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Generating Vectors for DBpedia Entities via Word2Vec and Wikipedia Dumps. Questions?

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Generating Vectors for DBpedia Entities via Word2Vec and Wikipedia Dumps. Questions?




# Wiki2Vec

Utilities for creating Word2Vec vectors for Dbpedia Entities via a Wikipedia Dump.

Within the release of [Word2Vec]( the Google team released vectors for freebase entities trained on the Wikipedia. These vectors are useful for a variety of tasks.

This Tool will allow you to generate those vectors. Instead of `mids` entities will be addressed via `DbpediaIds` which correspond to wikipedia article's titles.
Vectors are generated for (i) words appearing inside wikipedia (ii) vectors for topics i.e: `dbpedia/Barack_Obama`.

## Prebuilt models

You can download via torrent one of the prebuilt word2vec models:

- [English Wikipedia (Feb 2015) 1000 dimension - No stemming - 10skipgram](

- [German Wikipedia (Feb 2015) 300 dimension - No stemming - 10cbow](
#### Using a prebuilt model

- Get python 2.7
- Install gensim: `pip install gensim`
- uncompress downloaded model: `tar -xvf model.tar.gz`
- Load model in gensim:

from gensim.models import Word2Vec
model = Word2Vec.load("path/to/word2vec/en.model")
model.similarity('woman', 'man')

## Quick usage:

- The automated Script set up and runs everything on Ubuntu 14.04. For other Platforms check `Going the long way`
- Run `sudo sh PathToOutputFolder`. i.e:
- `sudo sh es_ES /mnt/data/` will work on the spanish wikipedia
- `sudo sh en_US /mnt/data/` will work on the english wikipedia
- `sudo sh da_DA /mnt/data/` will work on the danish wikipedia

- Running `prepare` will:
- Download the latest wikipedia dump for the given language
- Clean the dump, stem it and tokenize it
- Create a `language.corpus` file in `outputFolder`, this corpus can be fed to any word2vec tool to generate vectors.

- Once you get `language.corpus` go to `resources/gensim` and do:

` pathToCorpus pathToOutputFile `

this will install all requiered dependencies for Gensim and build word2vec vectors.


` corpus output/model.w2c 50 500 10`

- Discards words below 50 counts, generate vectors of size 500, and the window size for building the counts of each occurence is 10 words.


`` script installs:
- Java 7
- Sbt
- Apache Spark

`` script installs:
- python-pip
- build-essential
- liblapack-dev
- gfortran
- zlib1g-dev
- python-dev
- cython
- numpy
- scipy
- gensim

## Going the long way

### Compile

- Get sbt
- make sure `JAVA_HOME` is pointing to Java 7
- do `sbt assembly`

### Readable Wikipedia

Wikipedia dumps are stored in xml format. This is a difficult format to process in parallel because the xml file has to be streamed getting the articles on the go.
A Readable wikipedia Dump is a transformation of the dump such that it is easy to pipeline into tools such as Spark or Hadoop.

Every line in a readable wikipedia dump follows the format:
`Dbpedia Title` `` `Article's Text`

The class `org.idio.wikipedia.dumps.ReadableWiki` gets a `multistreaming-xml.bz2`wikipedia dump and outputs a readable wikipedia.

- path to wikipedia dump
- path to output readable wikipedia

`java -Xmx10G -Xms10G -cp org.idio.wikipedia.dumps.ReadableWiki wiki2vec-assembly-1.0.jar path-to-wiki-dump/eswiki-20150105-pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2 pathTo/output/ReadableWikipedia`

### Word2Vec Corpus

Creates a Tokenized corpus which can be fed into tools such as Gensim to create Word2Vec vectors for Dbpedia entities.

- Every Wikipedia link to an article within wiki is replaced by : `DbpediaId/DbpediaIDToLink`. i.e:

if an article's text contains:
[[ Barack Obama | B.O ]] is the president of [[USA]]

is transformed into:

DbpediaID/Barack_Obama B.O is the president of DbpediaID/USA

- Articles are tokenized (At the moment in a very naive way)

#### Getting a Word2Vec Corpus

1. Make sure you got a `Readable Wikipedia`
2. Download Spark :
3. In your Spark folder do:
bin/spark-submit --master local[*] --executor-memory 1g --class "org.idio.wikipedia.word2vec.Word2VecCorpus" target/scala-2.10/wiki2vec-assembly-1.0.jar /PathToYourReadableWiki/readableWiki.lines /Path/To/RedirectsFile /PathToOut/Word2vecReadyWikipediaCorpus
4. Feed your corpus to a word2vec tool

### Stemming

By default the word2vec corpus is always stemmed. If you don't want that to happen:

#### If using the automated scripts..
pass None as an extra argument

`sudo sh es_ES /mnt/data/ None` will work on the spanish wikipedia and won't stem words

#### If you are manually running the tools:
Pass None as an extra argument when calling spark
bin/spark-submit --class "org.idio.wikipedia.word2vec.Word2VecCorpus" target/scala-2.10/wiki2vec-assembly-1.0.jar /PathToYourReadableWiki/readableWiki.lines /Path/To/RedirectsFile /PathToOut/Word2vecReadyWikipediaCorpus None

## Word2Vec tools:

- [Gensim](
- [DeepLearning4j]( Feb 2014, Gets stuck in infinite loops on a big corpus
- [Spark's word2vec]( Feb 2014, `number of dimensions` * `vocabulary size` has to be less than a certain value otherwise an exception is thrown. [issue]([email protected]%3E)

## ToDo:
- Remove hard coded spark params
- Handle Wikipedia Redirections
- Intra Article co-reference resolution