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Fable bindings for Ant Design (

Last synced: 2 months ago
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Fable bindings for Ant Design (




# Fable.AntDesign

| __Fable.AntD__ | __SwiftUI style (class based) bindings__ | badge |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |

### Getting Started

- Include the bindings from NuGet:

`dotnet package add Fable.AntDesign`

- Include the Ant Design React libraries from NPM

"dependencies": {
"antd": "^4.0.0",
"@ant-design/icons": "^4.0.0",
"@ant-design/charts": "^1.2.14"
- Reference the styles

@import "../../node_modules/antd/dist/antd.min.css";

### Example

Live: [](

open Fable.Builders.AntDesign

let view model dispatch =
Content {
PageHeader {
title (str "Login")
subTitle (str "Please log-in to enter.")

Form {
style [ MaxWidth "320px"; Margin "0 auto" ]
onFinish (fun values -> dispatch (BeginLogin(string values.["username"], string values.["password"])))

FormItem {
name "email"
key "login-email"
rules [
[ FormRule.RuleType FormRuleType.Email
FormRule.Message "This isn't a valid email" ]
[ FormRule.Required true
FormRule.Message "This field is mandatory" ] ]
Input {
prefix (basicIcon icons.MailOutlined { style [ Color "lightgray" ] })
placeholder "Email"

FormItem {
name "password"
key "login-password"
rules [
[ FormRule.Required true
FormRule.Message "This field is mandatory" ] ]
Password {
prefix (basicIcon icons.LockOutlined { style [ Color "lightgray" ] })

FormItem {
key "login-submit"
Button {
style [ Width "100%" ]
buttonType ButtonType.Primary
loading model.IsLoggingIn
htmlType ButtonHtmlType.Submit

str "Login"

FormItem {
key "login-links"
Button {
buttonType ButtonType.Link
str "Register"
Button {
style [ Float FloatOptions.Right ]
buttonType ButtonType.Link
str "Forgot password?"

### FAQ
- When supplying `formItem.rules`, make sure the form item has a Name otherwise the validations won't work
- Use `formItem.key` to make sure the form item is recreated if switching between forms