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BraincraftedBootstrapBundle integrates Bootstrap into Symfony2 by providing templates, Twig extensions, services and commands.

Last synced: 3 months ago
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BraincraftedBootstrapBundle integrates Bootstrap into Symfony2 by providing templates, Twig extensions, services and commands.





BraincraftedBootstrapBundle helps you integrate [Bootstrap]( in your [Symfony2]( project. BootstrapBundle also supports the official Sass port of Bootstrap and Font Awesome.

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[![Latest Stable Version](](
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Developed by [Florian Eckerstorfer]( and amazing [contributors](


First you need to add `braincrafted/bootstrap-bundle` to `composer.json`:

"require": {
"braincrafted/bootstrap-bundle": "dev-master"

Please note that `dev-master` points to the latest release. If you want to use the latest development version please use `dev-develop`. Of course you can also use an explicit version number, e.g., `2.1.*`.

You also have to add `BraincraftedBootstrapBundle` to your `AppKernel.php`:

// app/AppKernel.php
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
new Braincrafted\Bundle\BootstrapBundle\BraincraftedBootstrapBundle()

return $bundles;
Additionally you have to install Bootstrap and jQuery as dependencies and configure Assetic to compile the LESS files. You can find more information in the [Getting Started]( section of the documentation.


This bundle has two main dependencies, Symfony and Bootstrap. The following table shows which version of BraincraftedBootstrapBundle is compatible with which version of Symfony and Bootstrap.




v3.0.* (very basic)


sass v3.2.*

sass v3.2.*


### Version 2.2.0 (23 January 2016)

- [#331]( Translate menu labels (by [kamiramix](
- [#364]( Update form_themes supported keyword to replace the form.resources keyword (by [cordoval](
- [#367]( Add missing ul tag for list list (by [ocetnik](
- [#374]( Update to Symfony 2.6 compatible form extensions (by [kralos](
- [#376]( Upgrade to Symfony 2.6 compatible form types (by [althaus](
- [#382]( Make use of choice_translation_domain option (by [Restless-ET](
- [#383]( Add button twig function (by [bigfoot90](
- [#384]( Fix ScriptHandler to work properly with HHVM (by [mdurys](
- [#385]( Use url option instead if hread attribute (by [bigfoot90](
- [#392]( Use icon helper with different icon set (by [bigfoot90](
- [#393]( Switch twig extesions to use SimpleFunction/SimpleFilter (by [dkisselev](
- [#394]( Add Twig integration tests for common methods (by [dkisselev](
- [#395]( Add integration tests for icon, parse_icons, button, button_link Twig extensions (by [bigfoot90](
- [#397]( Change JS removeField event to allow catch after removing element (by [DarekTw](
- [#399]( Twig deprecations (by [benr77](
- [#404]( Fix bc-bootstrap-collection.js .size() deprecations (by [jounisuo](
- [#414]( Fix compatibility with Symfony 3.0 (by [lashus](
- [#417]( Replace sameas with same (by [bartwesselink](

### Version 2.1.2 (6 March 2015)

- When restoring form settings, don't throw an exception if there are no settings to restore (by [florianeckerstorfer](
- [#356]( Add missing `responsive-embed.less` (by [blaues0cke](

### Version 2.1.1 (31 January 2015)

- [#301]( Fix generate command for Symfony v2.5 (by [mumia](
- [#311]( Trigger event on Add and Remove in collection (by [tiagobrito](
- [#315]( Add `danger()` method to FlashMessage (by [florianeckerstorfer](
- [#316]( Fix nested subform settings (by [vith](
- [#320]( Adjust path to `bootstrap.scss` (by [mioduszewski](
- [#328]( Add the parse_icons function for bootstrap_collection buttons (by [kamiramix](
- [#329]( Remove invalid statement (by [KatharinaSt](
- [#337]( Invalid class name `.btn-small` (by [tmilos](
- [#342]( Minor PHPCS fixes (by [acrobat](
- [#344]( Exclude iterable attribute values from displaying (by [b-b3rn4rd](
- [#345]( Add dismissible alert styling (by [althaus](
- [#350]( Fix inline style does not display placeholder when label is empty (by [florianeckerstorfer](
- [#309]( Include default variables files at top (by [florianeckerstorfer](

### Version 2.1.0 (31 August 2014)

- [#298]( Fixed path to assets dir in bootstrap-sass v3.2 (by [florianeckerstorfer](

### Version 2.1.0-beta2 (21 August 2014)

- [#237]( Pass `label_attr` to `checkbox_row` and `radio_row` in `choice_widget_expanded` (by [florianeckerstorfer](
- [#241]( Remove wrong button spacing when collection is empty (by [sandello-alkr](
- [#241]( Make `web` directory configurable in `install` command (by [florianeckerstorfer](
- [#245]( Add support for `symfony-bin-dir` (by [nifr](
- [#249]( Add `nav` class based on depth (by [bkosborne](
- [#251]( Add support for static form controls (by [bdm-benzor](
- [#252]( Fix behaviour when `label = false` (by [rdohms](
- [#254]( Remove whitespace in menu root block (by [dirkluijk](
- [#260]( Updated default jQuery path (by [sprankhub](
- [#263]( Fixed global error CSS class (by [althaus](
- [#266]( Fix column size of label is `false` (by [jeroenvds](
- [#274]( Added missing space in `bootstrap-collection (by [bdm-benzor](
- [#275]( Add help text to single checkbox and radio (by [bostaf](
- [#276]( Add support for `leafo/scssphp` (by [stefanosala](
- [#279]( Do not render value in `file` widget (by [florianeckerstorfer](
- [#281]( Add additional CSS classes to icons (by [wodka](
- [#283]( Make icon tag configurable (by [wodka](
- [#286]( Add support for form actions (by [derpue](
- [#287]( Add support for input group buttons (by [rdohms](
- [#289]( Removed trailing whitespace for checkbox and radio widget (by [morticue](
- [#290]( Add form type for static control (by [derpue](

### Version 2.1.0-beta1 (29 May 2014)

- [#238]( Add empty `value` field when `empty_value` is not null in choice field
- [#239]( Removed translation_domain from error messages
- [#214]( Check for `preSubmit` errors (by [sandello-alkr](
- [#240]( Include `head` block in default layout

### Version 2.1.0-alpha1 (16 May 2014)

- [#203]( Add support for `bootstrap-sass` (by [sandello-alkr]( and [florianeckerstorfer](
- [#160]( Add support for Font Awesome (by [florianeckerstorfer](
- [#229]( Fix `bootstrap.js` path in default layout (by [nonlux](
- [#221]( Fix generated key for nested collections (by [sandello-alkr](
- [#220]( Add option to configure icon prefix (by [llwt](
- [#206]( Use `raw` filter for form labels (by [sandello-alkr](
- [#209]( Fixed compatibility issues with KnpMenu (by [mbutkereit](

### Version 2.0.1 (3 April 2014)

- #168 Removed CSS class `row` from form-group
- #182 Added support for form actions (row with multiple buttons) (by [rdohms](
- #187 Made default button class changable (by [sandello-alkr](
- #188 Added icons to form buttons (by [mvrhov](
- #190 Added support for stacked tabs (by [aur1mas](
- #192 Added method to reset flash bag (by [JulienRamel](
- #196 Removed CSS class `nav` from child elements (by [dylanschoenmakers](
- #198 Added parsing of icons in prepend and append input groups (by [yvh](
- Fixed `file` form type (by [hsz](

### Version 2.0.0-alpha1

- Updated to Symfony v2.3.6
- Updated to Bootstrap v3.0.1
- Updated to jQuery v1.10.2
- Remove `include_responsive` option because Bootstrap 3.0 no longer has a non responsive version
- Added `boostrap_money` form type that uses Bootstraps prepend or append style to display the currency
- `percent` form type uses Bootstraps append style to display the percent sign
- Changed namespace back to `Braincrafted\Bundle\BootstrapBundle`
- Support for custom `variables.less`
- Several Twig filters are now functions
- Added `bootstrap_set_style` and `bootstrap_get_style` Twig functions to globally set the style of forms
- Added command to generate custom `bootstrap.less` file
- Added command to copy icon fonts into `web/` directory
- Added Composer script handler for copying icon fonts
- Pagination now supports disabled links
- Added Twig function `badge`
- Removed Twig filters `badge_*` (Bootstrap v3.0 does not include multiply badge styles)
- Twig filters `label_*` are now Twig functions
- Twig filter `icon` is now a Twig function
- Added `braincrafted_collection` form type

#### Version 2.0.0-alpha2

- Fixed compatibility with PHP 5.3 (Fixes [#111](
- Renamed `braincrafted_collection` to `bootstrap_collection`
- `widget_col`, `label_col` and `simple_col` can be defined in form builder (Fixes [#113](
- Add support for input groups
- Fix bug with inline forms when no placeholder is defined

#### Version 2.0.0-alpha3

- Fixed configuration of input groups in form builder (Fixes [#115](
- Fixed trailing slash in `braincrafted_bootstrap.output_dir` option
- Fixed undefined variable in pagination template
- Better tested

#### Version 2.0.0-beta1

- Fixed duplicate `div.form-group` in `choice_widget_expanded` (Fixes [#131](
- Use correct assets when not using LESS (Fixes [#128]( [[amcgowanca](]
- Add `col_size` option to set the column size for form widgets (Fixes [#127](
- Add support for `simple_col` options in `textarea_widget`
- Renamed views
- Add error messages in `checkbox_row` and `radio_widget` (Fixes [#118](

#### Version 2.0.0-beta2 (9 December 2013)

- #133: Fix `label_col`, `widget_col`, `col_size` and `simple_col` options in collection widgets
- #136: Added translation to `bootstrap_collection` widget
- #137: Removed `cssrewrite` filter from default Assetic configuration
- #139: Fix JavaScript for nested `bootstrap_collection` widgets (by [wizart](
- #140: Improved dependency list in `composer.json` (by [hason](
- #142: Added translation for help block and error messages
- #143: Added translation to flash message template (by [rdohms](
- #144: Fix class attribute for checkbox widget (by [squaye85](
- #145: Added possibility to style global error messages
- Renamed `customize_variables` configuration option into `customize`

#### Version 2.0.0-stable (2 January 2014)

- #152: Add form name attribute (by [nonlux](
- #154: Fix Bootstrap Collection form type for nested types
- #155: Use `braincrafted_bootstrap.output_dir` option when installing icon font
- #52: Add class option for pagination
- #148: Add `label_col` and `widget_col` option for the whole form (by [florianeckerstorfer]( and [dirkluijk](
- #156: Add support for error messages with parameters (by [thanosp](
- #157: Use print shiv instead of standard shiv (by [mvrhov](
- #161: Set `style` option in FormBuilder
- #162: Set depth of navigation.

### Version 1.5.0

- Works with new Bootstrap repository `twbs/bootstrap`
- Basic support for Bootstrap v3.0
- Allow override options in menus
- Extend from base form layout
- Fixed problems with removing elemnts in JavaScript collection form type
- Various other bugfixes

### Version 1.4.0

- Changed namespace to `Bc\Bundle\BootstrapBundle`
- Automatically configure Twig
- Automatically configure KnpMenuBundle
- Automatically configure KnpPaginatorBundle
- Automatically configure Assetic
- Improved layout of error messages in compound fields
- Improved code style (usage of PHP_CodeSniffer and PHPMD)
- Support for `data-prototype` option in collection fields
- Helper and template for flash messages

### Version 1.2.0

- Added support for Assetic


- The bundle is licensed under the [MIT License](
- The CSS and Javascript files from Twitter Bootstrap are licensed under the [Apache License 2.0]( for all versions before 3.1
- The CSS and Javascript files from Twitter Bootstrap are licensed under the [MIT License]( for 3.1 and after