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Rust library for working with Google Bigtable Data API

bigtable google-bigtable rust-library

Last synced: 2 months ago
JSON representation

Rust library for working with Google Bigtable Data API




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## rust-bigtable [[docs](]

Rust library for working with [Google Bigtable]( [Data API](

### Intro
Interface towards Cloud Bigtable, supports all [Data API]( methods.

+ CheckAndMutateRow
+ MutateRow
+ MutateRows
+ ReadModifyWriteRow
+ ReadRows
+ SampleRowKeys

Includes support for [JWT auth](

### How it works

Initial plans was to go full `grpc` over `http/2`, unfortunately Rust support is not there yet, so a middle way was taken :).

Requests objects are `protobuf` messages, generated using `proto` definitions available from [Google]( And all configuration is done through very nice interfaces generated in this way. These messages are then transparently converted to `json`, and sent to predefined `google.api.http` endpoints, also defined [here]( Responses are returned as [serde_json::Value](

In theory this should enable easy upgrade to full `grpc` over `http/2` as soon as it becomes viable, the only remaining work would be utilising proper return types, also available as `protobuf` messages.

### Configuration

You can provide the `json` service accounts credentials obtained from Google Cloud Console or the private key file in `pem` or (see [random_rsa_for_testing]( for proper format) format as well as Google Cloud service account with proper scopes (scopes are handled by [goauth](, as part of authentication),

### Usage

*In your Cargo.toml*

bigtable = '0.3'

#### Higher level wrappers (`wraps`)

There and higher wrappers available for reading and writing rows, so there is not need to craft `protobufs` manually. Write can also be used to update, but not very robustly yet, coming soon :).

##### Read and Write

Read wrappers allows for simple limit on the number of rows, it uses the `ReadRows` underlying method.

There are two write strategies available, `bulk_write_rows` and `write_rows`. `bulk_write_rows` first collects all writes and fires only one request, underlying method is `MutateRows`, this results in a much higher write throughput. `write_rows` shoots one request per row to be written, underlying method is `ReadModifyWriteRow`.


extern crate bigtable as bt;

use bt::utils::*;
use bt::wraps;

const TOKEN_URL: &'static str = "";
const ISS: &'static str = "[email protected]";
const PK: &'static str = "pk_for_the_acc_above.pem";

fn read_rows(limit: i64) -> Result<(serde_json::Value), BTErr> {

let token = get_auth_token(TOKEN_URL, ISS, PK)?;
let table = Default::default();

wraps::read_rows(table, &token, Some(limit))


fn write_rows(n: usize, bulk: bool) -> Result<(), BTErr> {
let mut rows: Vec = vec!(wraps::Row::default()); // put some real data here
let token = get_auth_token(TOKEN_URL, ISS, PK)?;
let table = Default::default(); // Again use a real table here
if bulk {
let _ = wraps::bulk_write_rows(&mut rows, &token, table);
} else {
let _ = wraps::write_rows(&mut rows, &token, table);