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Java agent for exporting Cassandra metrics to Prometheus

cassandra java jmx jmx-monitoring monitoring prometheus prometheus-exporter third-party

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Java agent for exporting Cassandra metrics to Prometheus




# cassandra-exporter [![CircleCI](](

*cassandra-exporter* is a Java agent (with optional standalone mode) that exports Cassandra metrics to [Prometheus](

*Project Status: beta*

# Note - The Cassandra-Exporter tool does not support all versions of Cassandra, see the compatibility section for more details on supported versions.

## Introduction

*cassandra-exporter* enables high performance collection of Cassandra metrics and follows the Prometheus best practices for metrics naming and labeling.

![Benchamrk Results](doc/benchmark-results.png)

*cassandra-exporter* is fast. In a worst-case benchmark, where the Cassandra schema contains 1000+ tables (resulting in ~174 thousand metrics),
*cassandra-exporter* completes exposition in ~140ms. Compared to the next-best, *jmx_exporter*, which completes exposition in _~8 seconds_.
Other solutions can take _tens of seconds_, during which CPU time is consumed querying JMX and serialising values.

See the [Exported Metrics]( wiki page for a list of available metrics.

All but a few select metrics exposed by *cassandra-exporter* are live with no caching involved.
The few that are cached are done so for performance reasons.

*cassandra-exporter* exports metric families, where the names, labels, metric types (gauge, counter, summary, etc), and value scales
have been hand-tuned to produce easy-to-query output.

For example, the following PromQL query will return an estimate of the number of pending compactions per-keyspace, per-node.

sum(cassandra_table_estimated_pending_compactions) by (cassandra_node, keyspace)

## Compatibility

*cassandra-exporter* is now Cassandra 4.0+ compatible, but the change is not a backwards compatible. Support for older Cassandra versions is via the older releases, as follows:

| Cassandra Version | Compatible Exporter Version |
| Apache Cassandra 4.x | 0.9.12 |
| Apache Cassandra 3.0.17, 3.11.2, 3.11.3 | 0.9.11 |

| Prometheus Version |
| 2.42.0
Other Cassandra and Prometheus versions will be tested for compatibility in the future.

## Usage

### Agent

Download the [latest release]( and copy `cassandra-exporter-agent-.jar` to `$CASSANDRA_HOME/lib` (typically `/usr/share/cassandra/lib` in most package installs).

Then edit `$CASSANDRA_CONF/` (typically `/etc/cassandra/`) and append the following:

JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -javaagent:$CASSANDRA_HOME/lib/cassandra-exporter-agent-.jar"

Then (re-)start Cassandra.

Prometheus metrics will now be available at .

### Standalone

While it is preferable to run *cassandra-exporter* as a Java agent for performance, it can instead be run as an external application if required.

Download the [latest release]( and copy `cassandra-exporter-standalone-.jar` to a location of your choosing.

The exporter can be started via `java -jar /path/to/cassandra-exporter-standalone-.jar`.

Prometheus metrics will now be available at .

In this mode metrics will be queried via JMX which will incur a performance overhead.
The standalone mode was originally designed to assist with benchmarking and development of the exporter.

The set of metrics available is close to that of the agent -- Gossiper related metrics are unavailable as these aren't readily available over JMX.

Currently some additional metadata labels, such as the table type (table, index, view, etc) attached to the `cassandra_table_*` metrics, are
not available (this feature has yet to be written).

### Prometheus Configuration

Configure Prometheus to scrape the endpoint by adding the following to `prometheus.yml`:


- job_name: 'cassandra'
- targets: [':9500', ':9500', ':9500', ...]

See the [Prometheus documentation]( for more details on configuring scrape targets.

To view the raw, plain text metrics (in the Prometheus text exposition format), request the endpoint
(by default, ) with a HTTP client such as a browser or cURL.

Experimental JSON output is also provided if the `Accept: application/json` header or `?x-accept=application/json` URL parameter is specified.
The format/structure of the JSON output is subject to change.

### Options

The available command line options may be seen by passing `-h`/`--help`:

Usage: cassandra-exporter [-hV] [--enable-collector-timing]
[--exclude-system-tables] [--no-fast-float]
[--no-global-labels] [--no-table-labels] [-v]...
[--cql-password=PASSWORD] [--cql-user=NAME]
[--family-help=VALUE] [--jmx-password=PASSWORD]
[--jmx-service-url=URL] [--jmx-user=NAME]
[--keyspace-metrics=FILTER] [--node-metrics=FILTER]
[--ssl-protocols=PROTOCOL[,PROTOCOL...]]... [-g=LABEL
[,LABEL...]]... [-l=[ADDRESS][:PORT]]... [-t=LABEL[,
LABEL...]]... [-e=EXCLUSION...]...
-g, --global-labels=LABEL[,LABEL...]
Select which global labels to include on all exported
metrics. Valid options are: 'CLUSTER' (cluster name),
'NODE' (node endpoint IP address), 'DATACENTER' (DC
name), 'RACK' (rack name). The default is to include
all global labels except HOST_ID. To disable all
global labels use --no-global-labels.
-t, --table-labels=LABEL[,LABEL...]
Select which labels to include on table-level metrics.
Valid options are: 'TABLE_TYPE' (table, view or
index), 'INDEX_TYPE' (for indexes -- keys, composites
or custom), 'INDEX_CLASS' (the index class name for
custom indexes), 'COMPACTION_STRATEGY_CLASS' (for
tables & views, compaction-related metrics only). The
default is to include all table labels. To disable all
table labels use --no-table-labels.
Select which table-level metrics to expose. Valid
options are: 'ALL' (all metrics), 'HISTOGRAMS' (only
histograms & summaries), 'NONE' (no metrics). The
default is 'ALL'.
Select which keyspace-level aggregate metrics to expose.
Valid options are: 'ALL' (all metrics), 'HISTOGRAMS'
(only histograms & summaries), 'NONE' (no metrics).
The default is 'HISTOGRAMS'.
--node-metrics=FILTER Select which node-level aggregate metrics to expose.
Valid options are: 'ALL' (all metrics), 'HISTOGRAMS'
(only histograms & summaries), 'NONE' (no metrics).
The default is 'HISTOGRAMS'.
Collect per-thread CPU times, where each thread gets its
own time-series. (EXPERIMENTAL)
Record the cumulative time taken to run each collector
and export the results.

-e, --exclude=EXCLUSION...
Exclude a metric family or MBean from exposition.
EXCLUSION may be the full name of a metric family
(wildcards or patterns not allowed) or the ObjectName
of a MBean or a ObjectName pattern that matches
multiple MBeans. ObjectNames always contain a colon
(':'). See the ObjectName JavaDoc for details. If
EXCLUSION is prefixed with an '@', it is interpreted
(sans @ character) as a path to a file containing
multiple EXCLUSION values, one per line. Lines
prefixed with '#' are considered comments and are
ignored. This option may be specified more than once
to define multiple exclusions.
--no-global-labels Disable all global labels.
--no-table-labels Disable all table labels.
--no-fast-float Disable the use of fast float -> ascii conversion.
Exclude system table/keyspace metrics.
-l, --listen=[ADDRESS][:PORT]
Listen address (and optional port). ADDRESS may be a
hostname, IPv4 dotted or decimal address, or IPv6
address. When ADDRESS is omitted, (wildcard)
is substituted. PORT, when specified, must be a valid
port number. The default port 9500 will be substituted
if omitted. If ADDRESS is omitted but PORT is
specified, PORT must be prefixed with a colon (':'),
or PORT will be interpreted as a decimal IPv4 address.
This option may be specified more than once to listen
on multiple addresses. Defaults to ''
--ssl=MODE Enable or disable secured communication with SSL. Valid
modes: DISABLE, ENABLE, OPTIONAL. Optional support
requires Netty version 4.0.45 or later. Defaults to
SSL implementation to use for secure communication.
OpenSSL requires platform specific libraries. Valid
implementations: OPENSSL, JDK, DISCOVER. Defaults to
DISCOVER which will use OpenSSL if required libraries
are discoverable.
A comma-separated list of SSL cipher suites to enable,
in the order of preference. Defaults to system
A comma-separated list of TLS protocol versions to
enable. Defaults to system settings.
Interval in seconds by which keys and certificates will
be reloaded. Defaults to 0 which will disable run-time
reload of certificates.
Path to the private key file for the SSL server. Must be
provided together with a server-certificate. The file
should contain a PKCS#8 private key in PEM format.
Path to the private key password file for the SSL
server. This is only required if the server-key is
password protected. The file should contain a clear
text password for the server-key.
Path to the certificate chain file for the SSL server.
Must be provided together with a server-key. The file
should contain an X.509 certificate chain in PEM
Set SSL client authentication mode. Valid options: NONE,
Path to trusted certificates for verifying the remote
endpoint's certificate. The file should contain an X.
509 certificate collection in PEM format. Defaults to
the system setting.
--family-help=VALUE Include or exclude metric family help in the exposition
format. AUTOMATIC excludes help strings when the user
agent is Prometheus and includes them for all other
clients (cURL, browsers, etc). Currently Prometheus
discards help strings. Excluding help strings saves
bandwidth. Can be overridden with the "?
help=true|false" URI query parameter. Valid values:
--jmx-service-url=URL JMX service URL of the Cassandra instance to connect to
and collect metrics. Defaults to 'service:jmx:rmi:
--jmx-user=NAME JMX authentication user name.
JMX authentication password.
Address/hostname and optional port for the CQL metadata
connection. Defaults to 'localhost:9042'
--cql-user=NAME CQL authentication user name.
CQL authentication password.
-v, --verbose Enable verbose logging. Multiple invocations increase
the verbosity.
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.

Options may also be provided via an `@`-file:

- *Standalone*

java -jar /path/to/cassandra-exporter-standalone-.jar @/path/to/options/file

- *Agent*

JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -javaagent:$CASSANDRA_HOME/lib/cassandra-exporter-agent-.jar=@/path/to/options/file"

`@$CASSANDRA_CONF/cassandra-exporter.options` is a good choice.

Note that `--jmx-service-url`, `--jmx-user`, `--jmx-password`, `--cql-address`, `--cql-user` and `--cql-password`
are only applicable to the standalone version -- the agent does not use JMX or CQL connections.

To protect the JMX password and prevent it from showing up in `ps`, `top` and other utilities, use an `@`-file that contains `--jmx-password=PASSWORD`.

When run as an agent, command line options must be provided as part of the `-javaagent` flag, with an equals sign (`=`) separating the JAR path and the agent options.
Multiple options, or option arguments can be separated by commas (`,`) or spaces. Commas are preferred as the whitespace quoting rules of `` are quite complex.
Options with values containing whitespace must be quoted appropriately. Alternatively use an `@`-file (see above).

For example, to change the agent listening port to 1234 and exclude some metrics:

JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -javaagent:$CASSANDRA_HOME/lib/cassandra-exporter-agent-.jar=--listen=:1234,--exclude=@$CASSANDRA_CONF/prometheus-exclusions"

### Endpoints

- `/`

Root document with links for convenience.

*Content-type*: `text/html`

- `/metrics`

Metrics exposition.

*Content-type*: `text/plain;version=0.0.4`, `text/plain`, `application/json`

*URI parameters*:

- `x-accept=` -- override `Accept` header for browsers (e.g, `?x-accept=application/json` will force JSON output)
- `help=true|false` -- include/exclude per-metric family help in the output. Overrides `--family-help` CLI option. See above for more details.

## Features

### Performance

JMX is *slow*, really slow. JMX adds significant overhead to every method invocation on exported MBean methods, even when those methods are called from within the same JVM.
On a 300-ish table Cassandra node, trying to collect all exposed metrics via JVM resulted in a collection time that was upwards of 2-3 *seconds*.
For exporters that run as a separate process there is additional overhead of inter-process communications and that time can reach the 10's of seconds.

*cassandra-exporter* on the same node collects all metrics in 10-20 *milliseconds*.

### Best practices

The exporter attempts to follow Prometheus' best practices for metric names, labels and data types.

Cassandra has keyspace- and node-level metrics that are aggregates of the per-table metrics. By default, only a subset of these
aggregate metrics, specifically histograms, are exposed by *cassandra-exporter*. All other keyspace- and node-level
metrics are skipped in favour of only exporting the per-table metrics. The rationale behind this is that apart from the histograms,
the aggregate metrics are essentially duplicates. If they are needed they may be computed on-the-fly via PromQL or
once, at scrape time, using Prometheus recording rules.

Unlike the metrics exported via JMX, where each table metric has a unique name, Cassandras metrics are coalesced when appropriate so they share the same exported metric family name, opting for *labels* to differentiate individual time series.
For example, each table level metric has a constant name and at minimum a `table` & `keyspace` label, which allows for complex PromQL queries.

For example the `cassandra_table_operation_latency_seconds[_count|_sum]` summary metric combines read, write, range read, CAS prepare, CAS propose and CAS commit latency metrics together into a single metric family.
A summary exposes percentiles (via the `quantile` label), a total count of recorded samples (via the `_count` metric),
and (if available, `NaN` otherwise) an accumulated sum of all samples (via the `_sum` metric).

Individual time-series are separated by different labels. In this example, the operation type is exported as the `operation` label.
The source `keyspace`, `table`, `table_type` (table, view or index), `table_id` (CF UUID), and numerous other metadata labels are available.



These metrics can then be queried:

sum(cassandra_table_operation_latency_seconds_count) by (keyspace, operation) # total operations by keyspace & type

Element | Value
---------------------------------------------------- |------
`{keyspace="system",operation="write"}` | 13989
`{keyspace="system",operation="cas_commit"}` | 0
`{keyspace="system",operation="cas_prepare"}` | 0
`{keyspace="system",operation="cas_propose"}` | 0
`{keyspace="system",operation="range_read"}` | 10894
`{keyspace="system",operation="read"}` | 74
`{keyspace="system_schema",operation="write"}` | 78
`{keyspace="system_schema",operation="cas_commit"}` | 0
`{keyspace="system_schema",operation="cas_prepare"}` | 0
`{keyspace="system_schema",operation="cas_propose"}` | 0
`{keyspace="system_schema",operation="range_read"}` | 75
`{keyspace="system_schema",operation="read"}` | 618

### Global Labels

The exporter does attach global labels to the exported metrics.
These may be configured with the `--global-labels` (or disabled via `--no-global-labels`) CLI option.

These labels are:

- `cassandra_cluster`

The name of the cluster, as specified in `cassandra.yaml`.

- `cassandra_host_id`

The unique UUID of the node. _Not enabled by default_

- `cassandra_node`

The IP address of the node.

- `cassandra_datacenter`

The configured data center name of the node.

- `cassandra_rack`

The configured rack name of the node.

These labels allow aggregation of metrics at the cluster, data center and rack levels.

While these labels could be defined in the Prometheus scrape config, we feel that having these labels be automatically
applied simplifies things, especially when Prometheus is monitoring multiple clusters across numerous DCs and racks.

## Exported Metrics

See the [Exported Metrics]( wiki page for a list.

We suggest viewing the metrics endpoint (e.g., ) in a browser to get an understanding of what metrics
are exported by your Cassandra node.

## Testing

### Java
There are unit tests in the various projects which will get executed with the maven commands.

### Integration test harness

There is an integration test harness available in the */test/* folder.
This harness is a work in progress, and is currently only useful for manual verification.

#### Requirements

The test harness uses Python (tested with 3.10).

Initialise the project by using the pyproject.toml file

pip install .

The tool can be launched via


#### Operation

There are four modes of operation:

- `benchmark`

Not Implemented - TBA - Intended to test the speed of collection.

- `demo`

Usage: demo [OPTIONS]

Start a Cassandra cluster with cassandra-exporter installed (agent or
standalone). Optionally setup a schema. Wait for ctrl-c to shut everything

Working Directory:
-C, --working-directory PATH location to install Cassandra and/or Prometheus.
Must be empty or not exist. Defaults to a
temporary directory.
--cleanup-working-directory [on-error|always|never]
how to delete the working directory on exit:
"on-error": delete working directory on exit
unless an error occurs, "always": always delete
working directory on exit, "never": never delete
working directory. [default: on-error]

--cluster-name TEXT name of the Cassandra cluster [default: test-
--cassandra-version TEXT Cassandra version to run [default: 4.1.0]
--topology DCS RACKS NODES number of data centers, racks per data center,
and nodes per rack. [default: 2, 3, 1]
-j, --exporter-jar PATH path of the cassandra-exporter jar to use,
either agent or standalone builds, or one of
"agent" or "standalone" for the currently built
jar of that type in the project directory
(assumes that the sources for this test tool are
in the standard location within the project, and
that the jar(s) have been built). [default:
-s, --schema PATH path of the CQL schema YAML file to apply on
cluster start. The YAML file must contain a list
of CQL statement strings, which are applied in
order. [default: /root/source/forks/cassandra-

- `dump`

Usage: dump [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Commands to capture, validate and diff metrics dumps

--help Show this message and exit.

capture Start a Cassandra cluster, capture metrics from each node's...
diff Compare two metrics dumps and output the difference
validate Validate a metrics dump using Prometheus's promtool.

- `e2e` - *Note no tests are run at the moment*

Usage: e2e [OPTIONS]

Run cassandra-exporter end-to-end tests.

- Start C* with the exporter JAR (agent or standalone).
- Setup a schema.
- Configure and start prometheus.
- Wait for all scrape targets to get healthy.
- Run some tests.

Working Directory:
-C, --working-directory PATH location to install Cassandra and/or
Prometheus. Must be empty or not exist.
Defaults to a temporary directory.
--cleanup-working-directory [on-error|always|never]
how to delete the working directory on exit:
"on-error": delete working directory on exit
unless an error occurs, "always": always delete
working directory on exit, "never": never
delete working directory. [default: on-error]

--cluster-name TEXT name of the Cassandra cluster [default: test-
--cassandra-version TEXT Cassandra version to run [default: 4.1.0]
--topology DCS RACKS NODES number of data centers, racks per data center,
and nodes per rack. [default: 2, 3, 1]
-j, --exporter-jar PATH path of the cassandra-exporter jar to use,
either agent or standalone builds, or one of
"agent" or "standalone" for the currently built
jar of that type in the project directory
(assumes that the sources for this test tool
are in the standard location within the
project, and that the jar(s) have been built).
[default: agent]
-s, --schema PATH path of the CQL schema YAML file to apply on
cluster start. The YAML file must contain a
list of CQL statement strings, which are
applied in order. [default:

Prometheus Archive: [mutually exclusive]
--prometheus-version TAG
--prometheus-archive PATH/URL

## Unstable, Missing & Future Features

See the [project issue tracker]( for a complete list.

- Embedded HTML metrics viewer

Early versions supported outputting metrics as a HTML document for easier viewing in a browser.

The format writer was complicated and we didn't want to add dependencies on a templating library (e.g. Freemarker) to make it simpler.
Instead the JSON format writer has been improved and optimized with the intent that the data could be consumed by simple static JavaScript webapp.

- Add some example queries
- Add Grafana dashboard templates
- Documentation improvements
- Improve standalone JMX exporter
- Systemd service file
- Package

- Packages for standard distributions (Debian, Fedora, Arch, etc) that install the JARs in the correct locations.

Please see for Instaclustr support status of this project.