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Functional Web Components

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

Functional Web Components




Functional Web Components

**Building Web Components with Functional Programming.**

[![Published on npm](](


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# Installation

Add to a lit project:

npm i @aggre/ullr

When creating a new project using lit as template and RxJS as the state management:

npm i @aggre/ullr lit rxjs

Partially supports run on Node.js (with jsdom).

# APIs

## `shadow`

`shadow` is a lit directive.

Encapsulate the template with Shadow DOM.

import { html } from 'lit'
import { shadow } from '@aggre/ullr'

export const main = (title: string, desc: string) =>

h1 {
color: blue;




| Browser | Node.js |
| ------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ✅ | 🚸
Shadow Dom isn't supported. An inside content of Shadow Dom is shown as just an innerHTML. |


## `subscribe`

`subscribe` is a lit directive.

Subscribe to `Observable` of RxJS and re-rendering with the passed callback function.

When the directive part is removed or the passed observable is changed, the unused subscription will automatically `unsubscribe`.

import { html } from 'lit'
import { subscribe } from '@aggre/ullr'
import { timer as _timer } from 'rxjs'

export const timer = (initialDelay: number, period: number) =>
_timer(initialDelay, period),
(x) => html`



Default content


| Browser | Node.js |
| ------- | ------- |
| ✅ | ✅ |


## `createCustomElements`

`createCustomElements` creates a class that can be passed to `customElements.define`.

import { createCustomElements } from '@aggre/ullr'
import { main } from './main'

const observedAttributes = ['title', 'desc']

const template = ([title, desc]) => main(title, desc)

createCustomElements(template, observedAttributes)

| Browser | Node.js |
| ------- | ------- |
| ✅ | ❌ |
