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SVG component to create placeholder loading, like Facebook cards loading.

component loading placeholder svg vue

Last synced: about 1 month ago
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SVG component to create placeholder loading, like Facebook cards loading.




# vue-content-loader

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SVG component to create placeholder loading, like Facebook cards loading.


## Features

This is a Vue port for [react-content-loader](

- Completely customizable: you can change the colors, speed and sizes.
- Create your own loading: use the [online tool]( to create your custom loader easily.
- You can use it right now: there are a lot of presets already.
- Performance:
- Tree-shakable and highly optimized bundle.
- Pure SVG, so it's works without any javascript, canvas, etc.
- Pure functional components.

## Install

⚠️ **The latest version is compatible with Vue 3 only.** For Vue 2 & Nuxt 2, use `vue-content-loader@^0.2` instead.

With npm:

npm i vue-content-loader

Or with yarn:

yarn add vue-content-loader

CDN: [UNPKG]( | [jsDelivr]( (available as `window.contentLoaders`)

## Usage

👀👉 Demo: [CodeSandbox](


import { ContentLoader } from 'vue-content-loader'

export default {
components: {


### Built-in loaders

import {
} from 'vue-content-loader'

`ContentLoader` is a meta loader while other loaders are just higher-order components of it. By default `ContentLoader` only displays a simple rectangle, here's how you can use it to create custom loaders:



This is also how [ListLoader](./src/ListLoader.js) is created.

You can also use the [online tool]( to create shapes for your custom loader.

## API

### Props

| Prop | Type | Default | Description |
| ------------------- | -------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| width | number, string | | SVG width in pixels without unit |
| height | number, string | | SVG height in pixels without unit |
| viewBox | string | `'0 0 ${width ?? 400} ${height ?? 130}'` | See [SVG viewBox]( attribute |
| preserveAspectRatio | string | `'xMidYMid meet'` | See [SVG preserveAspectRatio]( attribute |
| speed | number | `2` | Animation speed |
| primaryColor | string | `'#f9f9f9'` | Background color |
| secondaryColor | string | `'#ecebeb'` | Highlight color |
| uniqueKey | string | `randomId()` | Unique ID, you need to make it consistent for SSR |
| animate | boolean | `true` | |
| baseUrl | string | empty string | Required if you're using `` in your `