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A Python application for tracking, reporting on timing and complexity in Python code

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A Python application for tracking, reporting on timing and complexity in Python code





A command-line application for tracking, reporting on complexity of Python tests and applications.

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wily [a]:
quick to think of things, having a very good understanding of situations and possibilities,
and often willing to use tricks to achieve an aim.

Wily uses git to go through each revision (commit) in a branch and run complexity and code-analysis metrics over the code. You can use this to limit your code or report on trends for complexity, length etc.

## Installation

Wily can be installed via pip from Python 3.6 and above:

$ pip install wily

Alternatively, Wily packages are available on conda-forge:

$ conda install -c conda-forge wily

## Usage

See the [Documentation Site]( for full usage guides.

Wily can be used via a command line interface, `wily`.

$ wily --help


## Demo

Here is a demo of wily analysing a Python project, giving a summary of changes to complexity in the last 10 commits and then showing changes against a specific git revision:


## Using Wily in a CI/CD pipeline

Wily can be used in a CI/CD workflow to compare the complexity of the current files against a particular revision.

By default, wily will compare against the previous revision (for a git-pre-commit hook) but you can also give a Git ref, for example `HEAD^1` is the commit before the HEAD reference.

$ wily build src/
$ wily diff src/ -r HEAD^1

Or, to compare against

$ wily build src/
$ wily diff src/ -r master

## pre-commit plugin

You can install wily as a [pre-commit]( plugin by adding the following to ``.pre-commit-config.yaml``

- repo: local
- id: wily
name: wily
entry: wily diff
verbose: true
language: python
additional_dependencies: [wily]

### Command line usage

#### `wily build`

The first step to using `wily` is to build a wily cache with the statistics of your project.

Usage: build [OPTIONS] [TARGETS]...

Build the wily cache

-n, --max-revisions INTEGER The maximum number of historical commits to
-o, --operators TEXT List of operators, separated by commas
--help Show this message and exit.

By default, wily will assume your project folder is a `git` directory. Wily will not build a cache if the working copy is dirty (has changed files not committed).

$ wily build src/

Limit the number of revisions (defaults to 50).


#### `wily report`

Show a specific metric for a given file, requires that `.wily/` exists

`wily report` will print the metric and the delta between each revision.


#### `wily rank`

Show the ranking for all files in a directory or a single file based on the metric provided, requires that `.wily/` exists

`wily rank` will print a table of files and their metric values.


#### `wily graph`

Similar to `wily report` but instead of printing in the console, `wily` will print a graph in a browser.


#### `wily index`

Show information about the build directory. Requires that `.wily/` exists.

`wily index` will print the configuration to the screen and list all revisions that have been analysed and the operators used.


### `wily list-metrics`

List the metrics available in the Wily operators. Each one of the metrics can be used in `wily graph` and `wily report`

$ wily list-metrics
mccabe operator:
No metrics available
raw operator:
│ │ Name │ Description │ Type │
│ loc │ Lines of Code │ │ MetricType.Informational │
│ lloc │ L Lines of Code │ │ MetricType.Informational │
│ sloc │ S Lines of Code │ │ MetricType.Informational │
│ comments │ Multi-line comments │ │ MetricType.Informational │
│ multi │ Multi lines │ │ MetricType.Informational │
│ blank │ blank lines │ │ MetricType.Informational │
│ single_comments │ Single comment lines │ │ MetricType.Informational │
cyclomatic operator:
No metrics available
maintainability operator:
│ │ Name │ Description │ Type │
│ rank │ Maintainability Ranking │ │ MetricType.Informational │
│ mi │ Maintainability Index │ │ MetricType.AimLow │

## Configuration

You can put a `wily.cfg` file in your project directory and `wily` will override the runtime settings. Here are the available options:

# list of operators, choose from cyclomatic, maintainability, mccabe and raw
operators = cyclomatic,raw
# archiver to use, defaults to git
archiver = git
# path to analyse, defaults to .
path = /path/to/target
# max revisions to archive, defaults to 50
max_revisions = 20

You can also override the path to the configuration with the `--config` flag on the command-line.

## IPython/Jupyter Notebooks

Wily will detect and scan all Python code in .ipynb files automatically.

You can disable this behaviour if you require by setting `ipynb_support = false` in the configuration.
You can also disable the behaviour of reporting on individual cells by setting `ipynb_cells = false`.

# Credits

## Contributors

- @wcooley (Wil Cooley)
- @DahlitzFlorian (Florian Dahlitz)
- @alegonz
- @DanielChabrowski
- @jwattier
- @skarzi

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