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Heraldry generator and editor

dungeons-and-dragons generator heraldry javascript procedural-generation svelte

Last synced: 2 months ago
JSON representation

Heraldry generator and editor




# Armoria

Armoria is a procedural heraldry generator and editor by Azgaar. It's both a serverless GUI tool and server-side API. Almost the same code is also used as a part of the [Fantasy Map Generator]( project.

The GUI version is available on [Github Pages]( Join our [Reddit community]( and [Discord server]( to share your creations, discuss the tool, suggest ideas and get the most recent updates.

You can support the project on [Patreon](

A tutorial is available [on Wiki]( In case you want to help with translation, join the project on [Crowdin](

![Gallery View](public/preview.png)

![Editor View](

## For Developers

The tool is almost zero-dependency vanilla JS with just [Svelte]( used for GUI. Svelte is a bit specific framework that compiles components to vanilla JS.

Pull requests are welcomed.

### Installation

Clone the repository and install the dependencies, then run `dev` to start Rollup and build in dev mode:

git clone
cd Armoria
npm install
npm run dev

Navigate to [localhost:5000](http://localhost:5000). You should see the app running. Edit a component file in `src`, save it, and reload the page to see your changes.

To create an optimised version run `npm run build`.

## API

Armoria API is available as a separate project, see [the documentation]( The API allows to `GET` random or predefined vector and raster heraldic images of a given size.

## Alternatives

While Armoria is focused on coat of arms generation and UI simplicity, there are some alternatives that cover heraldry more precisely.

[Heraldry.Digital]( aims to support most of the heraldry features and create a system able to convert between blazonry and metadata. It allows users to create much more complex coats of arms, while it is not a generator and can be hard to use.

[DrawShield]( is another wonderful project. It allows to render a coat of arms taking the heraldic blazon as input.

## License

The code is distributed under [MIT]( Feel free to use it for any purpose.

Simple svg shapes and charges are self-made and available under [CC0]( A lot of the complex charge renders are from [WappenWiki]( and available for [non-commercial use only]( Check out the license details added to svg files and available on the _License_ screen on UI.

All images are manually optimized by me.