## License

Copyright 2015 Ribot Ltd.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.