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RSS and Atom Bundle for Symfony

atom atom-feed feed feed-io feed-reading jsonfeed rss rss-atom-bundle symfony

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

RSS and Atom Bundle for Symfony




# RssAtomBundle - Read and Build Atom/RSS feeds

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RssAtomBundle is a Bundle for Symfony made to easily access and deliver JSON / RSS / Atom feeds. It is built on top of [feed-io]( and features:

- Detection of the feed format (JSON / RSS / Atom)
- enclosures support
- A generic StreamController built to write all your feeds. This controller is able to send a 304 HTTP Code if the feed didn't change since the last visit
- HTTP Headers support when reading feeds in order to save network traffic
- Content filtering to fetch only the newest items
- multiple feeds writing
- Ability to use doctrine as a data source
- PSR compliant logging
- DateTime detection and conversion
- Guzzle Client integration

Keep informed about new releases and incoming features :

You can try rss-atom-bundle through its [Demo](

## Installation

### Dependencies

As a Symfony Bundle, RssAtomBundle must be installed using Composer. If you do not know Composer, please refer to its website:

### Your application uses Symfony 3.3 or later

Activate Symfony's [contrib recipes]( and use Composer to require the bundle :

composer config extra.symfony.allow-contrib true
composer require debril/rss-atom-bundle

That's it. To check the installation, you can start your application and hit http://localhost:8000/rss in your browser. You should see a mock RSS stream.

### If your application uses Symfony < 3.3

Install the bundle using Composer :

composer require debril/rss-atom-bundle

Add the bundle's routing configuration in app/config/routing.yml :

resource: "@DebrilRssAtomBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"


Edit your app/AppKernel.php to register the bundle in the registerBundles() method as above:

class AppKernel extends Kernel

public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
new Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\FrameworkBundle(),
// ...
// register the bundle here
new Debril\RssAtomBundle\DebrilRssAtomBundle(),

## Usage

rss-atom-bundle is designed to read feeds across the internet and to publish your own using [feed-io](
feed-io provides two interfaces, each one being dedicated to feed's consuming and publishing :

- [FeedInterface]( to handle the feed
- [ItemInterface]( to handle feed's items

### Getting a FeedIo instance

You can fetch a `FeedIo\FeedIo` instance through dependency injection or the service container.

#### Dependency injection (highly recommended)


namespace App\Feed;

class Consumer

* @type \FeedIo\FeedIo
private $feedIo;

public function __construct(FeedIo $feedIo)
$this->feedIo = $feedIo;


#### Service Container

Wherever you have access to the service container :


### Feed Reading

To read a feed you need to use the `feedio` service which provides two methods for that : `read()` and `readSince()`. This service is based upon [FeedIo](

#### using read()

`read()` is designed to give a brand new Feed instance or any object of your own, as long as it implements the [FeedInterface]( interface. It takes three arguments :

- `$url` : URL of the RSS/Atom feed you want to read (eg:
- `$feed` (optional) : a FeedInterface instance. The default is a new `\FeedIo\Feed` instance
- `$modifiedSince` (optional) : the last time you read this feed. This is useful to fetch only the articles which were published after your last hit.

With a `\FeedIo\FeedIo` instance called `$feedIo` :
read($url, new \Acme\Entity\Feed, $modifiedSince)->getFeed();

foreach ( $feed as $item ) {
echo "item title : {$item->getTitle()} \n ";
// getMedias() returns enclosures if any
$medias = $item->getMedias();

`read()` fetches the feed hosted at `$url` and removes items prior to `$modifiedSince`. If it is the first time you read this feed, then you must specify a date far enough in the past to keep all the items. This method does not loop until the `$modifiedSince` is reached, it justs performs one hit and filters the response to keep only the fresh articles.

#### using readSince()

`readSince()` helps you get a `\FeedIo\Feed` without creating its instance :


// this date is used to fetch only the latest items
$modifiedSince = new \DateTime($date);

// the feed you want to read
$url = 'http://host.tld/feed';

// now fetch its (fresh) content
$feed = $feedIo->readSince($url, $modifiedSince)->getFeed();

### Providing feeds

RssAtomBundle offers the ability to provide JSON/RSS/Atom feeds. The route will match the following pattern : /{format}/{contentId}

- {format} must be "rss" or "atom" (or whatever you want if you add the good routing rule in routing.yml)
- {contentId} is an optional argument. Use it you have several feeds

The request will be handled by `StreamController`, according to the following steps :

- 1 : grabs the ModifiedSince header if it exists
- 2 : creates an `Options` instance holding the request's parameters (contentId if it exists)
- 3 : gets the provider defined in services.yml and calls the `getFeedContent(Options $options)` method
- 4 : compare the feed's LastModified property with the ModifiedSince header
- 5 : if LastModified is prior or equal to ModifiedSince then the response contains only a "NotModified" header and the 304 code. Otherwise, the stream is built and sent to the client

#### Defining you own provider

You must give to RssAtomBundle the content you want it to display in the feed. For that, two steps :

- write a class that implements `FeedProviderInterface`. This class that we call a 'provider' will be in charge of building the feed.
- configure the dependency injection to make RssAtomBundle use it

##### FeedContentProviderInterface implementation

Your class just needs to implement the `Debril\RssAtomBundle\Provider\FeedProviderInterface` interface, for instance :

setTitle('your title');
foreach($this->getItems() as $item ) {

return $feed;

protected function getItems()
foreach($this->fetchFromStorage() as $storedItem) {
$item = new Item;
// ...
yield $item;
protected function fetchFromStorage()
// query the database to fetch items

StreamController expects the getFeed()'s return value to be a `FeedIo\FeedInterface` instance. It can be a `FeedIo\Feed` or a class of your own and if so, your class MUST implement `\FeedIo\FeedInterface`.

You can also start from this class to save some time : [App\Feed\Provider.php](/Resources/sample/Provider.php)


##### configuration

Now, you need to configure the `debril.rss_atom.provider` service with the provider's class in your project's services.yml :

# config/services.yaml
debril.rss_atom.provider.class: 'App\Feed\Provider'

Or, if you need to build it with arguments, you can override `debril.rss_atom.provider`'s declaration :

# config/services.yaml
class: App\Feed\Provider
arguments: ["@logger", "@doctrine"]

That's it. Go to http://localhost:8000/atom, it should display your feed.

##### Make the StreamController answer with a 404

If the reclaimed feed does not exist, you just need to throw a FeedNotFoundException to make the StreamController answer with a 404 error. Otherwise, `getFeedContent(Options $options)` must return a `\FeedIo\FeedInterface` instance. Then, the controller properly turns the object into a XML stream.

More information on the FeedContentProviderInterface interface and how to interface rss-atom-bundle directly with doctrine can be found in the [Providing Feeds section](

## Useful Tips

### Skipping 304 HTTP Code

The HTTP cache handling can be annoying during development process, you can skip it through configuration in your app/config/config.yml file :

# config/packages/rss_atom.yaml
force_refresh: true

This way, the `StreamController` will always display your feed's content and return a 200 HTTP code.

### Private feeds

You may have private feeds, user-specific or behind some authentication.
In that case, you don't want to `Cache-Control: public` header to be added, not to have your feed cached by a reverse-proxy (such as Symfony AppCache or Varnish).
You can do so by setting `private` parameter to `true` in config:

# config/packages/rss_atom.yaml
private: true

### Adding non-standard date formats

Some feeds use date formats which are not compliant with the specifications. You can fix this by adding the format in your configuration

# config/packages/rss_atom.yaml
- 'Y/M/d'

### Using custom Content Type header for feed generation

If you need to customize the Content-Type header of your feed you can specify the value in your configuration

# config/packages/rss_atom.yaml
content_type_json: application/json
content_type_xml: application/xhtml+xml

### Going back to feed-io 3.0

Starting from version 4.1 rss-atom-bundle comes with feed-io 4 if your application depends on PHP 7.1+. If you need to use feed-io 3 instead for some reason, you can do it in `composer.json` :

"debril/rss-atom-bundle": "^4.1",
"debril/feed-io": "~3.0",

### Override tip
It could happen that according to the order of the bundles registered in `AppKernel`, this override procedures do not work properly. This happens when a bundle is registered before `rss-atom-bundle`.
In this case, you should use the Symfony `CompilerPass` as reported in the [documentation](

use Vendor\Bundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\OverrideRssAtomBundleProviderCompilerPass;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\Bundle;

class VendorBundle extends Bundle
public function build(ContainerBuilder $container)
$container->addCompilerPass(new OverrideRssAtomBundleProviderCompilerPass());

and `Vendor/Bundle/DependencyInjection/Compiler/OverrideRssAtomBundleProviderCompilerPass.php`:
use Vendor\Bundle\Provider\FeedProvider;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler\CompilerPassInterface;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Reference;

class OverrideRssAtomBundleProviderCompilerPass implements CompilerPassInterface
public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
$definition = $container->getDefinition('debril.rss_atom.provider');
$definition->addArgument(new Reference('my.service1'));
$definition->addArgument(new Reference('my.service2'));

You can follow either `services.xml` or `CompilerPass` but with services, you have to pay attention to bundles registration order.

## Fetching the repository

Do this if you want to contribute (and you're welcome to do so):

git clone

composer.phar install --dev

## Unit Testing

You can run the unit test suites using the following command in the Bundle's source director:
