
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

A simple expense tracking application

echarts expense-manager expense-tracker expenses jwt jwt-authentication netcore-webapi netcore6 personal-finance refresh-token vue-router vuejs vuetify vuex

Last synced: 2 months ago
JSON representation

A simple expense tracking application




## Table Of Contents

- [Description](#Vue-Expenses)
- [Demo](#demo)
- [Tech Stack](#Tech-Stack)
- [Server Side](#Server-Side)
- [Client Side](#Client-Side)
- [Screenshots](#Screenshots)
- [Local Building](#Local-Building)
- [Config](#Config)
- [Future Enhancements](#Future-Enhancements)
- [How to Contribute](#How-to-Contribute)
- [License](#License)

# Vue Expenses

A simple expenses tracking application built with VueJs and .NET

~~### Demo~~

~~[Vue Expenses](

~~- Username: `[email protected]`~~

~~- Password: `test`~~

~~Please note that you can change the theme in the settings page and the data on the demo website will be reset at regular intervals~~

# Tech Stack

### Server Side

- [.NET 5.0]( for server side API
- [Fluent Validation](
- [MediatR](
- [Entity Framework Core]( on SQLite.
- [Dapper]( for querying
- [Swashbuckle.AspNetCore]( for Swagger
- [ASP.NET Core JWT Bearer Authentication]( for [JWT]( authentication with support for [refresh tokens](
- [Serilog]( for logging
- Reference architecture [ContosoUniversity](

### Client Side

- [VueJs]( for client application
- [Vuex]( with [Vuex-persistedstate]( for state management
- [Vue-router]( for client routing
- [Axios]( for HTTP requests
- [Vuetify]( as component framework
- [Lodash]( for client side utility
- [Vue-echarts]( ([Echarts]( for charting

# Screenshots

### Dashboard

Vue Expenses Dashnoard

### Expense Listing

Vue Expenses Listing

### Stats

Vue Expenses Stats

### Settings

Vue Expenses Settings

### Profile

Vue Expenses Profile

### Mobile View
- [Dashboard](/assets/images/mobile/dashboard.png)
- [Stats](/assets/images/mobile/Stats.png)

# Local Building

### Server

- Install [.NET Core SDK](
- Go to vue-expenses-api folder and run `dotnet restore` and `dotnet build`
- Run `dotnet run` to start the server at `http://localhost:5000/`
- You can view the API reference at `http://localhost:5000/swagger`

### Client

- Go to vue-expenses-client folder and run `npm install`
- Run `npm run serve` to start the client at `http://localhost:8080/`
- Included database is seeded with dummy data and you can use `email: [email protected]` and `password: test` to login

# Config

### Server

#### ConnectionStrings

- `DefaultConnection`: `Data Source=App_Data/expenses.db`
- Where the sqlite db file is located, this can be changed in `appsettings.json` file

#### JwtSettings

- `SecurityKey`: `A super secret long key to encrypt and decrypt the token`
- `Issuer`: `Issuer`
- `Audience`: `Audience`
- The key, issuer and audience values to generate a jwt token, this can be changed in `appsettings.json` file

#### PasswordHasher

- `Key`: `Secret key to encrypt passwords`
- The key to encrypt the passwords, this can be changed in `appsettings.json` file

### Client

- `VUE_APP_BASE_URL`: `http://localhost:5000/`
- Base url to connect to the API, this can be changed in the `.env` file

- `productionSourceMap`: `false`
- Generates source map file when building for production, this can be changed in `vue.config.js` file

- `outputDir`: commented out by default
- Where the built files will be copied over, this can be changed in `vue.config.js` file

- `assetsDir`: commented out by default
- Where the built minified css/js files will be copied over, this path is relative path from the `outputDir`, this can be changed in `vue.config.js` file

# Future Enhancements

- Check project [To do list](

# How to Contribute

1. Clone repo `git clone`
2. Create a new branch: `git checkout -b new_branch_name`
3. Make changes and test
4. Submit Pull Request with description of changes

## License
