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The smallest binary size of template engine, born for docker image

command-line-tool configuration docker template template-engine

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

The smallest binary size of template engine, born for docker image




# dcinja
The smallest binary size of template engine, born for docker image

Generate template file by powerful template engine `inja`. This project wrap it in
docker command line binary.

For building docker image, smaller execution binary size should be better.
The project `dcinja` compile by c++ compiler, the binary size is only **500KB ~ 600KB**.
It's very suitable to use `dcinja` in container to dynamic generate configuration
file at run-time.

## Dependency library
* [inja](
* [cxxopts](
* [nlohmann/json](

## Binary size
arch | os | dcinja size | embedded libstdc++
linux-amd64 | Ubuntu 16+, Debian stretch+ | 591KB | Y
alpine | alpine 3.9+ | 586KB | N ( 1.3MB+)

## Command line usage
Reference repo docker example to build `dcinja` and copy to `/bin/` as system command in docker image.

help description
dcinja [OPTION...]

-h, --help print help
-w, --cwd arg change current working dir
-s, --src arg source template file path
-d, --dest arg dest template file path
-e, --defines arg define environment parameters, read system env when not assigned value, ex: `-e NAME=FOO -e NUM=1 -e MY_ENV`
--force-system-envs force to use system envs as final value
-j, --json arg define json content, ex: `-j {"NAME": "FOO"} -j {"PHONE": "123"}`
-f, --json-file arg load json content from file, ex: `-f p1.json -f p2.json`
-v, --verbose verbose mode

## Template document
[inja - document tutorial](, It's compatiable with `Jinja2`.

* variables `{{ ... }}`
* statements `{% ... %}`
* for loop `{% for key in data %} ... {% endfor %}`
* condition `{% if value >= 1 %} ... {% else if value >= 0 %} ... {% endif %}`
* include `{% include "xxx.template" %}`
* assignment `{% set name="test" %}`
* functions
* upper `{{ upper("name") }}`
* length `{{ length(data_list) }}`
* ...
* comments `{# ... #}`

## Example
input template from STDIN, output template to STDOUT
$ echo "TEST Name: {{ name }}" | dcinja -j '{"name": "Foo"}'
>>> TEST Name: Foo

input template from file, output template to file
$ dcinja -j '{"name": "Foo"}' -s input.template -d output.template

input json from file
$ dcinja -f param.json -s input.template -d output.template

define env from command line or system env
$ dcinja -e name=Foo -s input.template -d output.template
$ export name=Foo
$ dcinja -e name -s input.template -d output.template

parameter context priority:
`-e` >> `-j` >> `-f`
1. `-f`: json file
2. `-j`: json content defiend in command line
3. `-e`: environment parameter defeind in command line or system
4. `--force-system-envs`: force to use system envs as final value
$ cat name.json
>>> {"name": "P1"}
$ echo "Name: {{ name }}" | dcinja -f name.json
>>> Name: P1
$ echo "Name: {{ name }}" | dcinja -j '{"name": "P2"}' -e name=P3 -f name.json
>>> Name: P3

## Integration from release build
Dockerfile example, download `dcinja` into docker image /bin/ as command. The download path should follow Github release page to get latest release version.


FROM ubuntu:latest
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y wget
RUN cd /tmp \
&& wget -O dcinja.tar.gz \
&& tar xzf dcinja.tar.gz \
&& cp dcinja /bin/

# testing, check dcinja working normal
RUN dcinja -h \
&& echo "Normal: {{ name }}" | dcinja -j '{"name": "TEST"}'

# ...

**ubuntu (multi-stage)**
FROM ubuntu:latest as dcinja-downloader
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y wget
RUN mkdir -p /app \
&& cd /app \
&& wget -O dcinja.tar.gz \
&& tar xzf dcinja.tar.gz

FROM ubuntu:latest
COPY --from=dcinja-downloader /app/dcinja /bin/

# testing, check dcinja working normal
RUN dcinja -h \
&& echo "Normal: {{ name }}" | dcinja -j '{"name": "TEST"}'

# ...


FROM alpine:latest
RUN apk --no-cache add wget libstdc++
RUN cd /tmp \
&& wget -O dcinja.tar.gz \
&& tar xzf dcinja.tar.gz \
&& cp dcinja /bin/

# testing, check dcinja working normal
RUN dcinja -h \
&& echo "Normal: {{ name }}" | dcinja -j '{"name": "TEST"}'
# ...

## Note
The binary size build by c++ compiler, it's platform sensitive, the minimum c++ compiler support is C++11. It will dependent with ``.

ldd result at ubuntu 18.04
$ ldd dcinja (0x00007ffe933a9000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f376bc40000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f376b8a2000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f376b68a000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f376b299000)
/lib64/ (0x00007f376c220000)

Need to make sure your environment have the correct c++ runtime on
* Ubuntu
apt-get update
apt-get install libstdc++
(Only support ubuntu 16.04+)

* Alpine
apk add libstdc++