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redesign blog using material design

blog laravel material material-design php vue

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redesign blog using material design




# Materialize Blog

A new blog management system designed according to Google [Material Design](

Back-end base on [Laravel 5.3](, a PHP application framework with expressive, elegant syntax.

Front-end built with [Vue](, a Progressive JavaScript Framework bring data binding to js.

Demo at [Forehalo' blog](

## Feature

* Single page
* Creating with markdown (Javascript parser: [marked](, PHP parser: [parsedown](
* Code highlight ([Prism](
* Self host comments
* Easy localization
* Use [sw-precache]( to cache static assets.

## Install

### Project

The php package manager [`composer`]( is required for installing.

composer create-project forehalo/materialize-blog blog

It will automatically install laravel and other dependencies for you.

> Or you can install from this git repository manually
> ```
> git clone blog
> cd blog && composer install
> cp .env.example .env
> php artisan key:generate
> ```

Ensure you have finish all the steps mentioned in [`laravel docs`](

Next step, migrate tables and seed fakers

php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed

> The `db:seed` command will seed `admin` and `settings` table. If you want to pre-generate some mock data, run again with option `--class=BlogSeeder`

Now you can login dashboard at `/dashboard` with name `admin` or email `[email protected]`, password `admin`.

### Images

Maybe you want to store all images to local, it gives you an simple way.

Create an symbolic link `public/storage` target `storage/app/public`folder.

ln -s /path/to/storage/app/public/ public/storage

So now, you can upload images and get it with url ``. All images stored in `storage/app/public/images` folder.

## Pages

Materialize-blog also provide a way to publish pages. What you need to do is just writing a markdown file and store it under `storage/pages` folder. Then, you can access it by url `{name}`, `name` is the markdown file name without extension `.md`. There is an existent page named `about`. Try it out.

## Custom

All front-end assets has been compiled so you could directly use them without compiling manually.

But if you don't like the default theme, hm... OK, install front-end environment and DIY.

yarn install // or "npm install"

`yarn` is another package manager like `npm`, [read more](

Resources are putted in `/resources` folder.
│ ├─fonts
│ │ └─material-design-icons ------ icon files
│ ├─js ------ js workspace
│ │ ├─blog ------ user entery
│ │ │ ├─archives
│ │ │ ├─navigations
│ │ │ ├─pages
│ │ │ └─posts
│ │ ├─components ------ global components
│ │ └─dashboard ------ dashboard entery
│ │ ├─posts
│ │ └─settings
│ └─sass ------ sass workspace
│ ├─blog
│ └─dashboard
├─lang ------ language dictionary
│ ├─en
│ └─zh-CN

### Style & Script

run the following command after install all dependencies. This will watch all assets files, and auto-compile when change saved.

Before working, ensure you know well about [Vue]( and [Sass](

yarn run dev

### Language

You can esaily add another language support by adding a subfolder in `resources/lang`. Every file returns a php array. Copy and translate all the files.

> Dictionary used by Vue should be putted in `resources/lang/your_lang/app.php`

Modify the `locale` item value to your default language folder name in `config/app.php`. Done!

Then, use `trans()` global helper function in PHP, and `this.$trans()` in Vue components.

## License


Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Forehalo