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A beautiful CLI dashboard for GitHub 🚀

bubbles bubbletea cli cobra gh-extension github glamour go golang lipgloss terminal

Last synced: 2 months ago
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A beautiful CLI dashboard for GitHub 🚀




# gh-dash

✨ A GitHub (`gh`) CLI extension to display a dashboard with **pull requests** and **issues** by filters you care about.

Latest Release

## ✨ Features
* 🌅 fully configurable - define sections using github filters
* 🔍 search for both prs and issues
* 📝 customize columns with `hidden`, `width` and `grow` props
* ⚡️ act on prs and issues with checkout, comment, open, merge, diff, etc...
* ⌨️ set custom actions with new keybindings
* 💅 use custom themes
* 🔭 view details about a pr/issue with a detailed sidebar
* 🪟 write multiple configuration files to easily switch between completely different dashboards
* ♻️ set an interval for auto refreshing the dashboard

## 📦 Installation

1. Install the `gh` CLI - see the [installation](

_Installation requires a minimum version (2.0.0) of the the GitHub CLI that supports extensions._

2. Install this extension:

gh extension install dlvhdr/gh-dash

3. To get the icons to render properly you should download and install a Nerd font from
Then, select that font as your font for the terminal.

Installing Manually

> If you want to install this extension **manually**, follow these steps:

1. Clone the repo

# git
git clone

# GitHub CLI
gh repo clone dlvhdr/gh-dash

2. Cd into it

cd gh-dash

3. Build it

go build

4. Install it locally
gh extension install .

How do I get these exact colors and font?

> I'm using [Alacritty]( with the [tokyonight theme]( and the [Fira Code]( Nerd Font.
> For my full setup check out [my dotfiles](

## ⚡️ Usage

gh dash
Then press ? for help.

Run `gh dash --help` for more info:
gh dash [flags]

-c, --config string use this configuration file (default is $GH_DASH_CONFIG, or if not set, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gh-dash/config.yml)
--debug passing this flag will allow writing debug output to debug.log
-h, --help help for gh-dash

## ⚙️ Configuring

A section is defined by a:
- title - shown in the TUI
- filters - how the repo's PRs should be filtered - these are plain [github filters](

All configuration is provided within a `config.yml` file under the extension's directory (either `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gh-dash` or `~/.config/gh-dash/` or your OS config dir) or `$GH_DASH_CONFIG`.

An example `config.yml` file contains:

- title: My Pull Requests
filters: is:open author:@me
hidden: true
# width:
# grow: this will make the column grow in size
- title: Needs My Review
filters: is:open review-requested:@me
- title: Subscribed
filters: is:open -author:@me repo:cli/cli repo:dlvhdr/gh-dash
limit: 50 # optional limit of rows fetched for this section
- title: Created
filters: is:open author:@me
- title: Assigned
filters: is:open assignee:@me
- title: Subscribed
filters: is:open -author:@me repo:microsoft/vscode repo:dlvhdr/gh-dash
grow: true,
width: 10
hidden: false
# issues: same structure as prs
prsLimit: 20 # global limit
issuesLimit: 20 # global limit
open: true # wether to have the preview pane open by default
width: 60 # width in columns
refetchIntervalMinutes: 30 # will refetch all sections every 30 minutes
repoPaths: # configure where to locate repos when checking out PRs
:owner/:repo: ~/src/ # template if you always clone github repos in a consistent location
dlvhdr/*: ~/code/repos/dlvhdr/* # will match dlvhdr/repo-name to ~/code/repos/dlvhdr/repo-name
dlvhdr/gh-dash: ~/code/gh-dash # will not match wildcard and map to specified path
keybindings: # optional, define custom keybindings - see more info below
theme: # optional, see more info below
diff: less # or delta for example

### 🗃 Running with a different config file

You can run `gh dash --config ` to run `gh-dash` against another config file.

This lets you easily define multiple dashboards with different sections.

It can be useful if you want to have a 🧳 work and 👩‍💻 personal dashboards, or if you want to view multiple dashboards at the same time.

### ⌨️ Keybindings

Define your own custom keybindings to run bash commands using [Go Templates](
This is available for both PRs and Issues.

For PRs, the available arguments are:

| Argument | Description |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `RepoName` | The full name of the repo (e.g. `dlvhdr/gh-dash`) |
| `RepoPath` | The path to the Repo, using the `config.yml` `repoPaths` key to get the mapping |
| `PrNumber` | The PR number |
| `HeadRefName` | The PR's remote branch name |
| `BaseRefName` | The PR's base branch name |

For Issues, the available arguments are:

| Argument | Description |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `RepoName` | The full name of the repo (e.g. `dlvhdr/gh-dash`) |
| `RepoPath` | The path to the Repo, using the `config.yml` `repoPaths` key to get the mapping |
| `IssueNumber` | The Issue number |

#### Examples

To review a PR with either Neovim or VSCode include the following in your `config.yml` file:

dlvhdr/gh-dash: ~/code/gh-dash

- key: c
command: >
tmux new-window -c {{.RepoPath}} '
gh pr checkout {{.PrNumber}} &&
nvim -c ":DiffviewOpen master...{{.HeadRefName}}"
- key: v
command: >
cd {{.RepoPath}} &&
code . &&
gh pr checkout {{.PrNumber}}

To pin an issue include the following in your `config.yml` file:

- key: P
command: gh issue pin {{.IssueNumber}} --repo {{.RepoName}}

### 🚥 Repo Path Matching

Repo name to path mappings can be exact match (full name, full path) or wildcard matched using the `owner` and partial path.

An exact match for the full repo name to a full path takes priority over a matching wildcard, and wildcard matches must match to a wildcard path.

An `:owner/:repo` template can be specified as a generic fallback.

:owner/:repo: ~/src/ # template if you always clone github repos in a consistent location
dlvhdr/*: ~/code/repos/dlvhdr/* # will match dlvhdr/repo-name to ~/code/repos/dlvhdr/repo-name
dlvhdr/gh-dash: ~/code/gh-dash # will not match wildcard and map to specified path

The `RepoName` and `RepoPath` keybinding arguments are fully expanded when sent to the command.

### 💅 Custom Themes

To override the default set of terminal colors and instead create your own color scheme, you can define one in your `config.yml` file.
If you choose to go this route, you need to specify _all_ of the following keys as colors in hex format (`#RRGGBB`), otherwise validation will fail.

showSeparator: true
primary: "#E2E1ED"
secondary: "#666CA6"
inverted: "#242347"
faint: "#3E4057"
warning: "#F23D5C"
success: "#3DF294"
selected: "#39386B"
primary: "#383B5B"
secondary: "#39386B"
faint: "#2B2B40"

### 🪟 Layout

You can customize each section's layout as well as the global layout.

For example, to hide the `author` column for **all** PR sections, include the following in your `config.yml`.
hidden: true

- For `prs` the column names are: `updatedAt, repo, author, title, reviewStatus, state, ci, lines, assignees, base`.
- For `issues` the column names are: `updatedAt, state, repo, title, creator, assignees, comments, reactions`.
- The available properties to control are: `grow` (false, true), `width` (number of cells), and `hidden` (false, true).

## Author

Dolev Hadar [email protected]