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A Substrate UTXO workshop

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A Substrate UTXO workshop




# UTXO on Substrate

### _Note: this workshop is presently not actively maintained and is using older versions of all dependancies than presently used in substrate._

A UTXO chain implementation on Substrate, with two self-guided workshops. Original [UXTO inspiration]( by [Dmitriy Kashitsyn](

Substrate Version: `2.0.0-rc6`. For educational purposes only.

## Table of Contents
- [Installation](#Installation): Setting up Rust & Substrate dependencies

- [UI Demo](#UI-Demo): Demo of UTXO implementation in a simple UI

- [Beginner Workshop](#Beginner-Workshop): A self guided, 1 hour workshop that familiarizes you with Substrate.

- [Advanced Workshop](#Advanced-Workshop): A self guided, 2 hour video tutorial, that teaches you how to build a UTXO blockchain from scratch.

- [Helpful Resources](#Helpful-Resources): Additional supporting documentation and references for troubleshooting.

## Installation

### 1. Install or update Rust
curl -sSf | sh

# On Windows, download and run rustup-init.exe
# from instead

rustup update nightly
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly
rustup update stable

### 2. Clone this workshop

Clone your copy of the workshop codebase

git clone

## UI Demo

In this UI demo, you will interact with the UTXO blockchain via the [Polkadot UI](

The following example takes you through a scenario where:
- Alice already owns a UTXO of value 100 upon genesis
- Alice sends Bob a UTXO with value 50, tipping the remainder to validators

1. Compile and build a release node
cargo build --release

2. Start a node. The `--dev` flag will start a single mining node, and the `--tmp` flag will start it in a new temporary directory.
./target/release/utxo-workshop --dev --tmp

3. In the console note the helper printouts. In particular, notice the default account `Alice` already has `100 UTXO` within the genesis block.

4. Open [Polkadot JS]( making sure the client is connected to your local node by going to Settings > General and selecting `Local Node` in the `remote node` dropdown.

5. **Declare custom datatypes in PolkadotJS** as the frontend cannot automatically detect this information. To do this, go to Settings > Developer tab and paste in the following JSON:

"Address": "AccountId",
"LookupSource": "AccountId",
"Value": "u128",
"TransactionInput": {
"outpoint": "Hash",
"sigscript": "H512"
"TransactionOutput": {
"value": "Value",
"pubkey": "Hash"
"Transaction": {
"inputs": "Vec",
"outputs": "Vec"
"Difficulty": "U256",
"DifficultyAndTimestamp": {
"difficulty": "Difficulty",
"timestamp": "Moment"
"Public": "H256"

6. **Confirm that Alice already has 100 UTXO at genesis**. In `Chain State` > `Storage`, select `utxo`. Input the hash `0x76584168d10a20084082ed80ec71e2a783abbb8dd6eb9d4893b089228498e9ff`. Click the `+` notation to query blockchain state.

Notice that:
- This UTXO has a value of `100`
- This UTXO belongs to Alice's pubkey. You use the [subkey]( tool to confirm that the pubkey indeed belongs to Alice

7. **Spend Alice's UTXO, giving 50 to Bob.** In the `Extrinsics` tab, invoke the `spend` function from the `utxo` pallet, using Alice as the transaction sender. Use the following input parameters:

- outpoint: `0x76584168d10a20084082ed80ec71e2a783abbb8dd6eb9d4893b089228498e9ff`
- sigscript: `0x6ceab99702c60b111c12c2867679c5555c00dcd4d6ab40efa01e3a65083bfb6c6f5c1ed3356d7141ec61894153b8ba7fb413bf1e990ed99ff6dee5da1b24fd83`
- value: `50`
- pubkey: `0x8eaf04151687736326c9fea17e25fc5287613693c912909cb226aa4794f26a48`

Send as an `unsigned` transaction. With UTXO blockchains, the proof is already in the `sigscript` input.

8. **Verify that your transaction succeeded**. In `Chain State`, look up the newly created UTXO hash: `0xdbc75ab8ee9b83dcbcea4695f9c42754d94e92c3c397d63b1bc627c2a2ef94e6` to verify that a new UTXO of 50, belonging to Bob, now exists! Also you can verify that Alice's original UTXO has been spent and no longer exists in UtxoStore.

*Coming soon: A video walkthrough of the above demo.*

## Beginner Workshop
**Estimated time**: 2 hours

In this workshop you will:
- Get familiar with basic Rust and Substrate functionality
- Prevent malicious users from sending bad UTXO transactions

Your challenge is to fix the code such that:
1. The Rust compiler compiles without any errors
2. All tests in `` pass, ensuring secure transactions

### Directions
1. Checkout the `workshop` branch. The `Master` branch has the solutions, so don't peek!

git fetch origin workshop:workshop
git checkout workshop

2. Cd into the base directory. Run the test using: `cargo test -p utxo-runtime`.

compiling utxo-runtime v2.0.0 (/Users/nicole/Desktop/utxo-workshop/runtime)
error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared type or module `H512`
--> /Users/nicole/Desktop/utxo-workshop/runtime/src/
236 | input.sigscript = H512::zero();
| ^^^^ use of undeclared type or module `H512`


3. Your first task: fix all the compiler errors! Hint: Look for the `TODO` comments in `` to see where to fix errors.

4. Once your code compiles, it's now time to fix the `8` failing tests!


5. In ``, edit the logic in `validate_transaction()` function to make all tests pass.

running 8 tests
test utxo::tests::attack_by_overflowing_value ... ok
test utxo::tests::attack_by_double_counting_input ... ok
test utxo::tests::attack_by_double_generating_output ... ok
test utxo::tests::attack_by_over_spending ... ok
test utxo::tests::attack_with_empty_transactions ... ok
test utxo::tests::attack_with_invalid_signature ... ok
test utxo::tests::attack_by_permanently_sinking_outputs ... ok
test utxo::tests::test_simple_transaction ... ok

## Advanced Workshop

**Estimated time**: 2 hours

In this workshop, you will implement this UTXO project from scratch using Substrate.

You will learn:
- How to implement the UTXO ledger model on Substrate
- How to secure UTXO transactions against attacks
- How to seed genesis block with UTXOs
- How to reward block validators in this environment
- How to customize transaction pool logic on Substrate
- Good coding patterns for working with Substrate & Rust, including testing and refactoring

Checkout the `startercode` branch to get the boilerplate for this workshop.
git fetch origin startercode:startercode
git checkout startercode

## Helpful Resources
- [Substrate documentation](
- [bytes to Vec converter](
- [Polkadot UI](