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Latest full source of the SkookumScript UE4 plugin and runtime.

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Latest full source of the SkookumScript UE4 plugin and runtime.




# SkookumScript Plugin
[![SkookumScript UE4 Plugin Intro hood](]( "SkookumScript UE4 Plugin Intro - Click to Watch!")

SkookumScript is the superpowered scripting solution and cutting-edge command console for UE4. It is powerful and feature-rich, yet simple and easy to learn. It has native game concepts and deep integration with UE4 Blueprints and C++. SkookumScript allows the live creation of sophisticated gameplay with surprisingly few lines of code. It has been lovingly crafted over more than a decade, [battle-tested on major game titles]( and supports all platforms. SkookumScript is made for games.

![SkookumScript IDE Screenshots](

## Learning Resources
Please see the [Wiki]( for a list of learning resources for SkookumScript.

## C++ Project Instructions
If you'd like to have SkookumScript see your C++ defined `UFUNCTION`s and `UPROPERTY`s then follow the steps below. Be sure to replace any instances of `YourProjectNameHere` with the name of your project as defined in your project's implementation of the primary game module. For instance, in the `CExample.cpp` below we can see that the project name is `CExample`, yours will differ:

IMPLEMENT_PRIMARY_GAME_MODULE( FDefaultGameModuleImpl, CExample, "CExample" );

1. In `YourProjectNameHere.cpp`, add the include:


1. In `YourProjectNameHere.Build.cs` add the 3 code sections delimited in the example below, you don't need to change any names for this one, just copy/paste the sections that are marked as `Add this` to the appropriate place:

using UnrealBuildTool;

/***** Add this *****/
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Tools.DotNETCommon;

public class CExample : ModuleRules
public CExample(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)
PCHUsage = PCHUsageMode.UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs;

PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore" });

PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { });

/***** Add this *****/
// Load SkookumScript.ini and add any ScriptSupportedModules specified to the list of PrivateDependencyModuleNames
PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(GetSkookumScriptModuleNames(Path.Combine(ModuleDirectory, "../..")));

/***** Add this *****/
// Load SkookumScript.ini and return any ScriptSupportedModules specified
public static List GetSkookumScriptModuleNames(string PluginOrProjectRootDirectory, bool AddSkookumScriptRuntime = true)
List moduleList = null;

// Load SkookumScript.ini and get ScriptSupportedModules
string iniFilePath = Path.Combine(PluginOrProjectRootDirectory, "Config/SkookumScript.ini");
if (File.Exists(iniFilePath))
ConfigFile iniFile = new ConfigFile(new FileReference(iniFilePath), ConfigLineAction.Add);
var skookumConfig = new ConfigHierarchy(new ConfigFile[] { iniFile });
skookumConfig.GetArray("CommonSettings", "ScriptSupportedModules", out moduleList);

if (moduleList == null)
moduleList = new List();

// Add additional modules needed for SkookumScript to function
if (AddSkookumScriptRuntime)

return moduleList;

3. In your project's `Config` folder, create the file `SkookumScript.ini` and set the contents as below, be sure to replace the name of your project:


4. Clean your Game project in VS and build. You should now see all your functions and properties.

## Build Instructions

### SkookumIDE (Required)
To use the source version of SkookumScript, you will also need he SkookumIDE binaries. The easiest way to acquire these is to download the [latest release]( and overwrite the `SkookumIDE` folder in this repo with the one from the release. You can also build the IDE from source by following [these instructions]( Note that to access the SkookumIDE repo, you need to [have access to the Unreal Engine 4 repository](

### Clone the repo
#### Binary Engine
Place the SkookumScript plugin into your project's plugin folder. Example: `MyProject/Plugins/SkookumScript`.

#### Source Engine
You can choose whether to place the SkookumScript plugin into the engine's `Runtime/Plugins` folder or in your project's plugin folder.

### Build
1. Build the SkookumIDE
2. Copy the built SkookumIDE folder from the SkookumIDE project folder `Engine/Plugins/SkookumScript/SkookumIDE` to the SkookumScript Plugin folder `Plugins/SkookumScript`. Note that this will overwrite the existing `SkookumIDE` folder.
3. Regenerate project files. If you placed the plugin into the engine folder then run `GenerateProjectFiles.bat` otherwise right-click your `.uproject` and select *Generate Visual Studio Project Files*.
4. Build your project/engine as usual.