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Helps macro writers produce better errors for macro users

compatibility macros

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Helps macro writers produce better errors for macro users




#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil

* Introduction

This library allows macro writers to provide better feedback to
macro users when errors are signaled during macroexpansion.

Note: While this library can be loaded into and used in any Common
Lisp implementation, the improved behavior described below is only
available in [[][CLASP]] and [[][SBCL]] (only in versions 1.3.13 and newer).

For example, consider the following macro

#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
(defmacro even-number-case (value &body clauses)
"Like `cl:case' but each key has to be an even number."
(alexandria:once-only (value)
`(cond ,@(mapcar (lambda (clause)
(destructuring-bind (number &rest body) clause
(unless (evenp number)
(error "Only even numbers are allowed."))
`((= ,value ,number)

This is fine if the expansion does not signal an error. If it does,
however, it is not immediately clear which of the clauses (if any)
caused the error:

#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
(defun foo (x)
(even-number-case x
(2 :two)
(4 :four)
(5 :fix)
(8 :eight)
(10 :ten)))


The problem is not very hard to spot in the above code, but think of
macros for declaring complex things like ~cl:defpackage~ or
~cl:defclass~ or macros for domain specific languages, and the
problem becomes more severe.

The mechanism provided by this library is the
~with-current-source-form~ macro. The macro is intended to surround
parts of macro expanders that process certain sub-forms of the form
passed to the expander:

#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
(defmacro even-number-case (value &body clauses)
"Like `cl:case' but each key has to be an even number."
(alexandria:once-only (value)
`(cond ,@(mapcar (lambda (clause)
(trivial-with-current-source-form:with-current-source-form (clause)
(destructuring-bind (number &rest body) clause
(unless (evenp number)
(error "Only even numbers are allowed."))
`((= ,value ,number)

The effect of the above change is that the implementation can now
report a more useful location when reporting the error during macro
expansion. Other tools like SLIME benefit from this functionality as


* Tutorial

Since the example given in the [[*Introduction]] should explain the
basic usage of this library, here are just a few additional hints:

+ ~trivial-with-current-source-form:with-current-source-form~
optionally accepts additional source forms besides the mandatory
one. The reason for this mechanism is that a Common Lisp
implementation may be unable to produce a source location for the
most specific source form, for example if that form is a symbol or
a number. In such cases, the client may be able to help the
implementation by providing additional, less specific source forms
which contain the first form as sub-forms.

For example, if a macro expansion function detects a problem with
~foo~ (bound to, say, ~head~ in the expansion function) in ~(foo
bar baz)~ (bound to ~call~ in the expansion function), the
expansion function could provide the source information as

(trivial-with-current-source-form:with-current-source-form (head call)

in case the implementation cannot handle just ~head~.

* Reference

#+BEGIN_SRC lisp :results none :exports none
#1=(ql:quickload '("trivial-with-current-source-form" "alexandria" "split-sequence"))
(defun doc (symbol kind)
(let* ((lambda-list (sb-introspect:function-lambda-list symbol))
(string (documentation symbol kind))
(lines (split-sequence:split-sequence #\Newline string))
(trimmed (mapcar (alexandria:curry #'string-left-trim '(#\Space)) lines)))
(format nil "~(~A~) ~<~{~A~^ ~}~:@>~2%~{~A~^~%~}"
symbol (list lambda-list) trimmed)))

#+BEGIN_SRC lisp :results value :exports results
(doc 'trivial-with-current-source-form:with-current-source-form 'function)

with-current-source-form (FORM &REST FORMS) &BODY BODY

In a macroexpander, indicate that FORM, FORMS are being processed by BODY.

FORMS are usually sub-forms of the whole form passed to the expander.

If more than one form is supplied, FORMS should be ordered by
specificity, with the most specific form first. This allows the
compiler to try and obtain a source path using subsequent elements of
FORMS if it fails for the first one.

Indicating the processing of sub-forms lets the compiler report
precise source locations in case conditions are signaled during the
execution of BODY.