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HTTP Library for Solidity based on curl

Last synced: 2 months ago
JSON representation

HTTP Library for Solidity based on curl






**Perform web requests from Solidity scripts/tests**

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## Installation

forge install memester-xyz/surl

## Usage

1. Add this import to your script or test:

import {Surl} from "surl/Surl.sol";

2. Add this directive inside of your Contract:

using Surl for *;

3. Make your HTTP requests:

// Perform a simple get request
(uint256 status, bytes memory data) = "".get();

// Perform a get request with headers
string[] memory headers = new string[](2);
headers[0] = "accept: application/json";
headers[1] = "Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==";
(uint256 status, bytes memory data) = "".get(headers);

// Perform a post request with headers and JSON body
string[] memory headers = new string[](1);
headers[0] = "Content-Type: application/json";
(uint256 status, bytes memory data) = "".post(headers, '{"foo": "bar"}');

// Perform a put request
(uint256 status, bytes memory data) = "".put();

// Perform a patch request
(uint256 status, bytes memory data) = "".patch();

// Perform a delete request (unfortunately 'delete' is a reserved keyword and cannot be used as a function name)
(uint256 status, bytes memory data) = "".del();

4. You must enable [ffi]( in order to use the library. You can either pass the `--ffi` flag to any forge commands you run (e.g. `forge script Script --ffi`), or you can add `ffi = true` to your `foundry.toml` file.

### Notes

- It assumes you are running on a UNIX based machine with `bash`, `tail`, `sed`, `tr`, `curl` and `cast` installed.

## Example

We have example usage for both [tests](./test/Surl.t.sol) and [scripts](./script/). The tests also demonstrate how surl can be used to request quotes from DEX aggregators and parse their json response with [cheatcodes](

## Contributing

Clone this repo and run:

forge install

Get a [1inch API Key]( and set it in a `.env` file (copy `.env.example`).

Make sure all tests pass, add new ones if needed:

forge test

## Why?

[Forge scripting]( is becoming more popular. With Surl you can extend your scripts easily with HTTP requests.

## Development

This project uses [Foundry]( See the [book]( for instructions on how to install and use Foundry.