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An OPCache Preloader for CakePHP 4 and 5 applications

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

An OPCache Preloader for CakePHP 4 and 5 applications




# CakePHP Preloader

[![Latest Version on Packagist](](
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[![License: MIT](](
[![Minimum PHP Version](](

An OPCache preloader for CakePHP.


This package is meant to provide an easy way for CakePHP application developers to generate preload
files. Goals:

- Generate an OPCache preloader with a simple command.
- Allow optionally loading additional resources such as CakePHP plugins, userland app, and
composer packages.
- Provide a simplistic API for writing a custom preloader.

For an alternative approach, checkout [DarkGhostHunter/Preloader](

For an OPCache UI, checkout [amnuts/opcache-gui](

The current release is for CakePHP 5 and PHP 8.1, see previous releases for older versions of CakePHP and PHP.

| Version | Branch | Cake Version | PHP Version |
| 1.* | [main]( | ^5.0 | ^8.1 |
| 0.* | [v0]( | ^4.2 | ^7.4 |

## Installation

You can install this plugin into your CakePHP application using [composer](

The recommended way to install composer packages is:

composer require cnizzardini/cakephp-preloader

Next, load the plugin:

bin/cake plugin load CakePreloader

Or via manual steps in the CakePHP [plugin documentation](

## Usage

The easiest way to use CakePreloader is via the console command. This command can easily be included as
part of your applications build process.

/srv/app $ bin/cake preloader --help
Generate a preload file

cake preloader [options]


--app Add your applications src directory into the preloader
--help, -h Display this help.
--name The preload file path. (default: ROOT . DS . 'preload.php')
--packages A comma separated list of packages (e.g. vendor-name/package-name) to add to the preloader
--plugins A comma separated list of your plugins to load or `*` to load all plugins/*
--cli Should the preloader file exit when run via the php-cli? (default: true)
--quiet, -q Enable quiet output.
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output.

You may also load configurations from a `config/preloader_config.php` file. Please note, **command line arguments take
precedence**. See [assets/preloader_config.php](assets/preloader_config.php) for a sample configuration file. If you
prefer handling configurations another way read the CakePHP documentation on
[loading configuration files](

### Examples:

Default loads in CakePHP core files excluding TestSuite, Console, Command, and Shell namespaces. The preload file is
written to `ROOT . DS . 'preload.php'`:

bin/cake preloader

Include a list of composer packages:

bin/cake preloader --packages=cakephp/authentication,cakephp/chronos

Include your `APP` code:

bin/cake preloader --app

Include all your projects plugins:

bin/cake preloader --plugins=*

Include a list of your projects plugins:

bin/cake preloader --plugins=MyPlugin,MyOtherPlugin

### Before Write Event

You can extend functionality by listening for the `CakePreloader.beforeWrite` event. This is dispatched just before
your preloader file is written.

(\Cake\Event\EventManager::instance())->on('CakePreloader.beforeWrite', function(Event $event){
/** @var Preloader $preloader */
$preloader = $event->getSubject();
$resources = $preloader->getPreloadResources();
// modify resources or whatever...

For more on events, read the CakePHP [Events System]( documentation.

### Preloader Class

You can customize your OPCache Preloader using the same class used by the console command. Preloader uses a port of
CakePHP 4.x's Filesystem class under the hood.

use CakePreloader\Preloader;

$preloader = new Preloader();
$preloader->loadPath('/required/path/to/files', function (\SplFileInfo $file) {
// optional call back method, return true to add the file to the preloader
return true;

// default path is ROOT . DS . 'preload.php'

## Performance:

Obviously, these types of benchmarks should be taken with a bit of a gain of salt. I benchmarked this using apache
bench with this project here: which is a dockerized REST API
(LEMP stack on alpine + php-fpm 8.0). CakePHP `DEBUG` was set to false.


session.auto_start = Off
short_open_tag = Off
opcache.interned_strings_buffer = 16
opcache.max_accelerated_files = 20000
opcache.memory_consumption = 256
opcache.enable_cli = 0
opcache.enable = 1
opcache.revalidate_freq = 360
opcache.fast_shutdown = 1
realpath_cache_size = 4096K
realpath_cache_ttl = 600

Note: `opcache.preload_user=root` and `opcache.preload=/srv/app/preload.php` were disabled for the no preload run.

| Type | JSON View (no db) | JSON View (db select) |
| OPCache Only | 892.69 [#/sec] (mean) | 805.29 [#/sec] (mean) |
| OPCache Preload (default) | 1149.08 [#/sec] (mean) | 976.30 [#/sec] (mean) |

This is 28% more requests per second for JSON responses and 21% more requests per second with JSON + simple SQL select
when OPCache Preload is enabled.

## Tests / Analysis

Test Suite:

composer test

Test Suite + Static Analysis:

composer check