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CloudSlang Language, CLI and Builder

Last synced: 2 months ago
JSON representation

CloudSlang Language, CLI and Builder





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CloudSlang is a YAML based language for writing human-readable workflows for the CloudSlang Orchestration Engine .
This project includes the CLI to trigger flows.

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#### Getting started:

###### Pre-Requisite: Java JRE >= 7

1. Download the CloudSlang CLI file named cslang-cli-with-content:
+ [Stable release](
+ [Latest snapshot](
2. Extract it.
3. Go to the folder /cslang/bin/
4. Run the executable :
- For Windows : cslang.bat
- For Linux : bash cslang
5. Run a simple example print text flow: run --f ../content/io/cloudslang/base/print/ --i text=first_flow

#### Documentation

All documentation is available on the [CloudSlang website](

#### What's New

See what's new [here](

#### Get Involved

Read our contributing guide [here](

Contact us at [email protected].

#### Building and Testing from Source

###### Pre-Requisites:

1. Maven version >= 3.0.3
2. Java JDK version >= 7

###### Steps

1. ```git clone``` the source code
2. ```mvn clean install```
3. Run the CLI executable from cloudslang-cli\target\cslang\bin

### CloudSlang Docker Image
Just use:

``` docker pull cloudslang/cloudslang ```

And run it using:

``` docker run -it cloudslang/cloudslang ```

### CloudSlang npm Package
###### cslang-cli
> The CloudSlang command line interface.

Install this globally and you'll have access to the `cslang` command anywhere on your system.

npm install -g cloudslang-cli

Now you can just use the `cslang` command anywhere

###### Pre-Requisites
Node.js & Java installed.

cslang-cli page in the [npm repository](