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Client-side app orchestration framework

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Client-side app orchestration framework




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All of the dependencies. None of the hassle. Just code.

Using a known set of compatible dependency versions, Orchestra takes the pain away from setting up your Marionette applications. Just install and go!

Utilising the power of the Marionette framework along with a proven architecture for messaging in Backbone.Radio you have the structure and core tools needed to implement large Javascript applications that are designed to support multi-currency and multi-languages from the outset.

## Install

To install Orchestra with node package manager use:

npm install --save orchestra

### Getting started

Orchestra works best using ES6 imports, we recommend using Babel.js to import the library. If you wish to use a different module loader take a look at the examples below:


import Orchestra from 'orchestra';


var Orchestra = require('orchestra');

NOTE: we recommend the use of `browserify-shim` property to point to the commonjs version of Orchestra located in the `lib` folder.


baseUrl: "/path/to/scripts",
paths: {
"Orchestra": "./node_modules/orchestra/lib/index"

## Included Libraries

Orchestra exports a number of useful libraries used when building large scale Javascript applications, for details on the usage of these libraries please use the links below:

### Backbone.js
[repo]( | [docs](

_"Backbone.js gives structure to web applications by providing models with key-value binding and custom events, collections with a rich API of enumerable functions, views with declarative event handling, and connects it all to your existing API over a RESTful JSON interface."_

To access Backbone properties via Orchestra, simply replace `Backbone.` with `Orchestra.`

var Orchestra = require('orchestra');
var collection = new Orchestra.Collection();

### Marionette.js
[repo]( | [docs](

_"Marionette simplifies your Backbone application code with robust views and architecture solutions."_

To use Marionette functionality just replace `Marionette.` with `Orchestra.`

var Orchestra = require('orchestra');
var CollectionView = Orchestra.CollectionView.extend({});

### Lodash
[repo]( | [docs](

_"A JavaScript utility library delivering consistency, modularity, performance, & extras."_

To access the Lodash API from Orchesra, just use the `Orchestra._` property.

var Orchestra = require('orchestra');
var _ = Orchestra._;

_.each(someArray, function(item, index) {
console.log('item at ' + index + ' = ' + item);

### Backbone.Radio

_"Backbone.Radio provides additional messaging patterns for Backbone applications."_

To access Radio's API via Orchestra just use the `Orchestra.Radio` property.

var Orchestra = require('orchestra');
var soundChannel ='sound');

### Backbone.Routing

_"Simple router and route classes for Backbone."_

Backbone.Routing exposes 2 classes: `Router` and `Route`. These class are available via Orchestra using
the following syntax:

var Orchestra = require('orchestra');

var IndexRoute = Orchestra.Route.extend({
initialize(options) { =;

fetch: function() {
// fetch model/collection

render: function() {
// render a view, called after `fetch`

destroy: function() {
// clean up view

var Router = Orchestra.Router.extend({
initialize: function(options) {
// do stuff on init =;

onBeforeEnter: function() {
// do something before entering any of the routes, e.g. check authentication, highlight navbar

routes: {
'': 'index'

index: function() {
return new IndexRoute({

### Backbone.Service

_"Simple service class for Backbone."_

Backbone.Service extends Backbone.Radio's channel functionality by taking in a `requests` hash and returning a `Promise`
from each one. The `start` and `stop` methods make Backbone.Service a great way to break up applications into modular components. To use `Service`s in Orchestra, follow this API:

var Orchestra = require('orchestra');

var AuthService = Orchestra.Service.extend({
start: function() {
this.user = new User();
return this.user.fetch();

requests: {
isAuthenticated: 'isAuthenticated',
authenticate: 'authenticate'

isAuthenticated: function() {
return this.user.get('isAuthenticated');

authenticate: function() {

onError: function(err) {
console.log('Err!', err);

var authService = new AuthService();

var Router = Orchestra.Router.extend({
onBeforeEnter: function() {
// check authentication
authService.request('isAuthenticated').then(isAuthenticated => {
if (!isAuthenticated) {
history.navigate('login', { trigger: true });
}).catch(err => {
if (!isAuthenticated) {
history.navigate('login', { trigger: true });

routes: {
'': 'index'

index: function() {
return new IndexRoute();

### Backbone.Storage

_"A simple storage class for Backbone Models and Collections."_

Backbone Storage combines Backbone Models and Collections into a single, easy to use API. To access the Storage class in Orchestra, use the following API:

var Orchestra = require('orchestra');
var Book = require('./model)';
var Books = require('./collection');

var BookStore = Orchestra.Storage.extend({
model: Book,
collection: Books

var bookStore = new BookStore();

// get a single book
bookStore.find(1).then(model => {
model.get('name'); // >> A Tale of Two Cities

// get all books
bookStore.findAll().then(collection => {
collection.length; // >> 10

// save a book to the server
var book = new Book({ name: 'Lolita' }); => {; // >> 11

### Backbone.Cocktail

_"Break out your shared Backbone.js model/collection/view behaviors into separate modules and mix them into your classes with Cocktail - an implementation of Backbone mixins."_

To add mixins to your Backbone classes with Orchestra, follow this API:

var Orchestra = require('orchestra');
var CollectionView = Orchestra.CollectionView.extend({});

Orchestra.mixin(CollectionView, MyMixins.SelectMixin, MyMixins.SomeOtherMixin);

### Backbone.Syphon

_"Backbone.Syphon aims to make it easy to serialize the fields of a Backbone.View into a simple JSON object that contains all of the values."_

To easily serialize forms fields into a JSON representation with Orchestra, follow this API:

events: {
"submit form": "formSubmitted"
formSubmitted: function(e){
var data = Backbone.Syphon.serialize(this);

### Backbone.Validation

_"A validation plugin for Backbone.js that validates both your model as well as form input."_

To validate forms and inputs with Orchestra, follow this API:

// Define validation schema in model
var User = Orchestra.Model.extend({
validation: {
email: {
required: true,
pattern: 'email',
age: {
range: [1, 80]

// Bind validation to view
var View = Orchestra.LayoutView.extend({
initialize: function(){
this.model = new User();
events: {
"submit form": "formSubmitted"
formSubmitted: function(e){
email: '[email protected]',
age: 55,

### jQuery
[repo]( | [docs](

_"jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers."_

To access the `$` property via Orchestra look at the following example:

var Orchestra = require('orchestra');
var $ = Orchestra.$;




### Handlebars
[repo]( | [docs](

_"Handlebars provides the power necessary to let you build semantic templates effectively with no frustration."_

Orchestra recommends the use of Handlebars as a templating language for your view layer. The framework provides some useful helpers to allow you to manage multi-currency and multi-language applications.

## Built-in Helpers

* [Currency](/docs/
* [Translation](/docs/
* [Local Storage](/docs/
* [Visibility](/docs/