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A koa middleware for using handlebars templates

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A koa middleware for using handlebars templates




# koa-handlebars

> A koa middleware for using handlebars templates

**NOTE:** the `master` branch (ie: `v1.x` on npm) works with `[email protected]`. See
the `v2` branch (ie: `v2.x` on npm) for `[email protected]` support.

## Usage

This middleware adds 2 methods to the koa context object. The primary one is
`render(view, locals)`, which automatically sets the content-type as `text/html`
and writes the generated view as the response. There is also
`renderView(view, locals)`, which yields the raw string. This allows you to
modify the response further.

var koa = require("koa");
var handlebars = require("koa-handlebars");

var app = koa();

defaultLayout: "main"

app.use(function *() {
yield this.render("index", {
title: "Test Page",
name: "World"






Hello, {{name}}!

[Resulting page](http://localhost:3000)

Test Page

Hello, World!


### Views

The entry point for rendering is known as a view. The view usually contains the
content specific to a single page. It has access to all loaded partials, helpers
and is injected into the `{{{@body}}}` of the corresponding layout. (if there is

The simplest usage is to have a flat `views/` directory that contains `.hbs`
files. (although other patterns are possible, see the "Advanced Usage" section
for more details)

In "development mode", views are not cached.

### Layouts

Layouts are the content that is shared between many views. Like views, it has
access to all loaded partials and helpers. The `{{{@body}}}` local is set as the
content of the corresponding view.

The simplest usage is to have a flat `layouts/` directory that contains `.hbs`
files. (although other patterns are possible, see the "Advanced Usage" section
for more details)

In "development mode", layouts are not cached.

### Partials

[Partials]( are sub-templates
that you can use to render smaller bits within layouts/views.

There are 2 main types of partials. First, global partials are registered
during init. (see `options.partials`) These will not be dynamically updated,
not even during "development mode". (thus, you will need to restart your server
when these globals change)

Secondly, partials residing in the directory specified by `options.partialsDir`
will be dynamically loaded on each render call. When caching is enabled, that
overhead is reduced substantially, and further optimization will be done in the

### Helpers

[Helpers]( are functions that any of your
templates can call upon.

Currently, helpers can only be defined globally and must be declared during
initialization. (see `options.helpers`) This requires a server restart after
any changes, but this will be improved upon in the future.

### Development

To enable "development mode" in your server, simply set `cache: false` in your
middleware configuration.

In addition, this library uses
[visionmedia/debug](, so you can enable
debug output via `DEBUG=koa-handlebars` in the terminal.

### Special Variables

When rendering templates, koa-handlebars will add 3 special private variables
to your templates:

* `@body`: in layouts, this is the contents of the rendererd view
* `@view`: the name of the view that is being rendered
* `@layout`: the name of the layout that is being rendered
* `@koa`: the koa `ctx` of the current request

You can add more variables of your own via the `data` option or more dynamically
with the `beforeRender` function. (see configuration options section for more

Generally speaking, avoid injecting data directly into `locals` from middleware,
instead focus on adding things to `` or using the koa context to
grab data from there. (eg: `{{@koa.request.length}}`)

## Configuration Options

### root

The base directory to use when resolving paths.

**Default:** `process.cwd()`

### cache

Enables or disables the view cache. This is basically the flag for "development

**Default:**: `true`

cache: app.env !== "development"

### data

Adds additional private data (alongside `@view`, `@layout` and `@koa`) to the
[handlebars render options](

### extension

The extension(s) that your template files can use. Any files not using the
given extensions will be ignored.

**Default:** `"hbs"`

If you have multiple extensions, you simply use an array.

For example: `[ "hbs", "handlebars", "tpl" ]`

### viewsDir

The location of your view templates (relative to `root`)

**Default:** "views"

### viewPath(id)

Translates the given `id` into a path to resolve the template file. (the file
extension is not required) If the returned path is relative, it will be assumed
as relative to `viewsDir`.

By default, this simply returns the given `id`.

This function is run with the renderer as it's context (ie: `this`) so you can
access `this.options` for advanced usage.

### defaultLayout

If you are using layouts, then this can be used to bypass requiring each call
to `render()` to specify a layout manually. Otherwise, leaving it empty will
not render a layout at all unless otherwise specified.

### layoutsDir

The location of your layout templates (relative to `root`)

**Default:** "layouts"

### layoutPath(id)

Translates the given `id` into a path to resolve the template file. (the file
extension is not required) If the returned path is relative, it will be assumed
as relative to `layoutsDir`.

By default, this simply returns the given `id`.

This function is run with the renderer as it's context (ie: `this`) so you can
access `this.options` for advanced usage.

### partialsDir

The location of your non-global partial templates (relative to `root`)

**Default:** "partials"

### partialId(file)

This function is a little backwards compared to layouts and views, but it takes
a path for a partial template file. (relative to `partialsDir`) and converts it
into a handlebars-friendly identifier.

For example: `"navigation.hbs" => "navigation"`

By default, it will strip the extension and camel-case the remaining string.

For example: `"nav/main.hbs" => "navMain"`

### helpers

Allows you to define global helpers during initialization, this should be a
shallow object where each key is a helper name and the value is a function.

### partials

Allows you to define global partials during initialization, this should be a
shallow object where each key is a partial name and the value is a function.

### handlebars

Allows you to pass a custom handlebars instance, which you may want to do in
some edge cases. For example, if you plan on using Handlebars.SafeString in
your block helpers, you'll need a handle on the same instance of handlebars
that the middleware is using. For example:

// app.js
var handlebars = require('handlebars');
var hbsKoa = require('koa-handlebars');

var app = koa();
handlebars: handlebars

// helpers.js

// Same instance, because node modules are cached
var Handlebars = require('handlebars');

module.exports.myHelper = function(input, options) {
return new Handlebars.SafeString('

' + input + '