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splash plugin for vue js

css js loading splash splash-screen vue vue-splash

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splash plugin for vue js




# Vue Splash
Splash Your App Logo 💦

show the splash, until your app is loaded...

## Demo

[see demo](

## Installation
npm i vue-splash

## Usage

Plugin install:

import Vue from 'vue';
import VueSplash from 'vue-splash';


Import in template:


import YourLogo from "<Your Magnificent Logo Path>";

export default {
name: "YourMagnificentVueComponent",
computed: {
logo() {
return YourLogo;


## Props

| name | type | default | description |
| ----------------- | -------------------------------- | -------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| show | Boolean | true | decide to show component |
| logo | String | | image source to load your logo |
| title | String | Your Magnificent App Name | define app name |
| custom-text | String | | write your custom text or html instead of title prop |
| color | String | #00bfa5 | define splash color |
| size | String, Number | 180 | define splash logo size (px) |
| fixed | Boolean | true | fixed to full screen |
| background-color | String | | set background color (it works if the "fixed" property is set to true) |

## Support
If you like this plugin and want to support me to make more plugins and apps like this, you can pay me with SOL\
My SOL wallet: ```4BjqDB5hGmZVkiRuBa5JkhceLVaTokYg4Gqe4fkV6Lby```.\
Also you can [buy me a coffee]( :)

## License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.