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The best tool for finding one gadget RCE in

ctf exploit gadget glibc libc one-gadget-rce pwn pwnable shell

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The best tool for finding one gadget RCE in




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## OneGadget

When playing ctf pwn challenges we usually need the one-gadget RCE (remote code execution),
which leads to call `execve('/bin/sh', NULL, NULL)`.

This gem provides such gadgets finder, no need to use objdump or IDA-pro every time like a fool :wink:

To use this tool, type `one_gadget /path/to/libc` in command line and enjoy the magic :laughing:

## Installation

Available on!
$ gem install one_gadget

Note: requires ruby version >= 2.1.0, you can use `ruby --version` to check.

## Supported Architectures

- [x] i386
- [x] amd64 (x86-64)
- [x] aarch64 (ARMv8)

## Implementation

OneGadget uses symbolic execution to find the constraints of gadgets to be successful.

The article introducing how I develop this tool can be found [on my blog](

## Usage

### Command Line Interface

$ one_gadget
# Usage: one_gadget [options]
# -b, --build-id BuildID BuildID[sha1] of libc.
# -f, --[no-]force-file Force search gadgets in file instead of build id first.
# -l, --level OUTPUT_LEVEL The output level.
# OneGadget automatically selects gadgets with higher successful probability.
# Increase this level to ask OneGadget show more gadgets it found.
# Default: 0
# -n, --near FUNCTIONS/FILE Order gadgets by their distance to the given functions or to the GOT functions of the given file.
# -r, --[no-]raw Output gadgets offset only, split with one space.
# -s, --script exploit-script Run exploit script with all possible gadgets.
# The script will be run as 'exploit-script $offset'.
# --info BuildID Show version information given BuildID.
# --base BASE_ADDRESS The base address of libc.
# Default: 0
# --version Current gem version.


$ one_gadget /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
# 0x4f2c5 execve("/bin/sh", rsp+0x40, environ)
# constraints:
# rsp & 0xf == 0
# rcx == NULL
# 0x4f322 execve("/bin/sh", rsp+0x40, environ)
# constraints:
# [rsp+0x40] == NULL
# 0x10a38c execve("/bin/sh", rsp+0x70, environ)
# constraints:
# [rsp+0x70] == NULL


#### Given BuildID
$ one_gadget -b aad7dbe330f23ea00ca63daf793b766b51aceb5d
# 0x45526 execve("/bin/sh", rsp+0x30, environ)
# constraints:
# rax == NULL
# 0x4557a execve("/bin/sh", rsp+0x30, environ)
# constraints:
# [rsp+0x30] == NULL
# 0xf1651 execve("/bin/sh", rsp+0x40, environ)
# constraints:
# [rsp+0x40] == NULL
# 0xf24cb execve("/bin/sh", rsp+0x60, environ)
# constraints:
# [rsp+0x60] == NULL

![build id](

#### Gadgets Near Functions

##### Why

Consider this scenario when exploiting:
1. Able to write on GOT (Global Offset Table)
2. Base address of libc is *unknown*

In this scenario you can choose to write two low-byte on a GOT entry with one-gadget's two low-byte.
If the function offset on GOT is close enough with the one-gadget,
you will have at least 1/16 chance of success.

##### Usage

Reorder gadgets according to the distance of given functions.

$ one_gadget /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ --near exit,mkdir
# [OneGadget] Gadgets near exit(0x43120):
# 0x4f2c5 execve("/bin/sh", rsp+0x40, environ)
# constraints:
# rsp & 0xf == 0
# rcx == NULL
# 0x4f322 execve("/bin/sh", rsp+0x40, environ)
# constraints:
# [rsp+0x40] == NULL
# 0x10a38c execve("/bin/sh", rsp+0x70, environ)
# constraints:
# [rsp+0x70] == NULL
# [OneGadget] Gadgets near mkdir(0x10fbb0):
# 0x10a38c execve("/bin/sh", rsp+0x70, environ)
# constraints:
# [rsp+0x70] == NULL
# 0x4f322 execve("/bin/sh", rsp+0x40, environ)
# constraints:
# [rsp+0x40] == NULL
# 0x4f2c5 execve("/bin/sh", rsp+0x40, environ)
# constraints:
# rsp & 0xf == 0
# rcx == NULL


Regular expression is acceptable.
$ one_gadget /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ --near 'write.*' --raw
# [OneGadget] Gadgets near writev(0x1166a0):
# 1090444 324386 324293
# [OneGadget] Gadgets near write(0x110140):
# 1090444 324386 324293


Pass an ELF file as the argument, OneGadget will take all GOT functions for processing.
$ one_gadget /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ --near spec/data/test_near_file.elf --raw
# [OneGadget] Gadgets near exit(0x43120):
# 324293 324386 1090444
# [OneGadget] Gadgets near puts(0x809c0):
# 324386 324293 1090444
# [OneGadget] Gadgets near printf(0x64e80):
# 324386 324293 1090444
# [OneGadget] Gadgets near strlen(0x9dc70):
# 324386 324293 1090444
# [OneGadget] Gadgets near __cxa_finalize(0x43520):
# 324293 324386 1090444
# [OneGadget] Gadgets near __libc_start_main(0x21ab0):
# 324293 324386 1090444


#### Show All Gadgets

Sometimes `one_gadget` finds too many gadgets to show them in one screen,
by default gadgets would be filtered automatically *according to the difficulty of constraints*.

Use option `--level 1` to show all gadgets found instead of only those with higher probabilities.

$ one_gadget /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ --level 1
# 0x4f2c5 execve("/bin/sh", rsp+0x40, environ)
# constraints:
# rsp & 0xf == 0
# rcx == NULL
# 0x4f322 execve("/bin/sh", rsp+0x40, environ)
# constraints:
# [rsp+0x40] == NULL
# 0xe569f execve("/bin/sh", r14, r12)
# constraints:
# [r14] == NULL || r14 == NULL
# [r12] == NULL || r12 == NULL
# 0xe5858 execve("/bin/sh", [rbp-0x88], [rbp-0x70])
# constraints:
# [[rbp-0x88]] == NULL || [rbp-0x88] == NULL
# [[rbp-0x70]] == NULL || [rbp-0x70] == NULL
# 0xe585f execve("/bin/sh", r10, [rbp-0x70])
# constraints:
# [r10] == NULL || r10 == NULL
# [[rbp-0x70]] == NULL || [rbp-0x70] == NULL
# 0xe5863 execve("/bin/sh", r10, rdx)
# constraints:
# [r10] == NULL || r10 == NULL
# [rdx] == NULL || rdx == NULL
# 0x10a38c execve("/bin/sh", rsp+0x70, environ)
# constraints:
# [rsp+0x70] == NULL
# 0x10a398 execve("/bin/sh", rsi, [rax])
# constraints:
# [rsi] == NULL || rsi == NULL
# [[rax]] == NULL || [rax] == NULL


#### Other Architectures

##### i386
$ one_gadget /lib32/
# 0x3cbea execve("/bin/sh", esp+0x34, environ)
# constraints:
# esi is the GOT address of libc
# [esp+0x34] == NULL
# 0x3cbec execve("/bin/sh", esp+0x38, environ)
# constraints:
# esi is the GOT address of libc
# [esp+0x38] == NULL
# 0x3cbf0 execve("/bin/sh", esp+0x3c, environ)
# constraints:
# esi is the GOT address of libc
# [esp+0x3c] == NULL
# 0x3cbf7 execve("/bin/sh", esp+0x40, environ)
# constraints:
# esi is the GOT address of libc
# [esp+0x40] == NULL
# 0x6729f execl("/bin/sh", eax)
# constraints:
# esi is the GOT address of libc
# eax == NULL
# 0x672a0 execl("/bin/sh", [esp])
# constraints:
# esi is the GOT address of libc
# [esp] == NULL
# 0x13573e execl("/bin/sh", eax)
# constraints:
# ebx is the GOT address of libc
# eax == NULL
# 0x13573f execl("/bin/sh", [esp])
# constraints:
# ebx is the GOT address of libc
# [esp] == NULL


##### AArch64
$ one_gadget spec/data/
# 0x3f160 execve("/bin/sh", sp+0x70, environ)
# constraints:
# address x20+0x338 is writable
# x3 == NULL
# 0x3f184 execve("/bin/sh", sp+0x70, environ)
# constraints:
# addresses x19+0x4, x20+0x338 are writable
# [sp+0x70] == NULL
# 0x3f1a8 execve("/bin/sh", x21, environ)
# constraints:
# addresses x19+0x4, x20+0x338 are writable
# [x21] == NULL || x21 == NULL
# 0x63e90 execl("/bin/sh", x1)
# constraints:
# x1 == NULL


#### Combine with Script
Pass your exploit script as `one_gadget`'s arguments, it can
try all gadgets one by one, so you don't need to try every possible gadgets manually.

$ one_gadget ./spec/data/ -s 'echo "offset ->"'


### In Ruby Scripts
require 'one_gadget'
OneGadget.gadgets(file: '/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/')
#=> [324293, 324386, 1090444]

# or in shorter way
one_gadget('/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/', level: 1)
#=> [324293, 324386, 939679, 940120, 940127, 940131, 1090444, 1090456]

# from build id
#=> [324293, 324386, 1090444]


### To Python Lovers
import subprocess
def one_gadget(filename):
return [int(i) for i in subprocess.check_output(['one_gadget', '--raw', filename]).decode().split(' ')]

#=> [324293, 324386, 1090444]


## Make OneGadget Better
Any suggestion or feature request is welcome! Feel free to send a pull request.

Please let me know if you find any libc that make OneGadget fail to find gadgets.
And, if you like this work, I'll be happy to be [starred]( :grimacing: