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Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Proposal on EOS

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Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Proposal on EOS




# Updated to EOSIO.CDT v1.4.0

# Non-Fungible Token (NFT)

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## Simple Summary

A standard interface for non-fungible EOS tokens.

## Abstract

The following standard allows the implementation of a standard API for NFTs within EOS smart contracts. This standard provides basic functionality to track and transfer NFTs.

NFTs can represent ownership over digital or physical assets:

- Physical property — houses, unique artwork
- Cryptocollectibles — unique collectibles or instances which are part of limited-edition collections.
- "Negative value" assets — loans, burdens and other responsibilities

NFTs are *distinguishable* and you must track the ownership of each one separately.

## Motivation

A standard interface allows wallet/broker/auction applications to work with any NFT on EOS blockchain. A simple eosio.nft smart contract is provided.

This standard is inspired by the eosio.token standard. eosio.token is insufficient for tracking NFTs because each asset is distinct (non-fungible) whereas each of a quantity of tokens is identical (fungible).

## Specification

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

``` eosio.nft.hpp
/// @title eosio.nft public interface
/// @dev See


using namespace eosio;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
typedef uint128_t uuid;
typedef uint64_t id_type;
typedef string uri_type;

CONTRACT nft : public eosio::contract {
using contract::contract;
nft( name receiver, name code, datastream ds)
: contract(receiver, code, ds), tokens(receiver, receiver.value) {}

/// Creates token with a symbol name for the specified issuer account.
/// Throws if token with specified symbol already exists.
/// @param issuer Account name of the token issuer
/// @param symbol Symbol code of the token
ACTION create(name issuer, std::string symbol);

/// Issues specified number of tokens with previously created symbol to the account name "to".
/// Each token is generated with an unique token_id assigned to it. Requires authorization from the issuer.
/// Any number of tokens can be issued.
/// @param to Account name of tokens receiver
/// @param quantity Number of tokens to issue for specified symbol (positive integer number)
/// @param uris Vector of URIs for each issued token (size is equal to tokens number)
/// @param name Name of issued tokens (max. 32 bytes)
/// @param memo Action memo (max. 256 bytes)
ACTION issue(name to,
asset quantity,
vector uris,
string name,
string memo);

/// Transfers 1 token with specified "id" from account "from" to account "to".
/// Throws if token with specified "id" does not exist, or "from" is not the token owner.
/// @param from Account name of token owner
/// @param to Account name of token receiver
/// @param id Unique ID of the token to transfer
/// @param memo Action memo (max. 256 bytes)
ACTION transferid(name from,
name to,
id_type id,
string memo);

/// Transfers 1 token with specified symbol in asset from account "from" to account "to".
/// Throws if amount is not 1, token with specified symbol does not exist, or "from" is not the token owner.
/// @param from Account name of token owner
/// @param to Account name of token receiver
/// @param quantity Asset with 1 token
/// @param memo Action memo (max. 256 bytes)
ACTION transfer(name from,
name to,
asset quantity,
string memo);

/// @notice Burns 1 token with specified "id" owned by account name "owner".
/// @param owner Account name of token owner
/// @param id Unique ID of the token to burn
ACTION burn(name owner,
id_type token_id);

/// @notice Sets owner of the token as a ram payer for stored data.
/// @param payer Account name of token owner
/// @param id Unique ID of the token to burn
ACTION setrampayer(name payer,
id_type id);

/// Structure keeps information about the balance of tokens
/// for each symbol that is owned by an account.
/// This structure is stored in the multi_index table.
TABLE account {

asset balance;

uint64_t primary_key() const { return balance.symbol.code().raw(); }

/// Structure keeps information about the total supply
/// of tokens for each symbol issued by "issue" account.
/// This structure is stored in the multi_index table.
TABLE stats {
asset supply;
name issuer;

uint64_t primary_key() const { return supply.symbol.code().raw(); }
uint64_t get_issuer() const { return issuer.value; }

/// Structure keeps information about each issued token.
/// Each token is assigned a global unique ID when it is issued.
/// Token also keeps track of its owner, stores assigned URI and its symbol code.
/// This structure is stored in the multi_index table "tokens".
TABLE token {
id_type id; // Unique 64 bit identifier,
uri_type uri; // RFC 3986
name owner; // token owner
asset value; // token value (1 SYS)
string tokenName; // token name

id_type primary_key() const { return id; }
uint64_t get_owner() const { return owner.value; }
string get_uri() const { return uri; }
asset get_value() const { return value; }
uint64_t get_symbol() const { return value.symbol.code().raw(); }
string get_name() const { return tokenName; }

// generated token global uuid based on token id and
// contract name, passed as argument
uuid get_global_id(name self) const
uint128_t self_128 = static_cast(self.value);
uint128_t id_128 = static_cast(id);
uint128_t res = (self_128 << 64) | (id_128);
return res;

string get_unique_name() const
string unique_name = tokenName + "#" + std::to_string(id);
return unique_name;

/// Account balance table
/// Primary index:
/// owner account name
using account_index = eosio::multi_index<"accounts"_n, account>;

/// Issued tokens statistics table
/// Primary index:
/// token symbol name
/// Secondary indexes:
/// issuer account name
using currency_index = eosio::multi_index<"stat"_n, stats,
indexed_by< "byissuer"_n, const_mem_fun< stats, uint64_t, &stats::get_issuer> > >;

/// Issued tokens table
/// Primary index:
/// token id
/// Seconday indexes:
/// owner account name
/// token symbol name
using token_index = eosio::multi_index<"token"_n, token,
indexed_by< "byowner"_n, const_mem_fun< token, uint64_t, &token::get_owner> >,
indexed_by< "bysymbol"_n, const_mem_fun< token, uint64_t, &token::get_symbol> > >;

token_index tokens;
In order to query information stored in tables, it is possible to use cleos commands:

display all issued tokens info

`cleos get table eosio.nft eosio.nft token`

display "tester1" tokens balance

`cleos get table eosio.nft tester1 accounts`


`cleos get currency balance eosio.nft tester1`

display current supply of tokens with symbol "NFT"

`cleos get table eosio.nft NFT stat`

Build command for EOSIO.CDT v1.4.0

`eosio-cpp -o eosio.nft.wasm eosio.nft.cpp --abigen --contract nft`

## How to run unit tests
1. Download the ["eosio.contracts"]( repository and follow instructions on how to build it.
2. Clone the **"eosio.nft"** repository into the **"eosio.contracts"** folder
3. Add the following line to CMakeLists.txt in the **"eosio.contracts"** folder
add_subdirectory(eosio.nft) <-- add this
4. Copy files (**""** and **"eosio.nft_tests.cpp"**) from the **"eosio.contracts/eosio.nft/tests"** folder to **"eosio.contracts/tests"**
5. Rebuild the **"eosio.contracts"**
6. Copy the file **"eosio.nft.abi"** from **"eosio.contracts/eosio.nft"** to **"eosio.contracts/build/eosio.nft"**
7. Go to the **"eosio.contracts/build/tests"** folder and run the following command

`./unit_test -t eosio_nft_tests`

## To-do
1. Add secondary indices - done
2. Add approval?
3. Transfer between contracts