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It's a music remix generator

Last synced: 2 months ago
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It's a music remix generator




# MusicRemixer
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## Using the API
* Endpoint+path :
* Method: POST
* Body: type/json, urls = array of string(url to a wav file)
* Return : Wav file(Remix music)
## Proposed Architecture of Model and Workflow
### Segregate the beats from the track
Using Dynamic programming, can separate the beats from each other. Beats are detected in three stages, following the method of [Ellis, Daniel PW. “Beat tracking by dynamic programming”]( The stages are as following,
1. Measure onset strength
2. Estimate tempo from onset correlation
3. Pick peaks in onset strength approximately consistent with estimated tempo.
#### Implementation
def beatExtractor(track,sr):
tempo, beat_times = librosa.beat.beat_track(track, sr=sr,tightness=10,start_bpm=30, units='time')
beat_points = beat_times*sr
for point in beat_points:
plt.plot([point,point],[-1,1], color="orange")
plt.legend(["Sound Wave","Beat points"])
beats = []
for i in range(len(beat_points)):
beats = np.array(beats)
return beats
#### Results

### Extract the features from segregated beats
Extract the features to differentiate between the peculiarity of different beats in the music. To get the features, I have used the short time Fourier series transform (STFT). We know that any sound wave is sum of different sinusoidal wave which are Fourier series themselves. I have extracted 50 features from the beats according to the chromogram of the discrete Fourier series over short time span.

#### Implementation
def featureExtractor(beats, sr, n_features):
features =[]
for beat in beats:
beat_features_raw = librosa.feature.chroma_stft(y=beat, sr=sr,n_chroma=n_features)
beat_features = []
for raw in beat_features_raw:
features = np.array(features)
return features
#### Results

### Create clusters based on the extracted features
I have implemented K means clustering on the data. A cluster refers to a collection of data points aggregated together because of certain similarities. You’ll define a target number k, which refers to the number of centroids you need in the dataset. A centroid is the imaginary or real location representing the centre of the cluster. Every data point is allocated to each of the clusters through reducing the in-cluster sum of squares. In other words, the K-means algorithm identifies k number of centroids, and then allocates every data point to the nearest cluster, while keeping the centroids as small as possible. The ‘means’ in the K-means refers to averaging of the data; that is, finding the centroid.

#### Implementation
def groupExtractor(features, beats, n_groups):
raise ValueError("Error: beats and features mismatch")
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=n_groups, init='k-means++', random_state=0)
y_kmeans = kmeans.fit_predict(features)
group_to_index = {}
for i in range(len(y_kmeans)):
group_to_index[y_kmeans[i]] = []
for i in range(len(y_kmeans)):
return (y_kmeans, group_to_index)

#### Results

### Generate new music from the beats
To generate the music, there is not a hard bound theory I have used till now, I just simply took a logical algorithm to build the music. At every beat, we will do a random check if the next beat will be the correct next beat as per the original music or it will be a random beat from the cluster of the current beat. So, the current track will be 1-2-3-4-2 as shown in the figure.

![Model Arch](./Backend/tmp/model.png)

for i in range(N_BEATS):
nextTone = random.randint(0,TEMPERATURE)
if(nextTone==0 and curr_beat