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Forecasting with H2O AutoML. Use the H2O Automatic Machine Learning algorithm as a backend for Modeltime Time Series Forecasting.

deep-learning forecast forecasting h2o machine-learning modeltime r r-package tidymodels time-series time-series-analysis timeseries

Last synced: 3 months ago
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Forecasting with H2O AutoML. Use the H2O Automatic Machine Learning algorithm as a backend for Modeltime Time Series Forecasting.




output: github_document

```{r, include = FALSE}
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>",
fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
out.width = "100%"

# modeltime.h2o

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> Forecasting with H2O AutoML

Modeltime H2O provides an H2O backend to the Modeltime Forecasting Ecosystem. The main algorithm is __H2O AutoML__, an automatic machine learning library that is built for speed and scale.

``` r
# Install Development Version
## What's possible

With the Modeltime Ecosystem, it's easy to forecast at scale. This forecast was created with __H2O AutoML__. Try it out in [Getting Started with Modeltime H2O](

```{r, echo=FALSE}

## Meet the modeltime ecosystem

> Learn a growing ecosystem of forecasting packages

```{r, echo=F, out.width='100%', fig.align='center', fig.cap="The modeltime ecosystem is growing"}

Modeltime is part of a __growing ecosystem__ of Modeltime forecasting packages.

- [Modeltime (Machine Learning)](

- [Modeltime H2O (AutoML)](

- [Modeltime GluonTS (Deep Learning)](

- [Modeltime Ensemble (Blending Forecasts)](

- [Modeltime Resample (Backtesting)](

- [Timetk (Feature Engineering, Data Wrangling, Time Series Visualization)](

## Take the High-Performance Forecasting Course

> Become the forecasting expert for your organization

High-Performance Time Series Forecasting Course

[_High-Performance Time Series Course_](

### Time Series is Changing

Time series is changing. __Businesses now need 10,000+ time series forecasts every day.__ This is what I call a _High-Performance Time Series Forecasting System (HPTSF)_ - Accurate, Robust, and Scalable Forecasting.

__High-Performance Forecasting Systems will save companies by improving accuracy and scalability.__ Imagine what will happen to your career if you can provide your organization a "High-Performance Time Series Forecasting System" (HPTSF System).

### How to Learn High-Performance Time Series Forecasting

I teach how to build a HPTFS System in my [__High-Performance Time Series Forecasting Course__]( You will learn:

- __Time Series Machine Learning__ (cutting-edge) with `Modeltime` - 30+ Models (Prophet, ARIMA, XGBoost, Random Forest, & many more)
- __Deep Learning__ with `GluonTS` (Competition Winners)
- __Time Series Preprocessing__, Noise Reduction, & Anomaly Detection
- __Feature engineering__ using lagged variables & external regressors
- __Hyperparameter Tuning__
- __Time series cross-validation__
- __Ensembling__ Multiple Machine Learning & Univariate Modeling Techniques (Competition Winner)
- __Scalable Forecasting__ - Forecast 1000+ time series in parallel
- and more.

Become the Time Series Expert for your organization.

Take the High-Performance Time Series Forecasting Course