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Koa middleware for AWS Cognito integration.

aws-cognito jwt koa user-pool

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Koa middleware for AWS Cognito integration.




# `koa-cognito-middleware` [![NPM version][npm-img]][npm-url]


The [Koa]( middleware to authenticate and authorized users using [AWS Cognito](
[user pools](
It validates a JWT token (either an id or access token) and populates `ctx.state.user`, or any other property of your choice,
with its deciphered content. Simple helpers are provided to make decisions on accessibility of API endpoints for a given user.

This project is based on [cognito-toolkit]( It is a sister project of [cognito-express-middleware](

# Examples

const Koa = require('koa');
const Router = require('koa-router');
const getUser = require('koa-cognito-middleware');

const {isAuthenticated, hasScope, hasGroup, isAllowed} = getUser;

const app = new Koa();

// run getUser() on every request
region: 'us-east-1',
userPoolId: 'us-east-1_MY_USER_POOL'

// populate router1 with custom authorization rules

const router1 = new Router();

ctx => (ctx.body = 'all allowed'));

router1.get('/b', isAuthenticated,
ctx => (ctx.body = 'all authenticated'));'/c', hasGroup('user-type/writers'),
ctx => (ctx.body = 'only a writers group'));'/d', hasScope('writers'),
ctx => (ctx.body = 'only with a writers scope'));'/user',
ctx => (ctx.body = req.user || {}));


// protect all routes with a single validator

const router2 = new Router();
// populate router2

const readMethods = {GET: 1, HEAD: 1, OPTIONS: 1};

const validator = async (ctx, groups, scopes) => {
if (readMethods[ctx.method.toUpperCase()] === 1) return true;
// only writers can use other methods (POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE...)
if (groups.some(g => g === 'user-type/writers')) return true;
if (scopes.some(s => s === 'writers')) return true;
return false;

.get('/lift', ctx => {
const user = ctx.state.user;
if (user) {
user.setAuthCookie(ctx, {domain: ''});
ctx.status = 204;

// now all routes of router2 are protected by our validator

# How to install

npm install --save koa-cognito-middleware
# yarn add koa-cognito-middleware

# Documentation

All provided functions are explained below. See the examples above for usage patterns.

## `getUser(options [, pools])`

This is the main function directly returned from the module. It populates `ctx.state[getUser.stateUserProperty]` (see below)
with a decoded JWT or assigns it to `null` (cannot positively authenticate).
Other helpers or a user's code uses it to authorize or reject the user for a given route.

Additionally if an authenticated user it adds the following properties:

* `_token` — the original JWT.
* `setAuthCookie(ctx, options)` — a function, which when called with `ctx` argument sets a cookie specified by `authCookie` (see below) to `_token`.
The optional `options` argument is an object compatible with [options for cookie.set()](
By default the cookie is set with following options:
* `expires` — an expiration time of a JWT.
* `domain` — a value of ``.
* `overwrite` — `true`.
`options` will overwrite/augment those values.

`getUser(options [, pools])` takes `options`, which is an object with the following properties:

* `region` — **required** string, which specifies an AWS region, such as `'us-east-1'`. Default: **none**.
* `userPoolId` — **required** string, which specifies a user pool ID, such as `'us-east-1_MY_USER_POOL'`. Default: **none**.
* `authHeader` — optional string. Default: `'Authorization'`. It specifies an HTTP request header name. Its value should be a JWT supplied by AWS Cognito (`id_token` or `access_token`).
* `authCookie` — optional string. Default: `'auth'`. It specifies an HTTP request cookie name. Its value should be a JWT supplied by AWS Cognito (`id_token` or `access_token`).
* `source` — optional function. Default: reads `authHeader` header and returns it, if it is not falsy, otherwise reads `authCookie` cookie and returns it, if it is not false, otherwise returns `null`.
If it is a function, it is called with `ctx` argument, and can inspect a request to produce a JWT token as a string.
* Examples:
const getToken1 = ctx => ctx.headers['x-auth-header'];
const getToken2 = ctx => ctx.cookies.get('auth-token');
* `setAuthCookieOptions` — optional object compatible with [options for cookie.set()](
If it is `null` (the default), a cookie is not set automatically. Otherwise, it is set every time it is not set or has a different value. When a cookie is set,
`setAuthCookieOptions` is used to overwrite/augment the default options described above in `setAuthCookie()`.

Optional `pools`, if specified, should be an object with the following properties or an array of such objects:

* `region` — **required** string, which specifies an AWS region, such as `'us-east-1'`. Default: **none**.
* `userPoolId` — **required** string, which specifies a user pool ID, such as `'us-east-1_MY_USER_POOL'`. Default: **none**.

If `pools` is specified `region` and `userPoolId` of `options` are ignored. Specifying `pools` is the onl way to supply an array of user pools.

This function should be used before any other helpers.

## `getUser.stateUserProperty`

*(Since 1.4.4):* This is a property name to hold a user object. It can be a string or a `Symbol`. Default: `'user'`.

Usually it is assigned right after obtaining `getUser()`:

const getUser = require('koa-cognito-middleware');
getUser.stateUserProperty = 'cognitoUser';
const {isAuthenticated, hasScope, hasGroup, isAllowed} = getUser;

All other helper functions will use this value to inspect the state's user property.

## `getUser.isAuthenticated`

This is a helper function, which checks if the state's user property is set. If not it rejects a request with 401 (unauthorized).

## `getUser.hasGroup(group)`

This is a helper function, which checks if the state's user property has `'cognito:groups'` array that includes a given group (as a string).
If not it rejects a request with 403 (forbidden) for valid users and 401 (unauthorized) for non-authenticated users.

## `getUser.hasScope(scope)`

This is a helper function, which checks if the state's user property has `'scope'` string that includes a given scope (as a string).
If not it rejects a request with 403 (forbidden) for valid users and 401 (unauthorized) for non-authenticated users.

## `getUser.isAllowed(validator)`

This is a helper function, which checks runs a validator. If not it rejects a request with 403 (forbidden) for valid users and 401 (unauthorized) for non-authenticated users.

`validator` is an asynchronous function, which is called with three parameters: the original `ctx`, `groups` and `scopes`.
The latter two parameters are arrays of strings listing `cognito:groups` and `scope` items respectively.
`validator` should return a truthy value, if a user is allowed to perform an action, and a falsy value otherwise.

# Versions

- 1.4.7 *Updated dependencies. Fix: scope was used incorrectly. Fix: 401 was reported instead of 403.*
- 1.4.6 *Updated dependencies.*
- 1.4.5 *Updated dependencies.*
- 1.4.4 *Added support for state's user property name. Thx [Mike Vosseller](!*
- 1.4.3 *Added support for multiple user pools.*
- 1.4.2 *More bugfixes.*
- 1.4.1 *Bugfixes.*
- 1.4.0 *Added support for an auth cookie.*
- 1.3.0 *Split off the common functionality to [cognito-toolkit](*
- 1.2.0 *Added a utility to lazily retrieve an access token by client ID and a secret.*
- 1.1.0 *Added a utility to auto-retrieve an access token by client ID and a secret.*
- 1.0.0 *The initial public release.*

# License

[The 3-Clause BSD License](