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Twig View for CakePHP

cakephp twig twig-template-engine

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Twig View for CakePHP




# TwigView plugin for CakePHP

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This plugin allows you to use the [Twig Templating Language]( for your views.

It provides wrappers for common View opertions and many helpful extensions that expose CakePHP functions and `jasny/twig-extensions` helpers.

## Installation

To install with [Composer](, use the command below.

composer require cakephp/twig-view

Then, [load the `Cake/TwigView` plugin](
in your `Application` bootstrap just like other Cake plugins.

## Configuration

`TwigView` allows you to configure the Twig Environment through `View` options. You can set these through `ViewBuilder`
in the `Controller` or set them directly in `TwigView`.

// In controller
public function initialize(): void
$this->viewBuilder()->setOption('environment', ['cache' => false]);

// In your AppView
public function initialize(): void
$this->setConfig('environment', ['cache' => false]);

// Call parent TwigView initialize

### Available Options

- `environment`

[Twig Environment options](

Defaults to empty.

- `markdown`

Which markdown engine is used for `markdown_to_html` filter. Set to `default` to use `DefaultMarkdown` or set
custom [Twig Markdown extension]( `MarkdownInterface` instance.

If using `default`, require one of:
- `erusev/parsedown`
- `league/commonmark`
- `michelf/php-markdown`

Defaults to disabled.

## AppView Setup

To start using Twig templates in your application, simply extend `TwigView` in your `AppView`.
In general, it is safe to add your application's setup in `AppView::initialize()`.

namespace App\View;

use Cake\TwigView\View\TwigView;

class AppView extends TwigView
public function initialize(): void

// Add application-specific extensions

### Customization

You can override several parts of `TwigView` initialization to create a custom Twig setup.

- File Extensions

You can specify the file extensions used to search for templates by overriding the
`$extensions` property.

class AppView extends TwigView
protected $extensions = [

- Twig Loader

You can override the template loader used by Twig.

protected function createLoader(): \Twig\Loader\LoaderInterface
// Return a custom Twig template loader

- Twig Extensions

You can override the Twig Extensions loading. If you want to use the built-in
`View` wrappers, make sure you load `Cake\TwigView\Twig\Extensions\ViewExtension`.

protected function initializeExtensions(): void
// Load only specific extensions

- Twig Profiler

You can override the Twig profiler used when `DebugKit` is loaded.

protected function initializeProfiler(): void
// Add custom profiler logging using $this->getProfile()

## Templates

You can create views using Twig templates much like you can with standard CakePHP templates.

Templates are loaded the same way wherever they are used and follow the `View` path conventions.

{% extends 'Common/base' %}
{{ include('Common/helper') }}

- Template names are always relative to `App.path.templates` not the current file.
- File extensions are automatically generated. Defaults to '.twig'.
- Templates can be loaded from plugins the same as `View` templates.

Layout templates are supported and loaded the same way as `View` layouts.



{{ fetch('title') }}

{{ fetch('meta') }}
{{ fetch('css') }}
{{ fetch('script') }}

{{ fetch('content') }}


The layout can be set from the template using the `layout` tag.

{% layout 'Error' %}

### Accessing View

You can access the `View` instance using the `_view` global.

`TwigView` provides wrappers for `fetch()`, `cell()` and `element()` rendering.
Cell and element templates are always loaded from **cell/** and **element/** sub-directories
the same as `View` templates.

{{ fetch('content')}}

{{ cell('myCell')}}
{{ element('myElement') }}

`TwigView` also provides wrappers for any loaded helper using a special naming convention - `helper_Name_function()`.

{{ helper_Text_autoParagraph('some text for a paragarph') }}

All wrapper functions are pre-escaped and do not require using `|raw` filter. However, keep in mind that Twig keeps the whitespace when using `{{ }}` to print. Please read the [Twig documentation](( on how to remove the extra white space when needed.

### Extension Filters

* `low` maps to [`strtolower`](
* `up` maps to [`strtoupper`](
* `env` maps to [`env`](
* `pluralize` maps to [`Cake\Utility\Inflector::pluralize`](\\Utility\\Inflector::pluralize)
* `singularize` maps to [`Cake\Utility\Inflector::singularize`](\\Utility\\Inflector::singularize)
* `camelize` maps to [`Cake\Utility\Inflector::camelize`](\\Utility\\Inflector::camelize)
* `underscore` maps to [`Cake\Utility\Inflector::underscore`](\\Utility\\Inflector::underscore)
* `humanize` maps to [`Cake\Utility\Inflector::humanize`](\\Utility\\Inflector::humanize)
* `tableize` maps to [`Cake\Utility\Inflector::tableize`](\\Utility\\Inflector::tableize)
* `classify` maps to [`Cake\Utility\Inflector::classify`](\\Utility\\Inflector::classify)
* `variable` maps to [`Cake\Utility\Inflector::variable`](\\Utility\\Inflector::variable)
* `slug` maps to [`Cake\Utility\Inflector::slug`](\\Utility\\Inflector::slug)
* `toReadableSize` maps to [`Cake\I18n\Number::toReadableSize`](\\I18n\\Number::toReadableSize)
* `toPercentage` maps to [`Cake\I18n\Number::toPercentage`](\\I18n\\Number::toPercentage)
* `cake_number_format` maps to [`Cake\I18n\Number::format`](\\I18n\\Number::format)
* `formatDelta` maps to [`Cake\I18n\Number::formatDelta`](\\I18n\\Number::formatDelta)
* `currency` maps to [`Cake\I18n\Number::currency`](\\I18n\\Number::currency)
* `substr` maps to [`substr`](
* `tokenize` maps to [`Cake\Utility\Text::tokenize`](
* `insert` maps to [`Cake\Utility\Text::insert`](
* `cleanInsert` maps to [`Cake\Utility\Text::cleanInsert`](
* `wrap` maps to [`Cake\Utility\Text::wrap`](
* `wrapBlock` maps to [`Cake\Utility\Text::wrapBlock`](
* `wordWrap` maps to [`Cake\Utility\Text::wordWrap`](
* `highlight` maps to [`Cake\Utility\Text::highlight`](
* `tail` maps to [`Cake\Utility\Text::tail`](
* `truncate` maps to [`Cake\Utility\Text::truncate`](
* `excerpt` maps to [`Cake\Utility\Text::excerpt`](
* `toList` maps to [`Cake\Utility\Text::toList`](
* `stripLinks` maps to [`Cake\Utility\Text::stripLinks`](
* `isMultibyte` maps to `Cake\Utility\Text::isMultibyte`
* `utf8` maps to `Cake\Utility\Text::utf8`
* `ascii` maps to `Cake\Utility\Text::ascii`
* `parseFileSize` maps to [`Cake\Utility\Text::parseFileSize`](
* `serialize` maps to [`serialize`](
* `unserialize` maps to [`unserialize`](
* `md5` maps to [`md5`](
* `base64_encode` maps to [`base64_encode`](
* `base64_decode` maps to [`base64_decode`](
* `string` cast to [`string`](

See `jasny/twig-extensions` for the filters they provide.

### Extension Functions

* `in_array` maps to [`in_array`](
* `explode` maps to [`explode`](
* `array` cast to [`array`](
* `array_push` maps to [`push`](
* `array_prev` maps to [`prev`](
* `array_next` maps to [`next`](
* `array_current` maps to [`current`](
* `__` maps to [`__`](
* `__d` maps to [`__d`](
* `__n` maps to [`__n`](
* `__x` maps to [`__x`](
* `__dn` maps to [`__dn`](
* `defaultCurrency` maps to [`Cake\I18n\Number::getDefaultCurrency`](\\I18n\\Number::getDefaultCurrency)
* `uuid` maps to [`Cake\Utility\Text::uuid`](
* `time` passed the first and optional second argument into [`new \Cake\I18n\DateTime()`](
* `timezones` maps to `Cake\I18n\DateTime::listTimezones()`

See `jasny/twig-extensions` for the functions they provide.