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A fully customisable Vue.js modal component.

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A fully customisable Vue.js modal component.





A fully customisable Vue.js modal component.

# Features
* Fully Customisable (borders, shadow, position, colors, backgrounds, width, etc...)
* Responsive
* Scrollable (with lock scroll on body)
* Stackable (with z-index)
* Animated (separate animations for background and modal window)
* Auto-close on background click
* Lightweight <15Kb
* Header / Footer / Content Slots

Demo: [jsFiddle](
# Getting started

1. Install the component:

npm install --save vue-topmodal
yarn add vue-topmodal

2. (Option A) Add the component into your app:

import Vue from 'vue'
import TopModal from 'vue-topmodal'

Vue.component('top-modal', TopModal)

2. (Option B) Include JS & CSS:

new Vue({
components: {
el: "#app",

3. Usage

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ut ipsum a dolor ultricies volutpat.

# Props
* `open` (Boolean): Open or close the modal.
* `z-index` (Number): Z-index of the modal.
* `bg` (String): Background behind the modal.
* `bg-image` (String): Background behind the modal, useful for images or gradients.
* `bg-animation` (String): Name of the animation to use. Default to `bg`
* `container-scrollable` (Boolean): Set to true if you want a scrollable modal.
* `column-position` (String): Set the horizontal alignment of the modal. Valid values are: `left`,`right`,`center`
* `column-right` (String): Space from right, eg. `10%`. Only valid if `column-position` is `right`.
* `column-left` (String): Space from left, eg. `10px`. Only valid if `column-position` is `left`.
* `column-max-width` (String): Set the max width of the modal. (for responsive use $mq | mq({...}) filters)
* `modal-animation` (String): Name of the animation to use. Default to `modal`
* `modal-position` (String): Set the vertical alignment of the modal. Valid values are: `top`,`bottom`,`center`
* `modal-top` (String): Space from top, eg. `10%`. Only valid if `modal-position` is `top`.
* `modal-bottom` (String): Space from bottom, eg. `10px`. Only valid if `modal-position` is `bottom`.
* `modal-border` (String): Border of the modal eg. `1px solid black`.
* `modal-border-radius` (String): Border radius of the modal. Eg. `5px`
* `modal-box-shadow` (String): Shadow of the modal
* `modal-height` (String): Height of the modal, default to `auto`
* `modal-background` (String): Background of the modal
* `content-padding` (String): Padding of the modal content slot. Default to `1em`
* `scroll-lock` (Boolean): Enable/Disable scroll lock. Enabled by default.

# Events
* `bg-click`: Fired when the user click on the background behind the modal
* `opened`: Open animation ended
* `closed`: Hide animation ended, modal closed and unmounted

# Slots
* `header`
* `content`
* `footer`

# Responsive
I suggest to use the [Vue mq]( plugin to modify the props based on the user device screen.
In this way you can modify the whole behaviour of the modal for different resolutions.
:column-max-width="$mq | mq({
sm: '350px',
md: '500px',
lg: '600px'

# Structure


# Authors

* **Adileo Barone**

# License

This project is licensed under the MIT License

# Contributing

1. Fork it (
2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar)
3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
5. Create a new Pull Request