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Snippets for blade template engine

Last synced: 3 months ago
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Snippets for blade template engine




# Blade Snippets for Sublime Text

`Blade` is a simple, yet powerful templating engine provided with [Laravel]( PHP framework.

These snippets works with blade files (`.blade.php`) either with php syntax or with blade syntax using: **PHP - Laravel Blade** available from [Laravel Blade Highlighter]( package.

## Usage
When you’re editing a blade file, type the snippet shortcut then press `tab` key.

## Installation
Via `Package Manager` search for `Blade Snippets` then click/tap…wait a sec and tadam!

![Blade Snippets](

Or clone this repository into your Packages folder:

git clone

Or download the snippets zip file and unzip it into your Packages folder.


## Available Snippets

### Template management

| Shortcut | Result |
| lay | @layout('`name`') |
| ext | @extends('`name`') |
| sec | @section('`name`')
**{{-- expr --\}\}**
@endsection |
| secy | @section('`name`')
**{{-- expr --\}\}**
@yield_section |
| secsim | @section('`name`', '`content`') |
| hass | @hasSection('`name`')
**{{-- expr --\}\}**
**{{-- expr --\}\}**
@endif |
| yl | @yield('`section`', '`default`') |
| lsec | @section('`name`')
**{{-- expr --\}\}**
@show |
| par | @parent |

### Components & Slots

| Shortcut | Result |
| comp | @component('`component`', '`data`')
**{{-- expr --\}\}**
@endcomponent |
| slot | @slot('`slot`')
**{{-- expr --\}\}**
@endslot |

### Displaying data

| Shortcut | Result |
| !! | {!! $`var` !!} |
| }} | {{ `escaped output` }} |

### Blade & JavaScript Frameworks

| Shortcut | Result |
| @{{ | @{{ `javascript` }} |
| verb | @verbatim
**{{-- code --\}\}**
@endverbatim |

### Control Structures

| Shortcut | Result |
| if | @if (`condition`)
**{{-- expr --\}\}**
@endif |
| ife | @if (`condition`)
**{{-- expr --\}\}**
**{{-- expr --\}\}**
@endif |
| eif | @elseif (`condition`)
**{{-- expr --\}\}** |
| switch | @switch($i)
        First case...

            Default case...
| unless | @unless (`condition`)
**{{-- expr --\}\}**
@endunless |
| for | @for (`$i` = `0`; `$i` `<` `…`; `$i++`)
**{{-- expr --\}\}**
@endfor |
| foreach | @foreach(`$array` as `$element`)
**{{-- expr --\}\}**
@endforeach |
| fore | @forelse (`$array` as `$element`)
**{{-- expr --\}\}**
@endforelse |
| while | @while (`condition`)
**{{-- expr --\}\}**
@endwhile |
| inc | @include('``', `['some' => 'data']`) |
| incif | @includeIf('``', `['some' => 'data']`) |
| incwhen | @includeWhen(`boolean`, '``', `['some' => 'data']`) |
| incf | @includeFirst(['`custom.admin`', '`admin`'], `['some' => 'data']`) |
| each | @each ('`item.view`', $`items`, '`item`', '`empty.view`') |
| continue | @continue('condition') |
| break | @break('condition') |
| php | @php
**{{-- expr --\}\}**
@endphp |
| empty | @empty (`condition`)
**{{-- expr --\}\}**
@endempty |
| isset | @isset (`condition`)
**{{-- expr --\}\}**
@endisset |

### Stacks

| Shortcut | Result |
| stack | @stack('`name`') |
| push | @push('`name`')
**{{-- expr --\}\}**
@endpush |
| prepend | @prepend('`name`')
**{{-- expr --\}\}**
@endprepend |

### Authentication Shortcuts

| Shortcut | Result |
| auth | @auth('`name`')
**{{-- expr --\}\}**
@endauth |
| guest | @guest('`name`')
**{{-- expr --\}\}**
@endguest |

### Policies

See the Laravel [Policies documentation](

| Shortcut | Result |
| can | @can('`policy`', Model::class)
**{{-- expr --\}\}**
@endcan |
| cane | @can('`policy`', $model)
**{{-- expr --\}\}**
**{{-- else expr --\}\}** @endcan |
| cannot | @cannot('`policy`', Model::class)
**{{-- expr --\}\}**
@endcannot |
| cannote | @cannot('`policy`', $model)
**{{-- expr --\}\}**
**{{-- else expr --\}\}** @endcannot |
| canany | @canany('`policy`', $model)
**{{-- expr --\}\}** @endcanany |
| cananye | @canany(['`policy`', '`policy`'], $model)
**{{-- expr --\}\}**
@elsecanany(['`policy`', '`policy`'], $model)
**{{-- expr --\}\}**
@endcanany |

### Miscellaneous

| Shortcut | Result |
| route | {{ route('`name`') }} |
| asset | {{ asset('`path`') }} |
| url | {{ url('`path`') }} |
| choice | @choice('`language.line`', $`number`) |
| comment | {{-- `comment` --}} |
| inject | @inject('`name`', '`App\Services\ServiceName`') |
| trans | {{ trans('`language.line`') }} |
| lang | @lang('`language.line`', ['`variable` => '`replacement`']) |
| __ | {{ __('`language.line`') }} |
| csrf | @csrf |
| method | @method('`PUT`') |
| json | @json(`expression`) |
| dump | @dump(`expression`) |


## Envoy snippets

Snippets for [Laravel Envoy](

| Shortcut | Result |
| serv | @servers(['`web`' => '`[email protected]`']) |
| task | @task('`foo`')
@endtask |
| set | @setup
**{{-- expr --\}\}**
@endsetup |
| mac | @macro('`deploy`')
@endmacro |
| aft | @after
@endafter |
| hip | @hipchat('token', 'room', 'Envoy', "$task ran in the $env environment.") |
| sla | @slack('hook', 'channel', 'message') |
| story | @story('deploy')
@endstory |


## Blade Wordpress Plugin

Snippets for [Blade Wordpress Plugin](

| Shortcut | Result |
| wpp | @wpposts
**{{-- expr --\}\}**
**{{-- empty expr --\}\}**
@wpend |
| wpq | @wpquery (['`post_type`' => '`post`'])
**{{-- expr --\}\}**
**{{-- empty expr --\}\}**
@wpend |
| acf | @acfrepeater ('`fieldname`')
**{{-- expr --\}\}**
**{{ get_sub_field('`fieldname`') \}\}**
@acfend |


Original snippets by:

Cool Readme formatting:
GitHub: [@AAlakkad](
