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A general purpose recommender metrics library for fair evaluation.

coverage deep-learning evaluation machine-learning metric metrics mrr personalization precision rank ranking recall recommender recommender-system recsys rsquared

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A general purpose recommender metrics library for fair evaluation.




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**reXmeX** is recommender system evaluation metric library.

Please look at the **[Documentation](** and **[External Resources](**.

**reXmeX** consists of utilities for recommender system evaluation. First, it provides a comprehensive collection of metrics for the evaluation of recommender systems. Second, it includes a variety of methods for reporting and plotting the performance results. Implemented metrics cover a range of well-known metrics and newly proposed metrics from data mining ([ICDM](, [CIKM](, [KDD]( conferences and prominent journals.


If you find *RexMex* useful in your research, please consider adding the following citation:

title = {{rexmex: A General Purpose Recommender Metrics Library for Fair Evaluation.}},
author = {Benedek Rozemberczki and Sebastian Nilsson and Piotr Grabowski and Charles Tapley Hoyt and Gavin Edwards},
year = {2021},

**An introductory example**

The following example loads a synthetic dataset which has the mandatory `y_true` and `y_score` keys. The dataset has binary labels and predictied probability scores. We read the dataset and define a defult `ClassificationMetric` instance for the evaluation of the predictions. Using this metric set we create a score card and get the predictive performance metrics.

from rexmex import ClassificationMetricSet, DatasetReader, ScoreCard

reader = DatasetReader()
scores = reader.read_dataset()

metric_set = ClassificationMetricSet()

score_card = ScoreCard(metric_set)

report = score_card.get_performance_metrics(scores["y_true"], scores["y_score"])


**An advanced example**

The following more advanced example loads the same synthetic dataset which has the `source_id`, `target_id`, `source_group` and `target group` keys besides the mandatory `y_true` and `y_score`. Using the `source_group` key we group the predictions and return a performance metric report.

from rexmex import ClassificationMetricSet, DatasetReader, ScoreCard

reader = DatasetReader()
scores = reader.read_dataset()

metric_set = ClassificationMetricSet()

score_card = ScoreCard(metric_set)

report = score_card.generate_report(scores, grouping=["source_group"])



A **rexmex** score card allows the reporting of recommender system performance metrics, plotting the performance metrics and saving those. Our framework provides 7 rating, 38 classification, 18 ranking, and 2 coverage metrics.

**Metric Sets**

Metric sets allow the users to calculate a range of evaluation metrics for a label - predicted label vector pair. We provide a general `MetricSet` class and specialized metric sets with pre-set metrics have the following general categories:

- **Ranking**
- **Rating**
- **Classification**
- **Coverage**


**Ranking Metric Set**

* **[Normalized Distance Based Performance Measure (NDPM)](**
* **[Discounted Cumulative Gain (DCG)](**
* **[Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG)](**
* **[Reciprocal Rank](**

Expand to see all ranking metrics in the metric set.

* **[Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR)](**
* **[Spearmanns Rho](**
* **[Kendall Tau](**
* **[HITS@k](**
* **[Novelty](**
* **[Average Recall @ k](**
* **[Mean Average Recall @ k](**
* **[Average Precision @ k](**
* **[Mean Average Precision @ k](**
* **[Personalisation](**
* **[Intra List Similarity](**


**Rating Metric Set**

These metrics assume that items are scored explicitly and ratings are predicted by a regression model.

* **[Mean Squared Error (MSE)](**
* **[Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)](**
* **[Mean Absolute Error (MAE)](**
* **[Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE)](**

Expand to see all rating metrics in the metric set.

* **[Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error (SMAPE)](**
* **[Pearson Correlation](**
* **[Coefficient of Determination](**


**Classification Metric Set**

These metrics assume that the items are scored with raw probabilities (these can be binarized).

* **[Precision (or Positive Predictive Value)](**
* **[Recall (Sensitivity, Hit Rate, or True Positive Rate)](**
* **[Area Under the Precision Recall Curve (AUPRC)](**
* **[Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic (AUROC)](**

Expand to see all classification metrics in the metric set.

* **[F-1 Score](**
* **[Average Precision](**
* **[Specificty (Selectivity or True Negative Rate )](**
* **[Matthew's Correlation](**
* **[Accuracy](**
* **[Balanced Accuracy](**
* **[Fowlkes-Mallows Index](**


**Coverage Metric Set**

These metrics measure how well the recommender system covers the available items in the catalog and possible users.
In other words measure the diversity of predictions.

* **[Item Coverage](**
* **[User Coverage](**

**Documentation and Reporting Issues**

Head over to our [documentation]( to find out more about installation and data handling, a full list of implemented methods, and datasets.

If you notice anything unexpected, please open an [issue]( and let us know. If you are missing a specific method, feel free to open a [feature request](
We are motivated to constantly make RexMex even better.


**Installation via the command line**

RexMex can be installed with the following command after the repo is cloned.

$ pip install .

Use `-e/--editable` when developing.

**Installation via pip**

RexMex can be installed with the following pip command.

$ pip install rexmex

As we create new releases frequently, upgrading the package casually might be beneficial.

$ pip install rexmex --upgrade


**Running tests**

Tests can be run with `tox` with the following:

$ pip install tox
$ tox -e py



If you use RexMex in a scientific publication, we would appreciate citations. Please see GitHub's built-in citation tool.



- [Apache-2.0 License](