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📝 Better lists for Draft.js

draft-js draft-js-plugins react text-editor

Last synced: 3 months ago
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📝 Better lists for Draft.js




# Draft.js List Plugin

**Better lists for Draft.js**

- **Automatically creates lists when lines begin with `*`, `1.` or similar**
- **Allows creating nested lists using the tab key**
- Simple setup
- TypeScript type definitions

→ **[Demo](**

Plugin demo

## Usage

This plugin requires you to have [`draft-js-plugins`]( set up in your project.

Install the plugin using NPM:

npm install draft-js-list-plugin

Import the list plugin in your Editor component:

import React, { Component } from "react";
import PluginEditor from "draft-js-plugins-editor";
import createListPlugin from "draft-js-list-plugin";

// Make sure to import `Draft.css` somewhere
import "draft-js/dist/Draft.css";

const listPlugin = createListPlugin();
const plugins = [listPlugin];

export default class Editor extends Component {
// ...

render() {
const { editorState } = this.state;

return (


See [Editor.tsx](./demo/src/Editor.tsx) for a full example.

## Configuration

You can pass options to the plugin the following way:

const listPlugin = createListPlugin({
// Your options

Supported options:

- **`allowNestedLists`** (`boolean`): Whether the user should be able to create sublists (nested lists). Default: `true`
- **`maxDepth`** (`number`): Allows you to control how deep the list nesting can be. Default: `4`
- **`olRegex`** (`RegExp`): Regular expression for determining whether a numbered list should be started. Default: `/\d\./`
- **`ulChars`** (`string[]`): List of characters with which bullet lists can be started. Default: `["-", "–", "*"]`

## Development

Requirements: Node.js, Yarn

1. Clone this repository: `git clone REPO_URL`
2. Install all dependencies: `yarn`
3. Generate the library bundle: `yarn start`
4. View the demo on `localhost:3000`

Suggestions and contributions are always welcome! Please discuss larger changes via issue before submitting a pull request.