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An idiomatic, data-driven, REPL friendly Clojure Docker client

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An idiomatic, data-driven, REPL friendly Clojure Docker client




## clj-docker-client [![](](

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An idiomatic, data-driven, REPL friendly Clojure Docker client inspired from Cognitect's AWS [client](

#### DEPRECATION NOTICE: [contajners]( is recommended over this library. Supports more container engines like Podman and has a simpler and more efficient design and would receive new updates and maintainence. 😄

See [this]( for documentation for versions before **0.4.0**.

**The README here is for the current master branch and _may not reflect the released version_.**

**Please raise issues here for any new feature requests!**

### Installation
[lispyclouds/clj-docker-client "1.0.3"]

Clojure CLI/deps.edn
{lispyclouds/clj-docker-client {:mvn/version "1.0.3"}}

compile 'lispyclouds:clj-docker-client:1.0.3'




### Build Requirements
- Leiningen 2.8+
- JDK 1.8+

### Running tests locally
- Install [leiningen](
- Install [Docker](
- `lein kaocha` to run all tests. (needs Docker and working internet)

Auto generated code docs can be found [here](

### Developing with [Reveal]( and Leiningen
Since this is fully data driven, using Reveal is really beneficial as it allows us to _walk_ through the output from Docker, see potential errors and be more productive with instant visual feedback.

- Clone this repo.
- In the root, start the leiningen REPL with: `lein with-profile +reveal repl`. This fires up the the Reveal UI alongside the usual REPL.
- Connect your editor of choice to this REPL or start using Reveal REPL directly.
- Then repeat after me 3 times: _ALL HAIL THE DATA_! 🙏🏽

### The Docker API
This uses Docker's HTTP REST API to run. See the API [version matrix]( to find the corresponding API version for the Docker daemon you're running.

clj-docker-client works by parsing the Swagger 2.0 YAMLs from the docker client API and vendors it in this [directory]( **This defaults to using the latest version available there if no versions are pinned.** It is recommended to use a pinned version to have consistent behavior across different engine versions.

See the [page]( about the docker REST API to learn more about the usage and params to pass.

### Usage

(require '[clj-docker-client.core :as docker])

This library aims to be a _as thin layer as possible_ between you and Docker. This consists of following public functions:

#### categories

Lists the categories of operations supported. Can be bound to an API version.
(docker/categories) ; Latest version

(docker/categories "v1.40") ; Locked to v1.40

#_=> #{:system

#### client

Connect to the docker daemon's [UNIX socket]( and
create a client scoped to the operations of a given category. Can be bound to an API version.
(def images (docker/client {:category :images
:conn {:uri "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"}})) ; Latest version

(def containers (docker/client {:category :containers
:conn {:uri "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"}
:api-version "v1.40"})) ; Container client for v1.40
Using a timeout for the connections. Thanks [olymk2]( for the suggestion.
Docker actions can take quite a long time so set the timeout accordingly. When you don't provide timeouts
then there will be no timeout on the client side.
(def ping (docker/client {:category :_ping
:conn {:uri "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
:timeouts {:connect-timeout 10
:read-timeout 30000
:write-timeout 30000
:call-timeout 30000}}}))
Alternatively if connecting to a remote docker daemon over TCP supply the `:uri` as ``. **NOTE**: `unix://`, `http://`, `tcp://` and `https://` are the currently supported protocols.

#### ops
Lists the supported ops by a client.
(docker/ops images)

#_=> (:ImageList

#### doc
Returns the doc of an operation in a client.
(docker/doc images :ImageList)

#_=> {:doc
"List Images\nReturns a list of images on the server. Note that it uses a different, smaller representation of an image than inspecting a single image.",
({:name "all", :type "boolean"}
{:name "filters", :type "string"}
{:name "digests", :type "boolean"})}

#### invoke
Invokes an operation via the client and a given operation map and returns the result data.
; Pulls the busybox:musl image from Docker hub
(docker/invoke images {:op :ImageCreate
:params {:fromImage "busybox:musl"}})

; Creates a container named conny from it
(docker/invoke containers {:op :ContainerCreate
:params {:name "conny"
:body {:Image "busybox:musl"
:Cmd "ls"}}})

The operation map is of the following structure:
{:op :NameOfOp
:params {:param-1 "value1"
:param-2 true}}
Takes an optional key `as`. Defaults to `:data`. Returns an InputStream if passed as `:stream`, the raw underlying network socket if passed as `:socket`. `:stream` is useful for streaming responses like logs, events etc, which run till the container is up. `:socket` is useful for events when bidirectional streams are returned by docker in operations like `:ContainerAttach`.
{:op :NameOfOp
:params {:param-1 "value1"
:param-2 true}
:as :stream}

Takes another optional key `:throw-exception?`. Defaults to `false`. If set to true will throw an exception for exceptional status codes from the Docker API i.e. `status >= 400`. Throws an `java.lang.RuntimeException` with the message.
{:op :NameOfOp
:throw-exception? true}

### General guidelines
- Head over to the Docker API docs to get more info on the type of parameters you should be sending. eg: this [page]( for `v1.40` API docs.
- The type `stream` is mapped to `` and when the API needs a stream as an input, send an InputStream. When it returns a stream, the call can **possibly block** till the container or source is up and it's recommended to pass the `as` param as `:stream` to the invoke call and read it asynchronously. See this [section]( for more info.

### Sample code for common scenarios

#### Pulling an image
(def images (docker/client {:category :images
:conn {:uri "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"}}))

(docker/invoke images {:op :ImageCreate
:params {:fromImage "busybox:musl"}})

#### Creating a container
(def containers (docker/client {:category :containers
:conn {:uri "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"}}))

(docker/invoke containers {:op :ContainerCreate
:params {:name "conny"
:body {:Image "busybox:musl"
:Cmd ["sh"
"i=1; while :; do echo $i; sleep 1; i=$((i+1)); done"]}}})

#### Starting a container

(docker/invoke containers {:op :ContainerStart
:params {:id "conny"}})

#### Creating a network

(def networks (docker/client {:category :networks
:conn {:uri "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"}
:api-version "v1.40"}))

(docker/invoke networks {:op :NetworkCreate
:params {:networkConfig {:Name "conny-network"}}})

#### Streaming logs
; fn to react when data is available
(defn react-to-stream
[stream reaction-fn]
(with-open [rdr ( stream)]
(loop [r ( rdr)]
(when-let [line (.readLine r)]
(reaction-fn line)
(recur r))))))

(def log-stream (docker/invoke containers {:op :ContainerLogs
:params {:id "conny"
:follow true
:stdout true}
:as :stream}))

(react-to-stream log-stream println) ; prints the logs line by line when they come.

#### Attach to a container and send data to stdin
;; This is a raw bidirectional, so both reads and writes are possible.
;; conny-reader has been started with: docker run -d -i --name conny-reader alpine:latest sh -c "cat - >/out"
(def sock (docker/invoke containers {:op :ContainerAttach
:params {:id "conny-reader"
:stream true
:stdin true}
:as :socket}))

( "hello" (.getOutputStream sock))

(.close sock) ; Important for freeing up resources.

#### Using registries that need authentication
Thanks [@AustinC]( for this example.

(ns dclj.core
(:require [clj-docker-client.core :as d]
[cheshire.core :as json])
(:import [java.util Base64]))

(defn b64-encode
(.encodeToString (Base64/getEncoder) (.getBytes to-encode)))

(def auth
(-> {"username" "un"
"password" "pw"
"serveraddress" ""}

(def images
(d/client {:category :images
:conn {:uri "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"}
:api-version "v1.40"}))

(d/invoke images
{:op :ImageCreate
:params {:fromImage ""
:X-Registry-Auth auth}
:throw-exception? true})

#### HTTPS and Mutual TLS(mTLS)

Since both https and unix sockets are suppported, and generally docker deamons exposed over HTTPS are protected via [mTLS](, here is an example using mTLS to connect to docker via HTTPS:

;; Create a client using https
;; The ca.pem, key.pem and cert.pem are produced by the docker daemon when protected via mTLS
(def http-tls-ping
(client {:category :_ping
:conn {:uri ""
:mtls {:ca "ca.pem"
:key "key.pem"
:cert "cert.pem"}}}))

(invoke http-tls-ping {:op :SystemPing}) ;; => Returns "OK"

The caveat here is _password protected PEM files aren't supported yet_. Please raise an issue if there is a need for it.

### Not so common scenarios

#### Accessing undocumented/experimental Docker APIs
There are some cases where you may need access to an API that is either experimental or is not in the swagger docs.
Docker [checkpoint]( is one such example. Thanks [@mk]( for bringing it up!

Since this uses the published APIs from the swagger spec, the way to access them is to use the lower level fn `fetch` from the `clj-docker-client/requests` ns. The caveat is the **response will be totally raw(data, stream or the socket itself)**.

fetch takes the following params as a map:
- conn: the connection to the daemon. Required.
- url: the relative path to the operation. Required.
- method: the method of the HTTP request as a keyword. Default: `:get`.
- query: the map of key-values to be passed as query params.
- path: the map of key-values to be passed as path params. Needed for interpolated path values like `/v1.40/containers/{id}/checkpoints`. Pass `{:id "conny"}` here.
- header: the map of key-values to be passed as HEADER params.
- body: the stream or map(will be converted to JSON) to be passed as body.
- as: takes the kind of response expected. One of :stream, :socket or :data. Same as `invoke`. Default: `:data`.

(require '[clj-docker-client.requests :as req])
(require '[clj-docker-client.core :as docker])

;; This is the undocumented API in the Docker Daemon.
;; See
(req/fetch {:conn (req/connect* {:uri "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"})
:url "/v1.40/containers/conny/checkpoints"})

More examples of low level calls:
;; Ping the server
(req/fetch {:conn (req/connect* {:uri "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"})
:url "/v1.40/_ping"})

;; Copy a folder to a container
(req/fetch {:conn (req/connect* {:uri "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"})
:url "/v1.40/containers/conny/archive"
:method :put
:query {:path "/root/src"}
:body (-> "src.tar.gz"

#### Reading a streaming output in case of an exception being thrown

When `:throw-exception?` is passed as `true` and the `:as` is set to `:stream`, to read the response stream, pass `throw-entire-message?` as `true` to the invoke. The stream is available as `:body` in the ex-data of the exception.
(invoke containers
{:op :ContainerArchive
:params {:id "conny"
:path "/this-does-not-exist"}
:as :stream
:throw-exception? true
:throw-entire-message? true})
(catch Exception e
(-> e ex-data :body slurp println))) ; Prints out the body of error from docker.

And anything else is possible!

## License

Copyright © 2020 Rahul De and [contributors](

Distributed under the LGPLv3+ License. See LICENSE.