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A command line REPL bundle for Symfony using PsySH.

debug php repl symfony symfony-bundle

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A command line REPL bundle for Symfony using PsySH.




# PsyshBundle

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A bundle to use the php REPL [PsySH][1] with [Symfony][2]. Learn more at [][1] and check out the [Interactive Debugging in PHP talk from OSCON]( on Presentate.

What does it do exactly?
* Loads [PsySH][1] with the application dependencies
* Gives access to the following variables:

| Variable | Description |
| `$container` | Instance of Symfony ServiceContainer |
| `$kernel` | Instance of Symfony Kernel |
| `$parameters` | Instance of Symfony parameters |

Aside from that it's the plain old [PsySH][1]! You can also [customize it](#customize-psysh) to add your own variables.

## Documentation

1. [Install](#install)
1. [Usage](#usage)
1. [PsySH as a debugger](doc/
1. [Reflect like a boss](doc/
1. [PsySH for breakpoints](doc/
1. [Customize PsySH](#customize-psysh)
1. [Credits](#credits)

## Install

You can use [Composer]( to install the bundle to your project:

composer require --dev theofidry/psysh-bundle

Then, enable the bundle by updating your `app/AppKernel.php` file to enable the bundle:
(not needed on symfony 5, bundle is automaticaly registred in `config/bundles.php`)
getEnvironment(), ['dev', 'test'])) {
$bundles[] = new Fidry\PsyshBundle\PsyshBundle();

return $bundles;

## Usage

# Symfony > 4.0
bin/console psysh


use function psysh

class X
function foo()
psysh(get_defined_vars(), $this); // Debug with the current context

![PsySH Shell](doc/images/shell.png)

[Go further](#documentation).

## Customize PsySH

### Adding a custom command
Adding a custom command for PsySH is as simple as defining a service with `psysh.command` tag!

class: Acme\Shell\MyCommand
- { name: psysh.command }

Or even simpler if you use Symfony 3.3+:

autoconfigure: true
autowire: true
public: false

Acme\Shell\MyCommand: ~

> PsyshBundle provides autoconfiguration for custom Psysh command services, as long as they inherit from
> `Psy\Command\ReflectingCommand` or `Psy\Command\Command`.

### Adding custom variables
It is possible to add custom variables to the shell via configuration.
Variables can be of any type, container parameters references (e.g. `%kernel.debug%`) or even services
(prefixed with `@`, e.g. `"@my_service"`).

# app/config/config_dev.yml

foo: bar
router: "@router"
some: [thing, else]
debug: "%kernel.debug%"

Now if you run `php app/console psysh` and then `ls`, you will see the variables `$foo`, `$router`, `$some` and `$debug`,
in addition to already defined variables:

>>> ls
Variables: $foo, $router, $some, $debug...

Default variables are:
- `$container` (the service container)
- `$kernel`
- `$parameters` (all container parameters)
- `$self` (the PsySH shell itself)

## Credits

This bundle is developed by [Théo FIDRY]( This project has been made possible thanks to:

* [Justin Hileman]( author of [PsySH][1] and [all the contributors of the PsySH project](
* [Adrian Palmer]( gave the lead for porting [PsySH][1] on [Symfony][2]
