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A simple blazor application that enables you to do Wake-on-LAN / send magic packets in the network where it is hosted.

blazor blazor-server entity-framework-core wake-on-lan

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

A simple blazor application that enables you to do Wake-on-LAN / send magic packets in the network where it is hosted.




# Blazor Wake-on-LAN


This is a [Wake-on-LAN]( app for your network, written in server-side blazor. I developed it for internal use at my workplace and because I wanted to build a small, limited-scope but fully-working and done-right blazor app. [Getting started](#getting-started) is as easy as downloading and running. Feel free to improve/fork/PR this if you think I could have done anything better.

## Getting Started

### With Docker

You can start a BlazorWoL docker container like this:

docker run -e "ConnectionStrings__SqliteConnection=Data Source=/blazorwol/db.sqlite" -v /var/blazorwol:/blazorwol --network host --name blazorwol

Please note that this does not work on Windows, even with WSL, as docker host networking is required.

### By downloading binaries

1. [Download](#download) and unzip the [latest release](
2. Run the application by starting `WoL.exe`
3. Open the shown location in a browser (probably `localhost:5000`) and add your first host.

You can add the application to IIS for more serious hosting. You can set up T-SQL as a backend for backup etc.. See the [`appsettings.json` file](WoL/appsettings.json) for details. If you host this in IIS you might want to [configure it to be always running](, otherwise the first request after some idle time will take seconds.

## Download

The platform-specific releases have no prerequisits. Just unpack and double-click. The framework dependend release is smaller and portable but requires [.Net 7 Runtime to be installed](

* [Windows x86](
* This app does not take advantage of 64bit, so I chose to deploy x86 due to the smaller footprint.
* [Windows x86 IIS](
* All files listed here except from the *Runtime Dependent* one are self contained. Thus, you don't need to have the .Net runtime installed. They are published as single file executables too (you get one ~85mb exe file instead of hundreds of smaller files). To be able to host a .Net application in IIS it must not be published as a single file. So, if you want to host BlazorWoL in IIS, you may choose this download.
* [Windows ARM](
* [Linux x64](
* [Runtime Dependent (.Net 7.0)]( *previously known as framework dependent*

## Features


* Wake arbitrary hosts on the network of the server where this is hosted via [Magic Packet](
* Add new hosts via the webinterface using either their hostname or their mac address.
* Detect the online status of saved hosts. To determine, they are at the same time [ping]( and we try to establish a TCP connection on port 3389. This port [is used]( by the Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol. This way, we can work with hosts that don't answer normal pings.
* Delete existing hosts from the list.
* When waking a host, the application repeatedly tries to reach the host and updates you about the status. You see immediately when the host finished booting so that you can connect via ssh/RDP/etc..

## Showcase

This application uses the following techniques and might be suitable as a simple but full-fledged example of how they work:

* [Blazor](
* Components and Pages in Razor
* UI-Server-interaction which would typically require AJAX/writing JavaScript. See the `Wake` page and the *Status* column of the index page.
* .Net 7
* [Entity Framework Core]( Code First
* Automatic Migrations
* Supports T-SQL and SQLite, selection by connection string in `appsettings.json`
* Dependency Injection using [`Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection`](
* Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment using GitHub Actions.
* Docker image creation and push
* Zipped executables in GitHub Release
* Dependency updates are partly automated using [Dependabot](
* Usage of Microsoft.Extensions.Logging with event ids and custom parameters.
* Usage of Application Insights to keep track of logged application events in production.
* Git height based versioning using [NBGV](

## Known Limitations

* Adding hosts by hostname is currently impossible on platforms except Windows and Linux, as there is no appropriate ARP API.