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A data-driven UICollectionView framework for building fast and flexible lists.

diffing instagram ios objective-c uicollectionview

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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A data-driven UICollectionView framework for building fast and flexible lists.




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Pods Version


Carthage Compatible


A data-driven `UICollectionView` framework for building fast and flexible lists.

| | Main Features |
🙅 | Never call `performBatchUpdates(_:, completion:)` or `reloadData()` again
🏠 | Better architecture with reusable cells and components
🔠 | Create collections with multiple data types
🔑 | Decoupled diffing algorithm
✅ | Fully unit tested
🔍 | Customize your diffing behavior for your models
📱 | Simply `UICollectionView` at its core
🚀 | Extendable API
🐦 | Written in Objective-C with full Swift interop support

`IGListKit` is built and maintained with ❤️ by [Instagram engineering](
We use the open source version `main` branch in the Instagram app.

## Multilingual translation

[Chinese README](

## Requirements

- Xcode 11.0+
- iOS 11.0+
- tvOS 11.0+
- macOS 10.13+ *(diffing algorithm components only)*
- Interoperability with Swift 3.0+

## Installation

### CocoaPods

The preferred installation method is with [CocoaPods]( Add the following to your `Podfile`:

pod 'IGListKit', '~> 4.0.0'

### Carthage

For [Carthage](, add the following to your `Cartfile`:

github "Instagram/IGListKit" ~> 4.0.0

### Swift Package Manager

For [Swift Package Manager](

To integrate using Xcode:

File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency

Enter package URL:, and select the latest release.

> For advanced usage, see our [Installation Guide](

## Getting Started

Try out IGListKit by opening any of the sample apps available in the `Examples ` directory.

- Our [Getting Started guide](
- Ray Wenderlich's [IGListKit Tutorial: Better UICollectionViews](
- Our [example projects](
- Ryan Nystrom's [talk at try! Swift NYC]( this talk was for an earlier version. Some APIs have changed.)
- [Migrating an UITableView to IGListCollectionView](, by Rodrigo Cavalcante
- [Keeping data fresh in Buffer for iOS with AsyncDisplayKit, IGListKit & Pusher](, Andy Yates, Buffer

## Documentation

You can find [the docs here]( Documentation is generated with [jazzy]( and hosted on [GitHub-Pages](

To regenerate docs, run `./scripts/` from the root directory in the repo.

## Vision

For the long-term goals and "vision" of `IGListKit`, please read our [Vision]( doc.

## Contributing

Please see the [CONTRIBUTING]( file for how to help. At Instagram, we sync the open source version of `IGListKit` daily, so we're always testing the latest changes. But that requires all changes be thoroughly tested and follow our style guide.

We have a set of [starter tasks]( that are great for beginners to jump in on and start contributing.

## License

`IGListKit` is [MIT-licensed](./

The files in the `/Examples/` directory are licensed under a separate license as specified in each file. Documentation is licensed [CC-BY-4.0](

## Legal

Copyright © Meta Platforms, Inc • Terms of UsePrivacy Policy