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Highly customizable & lightweight circular progressbar component for Vue 3, built with SVG and extensively customizable

circle-progress-bar vue3 vue3-component

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Highly customizable & lightweight circular progressbar component for Vue 3, built with SVG and extensively customizable




# Vue 3 Circle Progress

![Vue 3 Circle Progress](

Highly customizable & lightweight circular progressbar component for Vue 3, built with SVG and extensively customizable.

### Table of contents

* [Installation](#installation)
* [Usage and Examples](#usage-and-examples)
* [Props](#props)
* [Gradient (props.gradient)](#propsgradient)
* [Shadow (props.shadow)](#propsshadow)
* [Callback](#callback)
* [Default Props](#default-props)

#### Live demo: [](

## Installation

Install with npm:
npm install --save vue3-circle-progress

or yarn:

yarn add vue3-circle-progress

## Usage and Examples


// Basic Usage

// Default Gradient

// Customize Gradient

// Default Shadow

// Customize Shadow

import "vue3-circle-progress/dist/circle-progress.css";
import CircleProgress from "vue3-circle-progress";
export default {
components: {CircleProgress}


## Props

Available Props, this package supports 30+ props

| **Names** | **Description** | **Default Value** | **Type** | **Range/Max**
| ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ |
| size | Circle height & Width | `180` | Int | ∞ |
| border-width | Circle Border width | `15` | Int | ∞ |
| border-bg-width | Circle Border Background width | `15` | Int | ∞ |
| fill-color | Stroke Fill Color | `#288feb` | String | N/A |
| empty-color | Stroke (empty) BG Fill Color | `#288feb` | String | N/A |
| background | Circle Background | `none` | String | N/A |
| class | Component Custom Class | `''` | String | N/A |
| percent | Fill Percent | `55` | Int | 100 |
| linecap | Stroke Line Style | `round` | String | N/A |
| is-gradient | Enable Gradient | `false` | Boolean | N/A |
| transition | Apply transition when percent change | `200` (ms) | Int | ∞ |
| gradient | Gradient Essential Values | [{...}](#propsgradient) | Object | N/A |
| is-shadow | Enable Circle Shadow | `false` | Boolean | N/A |
| shadow | Shadow Essential Values | [{...}](#propsshadow) | Object | N/A |
| is-bg-shadow | Enable Circle BG Shadow | `false` | Boolean | N/A |
| bg-shadow | Shadow Essential Values | [{...}](#propsbgshadow) | Object | N/A |
| viewport | Animate when element is in viewport | `true` | Boolean | N/A |
| on-viewport | Callback function to detect viewport | `undefined` | Function | N/A |
| show-percent | Enable disable percent counter | `false` | Boolean | N/A |
| unit | Unit of percent counter | `'%'` | String | N/A |

#### Example:


import CircleProgress from "vue3-circle-progress";
export default {
components: {CircleProgress}


## props.gradient

| **Names** | **Description** | **Default Value** | **Type** | **Range/Max**
| ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ |
| angle | Gradinet Angle | `0` | Int | 0-360 |
| startColor | Gradient Start Color | `#ff0000` | String | N/A |
| stopColor | Gradient Stop Color | `#ffff00` | String | N/A |

#### Example:



## props.shadow

| **Names** | **Description** | **Default Value** | **Type** | **Range/Max**
| ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ |
| inset | Set Shadow Inset or Outset | `false` | Boolean | N/A |
| vertical | Shadow Vertical Offset | `3` | Int | ∞ |
| horizontal | Shadow Horizontal Offset | `0` | Int | ∞ |
| blur | Shadow Blur | `0` | Int | ∞ |
| opacity | Shadow Opacity | `.4` | Float | 0-1 |
| color | Shadow Color | `#000000` | String | 0-1 |

#### Example



## props.bgShadow

| **Names** | **Description** | **Default Value** | **Type** | **Range/Max**
| ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ |
| inset | Set Shadow Inset or Outset | `false` | Boolean | N/A |
| vertical | Shadow Vertical Offset | `3` | Int | ∞ |
| horizontal | Shadow Horizontal Offset | `0` | Int | ∞ |
| blur | Shadow Blur | `0` | Int | ∞ |
| opacity | Shadow Opacity | `.4` | Float | 0-1 |
| color | Shadow Color | `#000000` | String | 0-1 |

#### Example



## Callback

This callback function fires when the target element is in the viewport.

