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A deep learning library for spiking neural networks which is based on PyTorch, focuses on fast training and supports inference on neuromorphic hardware.

machine-learning pytorch snn spiking-neural-networks

Last synced: about 1 month ago
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A deep learning library for spiking neural networks which is based on PyTorch, focuses on fast training and supports inference on neuromorphic hardware.




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Sinabs (Sinabs Is Not A Brain Simulator) is a python library for the development and implementation of Spiking Convolutional Neural Networks (SCNNs).
The library implements several layers that are `spiking` equivalents of CNN layers.
In addition it provides support to import CNN models implemented in torch conveniently to test their `spiking` equivalent implementation.
This project is managed by SynSense (former aiCTX AG).

The `sinabs-dynapcnn` was incorporated to this project, and it enables porting sinabs models to chips and dev-kits with DYNAP-CNN technology.

For the stable release on the main branch:
pip install sinabs
or (thanks to [@Tobias-Fischer](
conda install -c conda-forge sinabs

For the latest pre-release on the develop branch that passed the tests:
pip install sinabs --pre
The package has been tested on the following configurations

Documentation and Examples

Questions? Feedback?
Please join us on the [#sinabs Discord channel](!

- If you would like to report bugs or push any changes, you can do this on our [github repository](

Sinabs is published under AGPL v3.0. See the LICENSE file for details.

Contributing to Sinabs
Checkout the [contributing]( page for more info.


In case you find this software library useful for your work please consider citing it as follows:

author = {Sheik, Sadique and Lenz, Gregor and Bauer, Felix and Kuepelioglu, Nogay },
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.8385545},
license = {AGPL-3.0},
title = {{SINABS: A simple Pytorch based SNN library specialised for Speck}},
url = {}