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Solutions and reference implementations for algorithm problems

algorithms codeforces codejam competitive-programming hackerrank hashcode icpc kattis kickstart leetcode problems solutions uva

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

Solutions and reference implementations for algorithm problems




# Algorithm Problem Solutions

This repository contains solutions to algorithm problems from various websites
and competitions. Most solutions have explanations included at the top. If you
need further details, feel free to contact me at [email protected].

Currently, the websites/contests represented in this repo are:

| Website / Contest | Directory |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- |
| [UVa Online Judge]( | uva |
| [Kattis]( | kattis |
| [Leetcode]( | leetcode |
| [ICPC Live Archive]( | icpc_live_archive |
| [Codeforces]( | codeforces |
| [HackerRank]( | hackerrank |
| [Google Hash Code]( | hashcode |
| [Google Code Jam]( | codejam |
| [Google Kickstart]( | kickstart |

This repository also contains several reference implementations of algorithms in
the `_references` directory.

## Tools

I use [CPSM]( to manage code in this
repository. I also use
[Prettier](, [YAPF](, and
[Pylint]( for formatting and linting.