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Empower your Vue.js applications with this versatile and customizable file manager component, simplifying file organization and navigation.

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Empower your Vue.js applications with this versatile and customizable file manager component, simplifying file organization and navigation.




## Vuefinder File Manager


### About
Vuefinder is a file manager component for Vue.js version 3

### Demo
[Live Demo]( [ [Source]( ]

### Installation

npm i vuefinder

JS entry point (it can be index.js or main.js)
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'

import 'vuefinder/dist/style.css'
import VueFinder from 'vuefinder/dist/vuefinder'

const app = createApp(App)

//By default, Vuefinder will use English as the main language.
// However, if you want to support multiple languages and customize the localization,
// you can import the language files manually during component registration.


### Localization
You can manually import the localization files from the package and register them with Vuefinder. The localization files are located in the dist/locales folder.

import en from 'vuefinder/dist/locales/en.js'
import tr from 'vuefinder/dist/locales/tr.js'
import ru from 'vuefinder/dist/locales/ru.js'

app.use(VueFinder, {
i18n: { en, tr, ru }

### Async Localization
Alternatively, you can import the localization files asynchronously during component registration. This can be useful for lazy loading or if you prefer to load the files dynamically.

app.use(VueFinder, {
i18n: {
en: async () => await import("vuefinder/dist/locales/en.js"),
de: async () => await import("vuefinder/dist/locales/de.js"),
// Add more locales as needed

#### Vue Template



const request = "http://vuefinder-php.test"

// Or ...
const request = {
// ----- CHANGE ME! -----
// [REQUIRED] Url for development server endpoint
baseUrl: "http://vuefinder-php.test",
// ----- CHANGE ME! -----

// Additional headers & params & body
headers: { "X-ADDITIONAL-HEADER": 'yes' },
params: { additionalParam1: 'yes' },
body: { additionalBody1: ['yes'] },

// And/or transform request callback
transformRequest: req => {
if (req.method === 'get') {
req.params.vf = "1"
return req;

// XSRF Token header name
xsrfHeaderName: "X-CSRF-TOKEN",


### Props

| Prop | Value | Default | Description |
| id | string | _null_ | required |
| request | string/object | _object_ | required - backend url or request object, see above |
| locale | string | en | optional - default language code |
| theme | string | system | optional - default theme, options: "system","light","dark" |
| max-file-size | string | 10mb | optional - client side max file upload |
| max-height | string | 600px | optional - max height of the component |
| features | array | _null_ | optional - array of the enabled features |
| path | string | _null_ | optional - initial directory, example: 'media://public' |
| persist | boolean | false | optional - keep current directory on page refresh |
| full-screen | boolean | false | optional - start in full screen mode |
| select-button | object | _object_ | optional - adds select button in status bar, see example |

### Events
| Event | Description |
| @select="callback" | The callback function is invoked when the user selects a file or folder, and the selected elements are passed as arguments |

### Selection
There are 2 ways to select files and folders.

First one, you can use the select button in the status bar. To enable the select button, you can use the select-button prop.
when you set the select-button active to true, the select button will be visible in the status bar.

// other codes

const handleSelectButton = {
// show select button
active: true,
// allow multiple selection
multiple: false,
// handle click event
click: (items, event) => {
if (!items.length) {
alert('No item selected');
alert('Selected: ' + items[0].path);
console.log(items, event);


Alternatively, you can use the select event to get the selected items.

// other codes

// we can define a ref object to store the selected items
const selectedFiles = ref([]);

// handle select event, and store the selected items
const handleSelect = (selection) => {
selectedFiles.value = selection
// then with a button click, you can get the selected items easily
// you can add this method to the click event of a button.
const handleButtonClick = () => {


### Features
- Multi adapter/storage (see
- File and folder operations
- Create a new file
- Create a new folder
- Rename
- Delete
- Archive (zip)
- Unarchive (unzip)
- Text editing
- Image Crop Tool
- Upload / Download files
- Search (deep based on current folder)
- Nice UI
- Context Menu
- Breadcrumb links
- Toolbar
- File explorer
- Status bar
- Image thumbnails
- Toast notifications
- Appearance
- Multi language
- Full Screen
- View Modes: list, grid
- Dark Mode
- Accessibility
- Drag & drop support
- Move items (to a folder or up one folder) with drag and drop
- Mouse selection

### Backend
- PHP: [VueFinder Php Library](

You can use any backend language. Just be sure, the response should be compatible.
If you develop a backend library for another language, please let me know to add it here.

### Collaboration
If you want to contribute to the project, please feel free to fork the repository and submit your changes as a pull request. Ensure that the changes you submit are applicable for general use rather than specific to your project.

### Dependencies
- [Vue3](
- [Cropperjs]( : JavaScript image cropper
- [DragSelect]( : Selection utility
- [Uppy]( : Upload library
- [vanilla-lazyload]( : lightweight and flexible lazy loading for thumbnails
- [microtip]( : Minimal, accessible, ultra lightweight css tooltip library
- [mitt]( : Tiny 200 byte functional event emitter / pubsub

### License
Copyright (c) 2018 Yusuf ÖZDEMİR, released under [the MIT license](LICENSE)