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A library for easily parsing and working with XML in Fable projects

fable parser xml xml-parser

Last synced: 2 months ago
JSON representation

A library for easily parsing and working with XML in Fable projects




# Fable.SimpleXml [![Build Status](]( [![Build Status](]( [![Nuget](](

A simple library for parsing Xml strings into structured Xml data. Works in browser and node without installing any extra javascript dependencies. It is written using parser combinators from [Fable.Parsimmon](

### See the library in action in the [Test page](

### Installation
Install from nuget using paket
paket add nuget Fable.SimpleXml --project path/to/YourProject.fsproj
Make sure the references are added to your paket files
# paket.dependencies (solution-wide dependencies)
nuget Fable.SimpleXml

# paket.refernces (project-specific dependencies)

### Example usage
type Person = { Id : int; Name: string }

let createPerson id name =
{ Id = id; Name = name }


|> SimpleXml.parseElement
|> SimpleXml.findElementsByName "Person"
|> (fun elem ->
let id = int (Map.find "Id" elem.Attributes)
let name = Map.find "Name" elem.Attributes
createPerson id name)
Or you can inspect the content of the elements:
testCase "SimpleXml use case" <| fun test ->
|> SimpleXml.parseElementNonStrict
|> SimpleXml.children
|> SimpleXml.content
|> test.areEqual [ "John"; "Jane" ]
### API

// Parsing functions
SimpleXml.tryParseElement : string -> Option
SimpleXml.parseElement : string -> XmlElement
SimpleXml.tryParseDocument : string -> Option
SimpleXml.parseDocument : string -> XmlDocument

// Non strict parsing functions, exludes text nodes between elements (leaving Content intact)
SimpleXml.parseElementNonStrict : string -> XmlElement
SimpleXml.tryParseElementNonStrict : string -> Option
SimpleXml.tryParseDocumentNonStrict : string -> Option
SimpleXml.parseDocumentNonStrict : string -> XmlDocument

// Search functions
SimpleXml.findElementsBy : (XmlElement -> bool) -> XmlElement -> XmlElement list
SimpleXml.findElementsByName : string -> XmlElement -> XmlElement list
SimpleXml.findElementByName : string -> XmlElement -> XmlElement
SimpleXml.findElementsByExactAttributes : Map -> XmlElement -> XmlElement list
SimpleXml.findElementByAttribute : string -> string -> XmlElement -> XmlElement list
SimpleXml.tryFindElementByAttributes : Map -> XmlElement -> Option
SimpleXml.tryFindElementByName : string -> XmlElement -> Option
/// ... AND MORE ...

Where `XmlElement` and `XmlDocument` are defined as follows:
type XmlElement = {
Namespace : string option
Name : string
Attributes : Map
Content : string
Children : XmlElement list
SelfClosing : bool
IsTextNode : bool
IsComment : bool

type XmlDocument = {
Declaration : Map option
Root : XmlElement

### Generate Xml:
Create Xml from a tree structure. Opening the `Fable.SimpleXml.Generator` module, gives you access to these:
- `node`: creates a nested element
- `leaf`: creates a self-closing element
- `text`: creates a terminal node with text
- `comment`: creates a comment
- `namespace`: adds a namespace prefix to a `node` or a `leaf`
- `attr.value`: create an attribute
- `ofXmlElement`/`ofXmlElements`: Can be used to convert a `XmlElemnt` to a Xml tree
- `serializeXml`: converts a Xml tree to a xml string

> Indentation is not supported yet. PR's are welcome ;)

open Fable.SimpleXml.Generator

let people =
node "people" [ ] [
leaf "person" [
attr.value("name", "John Doe")
attr.value("age", 26)
attr.value("married", false)

leaf "person" [
attr.value("name", "Jane Doe")
attr.value("age", 25)
attr.value("married", true)

serializeXml people
will generate:


Use nested property
let person =
node "person" [ ] [
node "id" [ ] [ text "1" ]
node "name" [ ] [ text "John" ]
node "married" [ ] [ text "false" ]

serializeXml person
will generate



Access any xml to update/change it
let xml =


let parsedXml = SimpleXml.parseElement xml

// .. Work with the xml by removing, changing, adding any xml element or attribute including comments and namespaces. ..

// Revert XmlElement back to xml string

let xmlTree = Generator.ofXmlElement parsedXml

serializeXml xmlTree

### Running sample app locally
./ RunSample
build RunSample
### Running the tests live
./ RunLiveTests
### Building the tests and running QUnit cli runner
./ RunTests
or just `Ctrl + Shift + B` to run the cli tests as a VS Code task