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A responsive movie preview web app

i18n koa movies preview-movies vue vuetify

Last synced: 2 months ago
JSON representation

A responsive movie preview web app




# Movie Paradise

[![Netlify Status](](
[![JavaScript Style Guide](](


> This project is for learning and communication purposes only, not for commercial use. The data comes from third-party websites.

## Introduction

Movie Paradise is a web app built by Vue, React(WIP) and Koa.
It can preview movies and provide download hash, online watch links, ~~live watch functions~~.

[Demo Website](
[Optimized for China](

## Features

- :iphone: Responsive
- :globe_with_meridians: Internationalization
- :first_quarter_moon: Dark Mode
- :zap: CI/CD

## Status: Beta

Most of the features has been completed, more details to be optimized

## Preview

mobile home view

pad home view

desktop home view

## Development

Movie Paradise is managed by [lerna]( You can bootstrap all the packages including front end and back end via lerna scripts.

# clone this repo
> git clone

# install lerna and basic dependencies
> yarn

# bootstrap all packages
> yarn lerna:bootstrap

# run movie app ui
> cd packages/movie-app-ui && yarn serve

# run movie web
> cd packages/movie-web && yarn serve

# you can also run all the packages using lerna (not recommended)
> yarn lerna:serve-all

## Deploying

Movie Paradise will automatically deploy when commits land in master.
You can also deploy manually by running `yarn lerna:deploy-all`.

### Structure

You can view the detail of structure on each packages' README

## Contributing

Welcome to report bug or add new features. You can know what we are going to do in [Projects](