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Semantic versioning for Java apps.

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Semantic versioning for Java apps.




# Semver4j

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> ### This is an active copy of great [semver4j]( library created by [@vdurmont](, which is no longer maintained 😭


**Semver4j** is a lightweight Java library that helps you to handle versions.
It follows the rules of the [semantic versioning]( specification.

It also provides several range checking support: [node-semver](,
and [Ivy](

## Table of Contents

* [Installation](#installation)
* [Using Maven](#using-maven)
* [Using Gradle](#using-gradle)
* [Usage](#usage)
* [What is a version?](#what-is-a-version)
* [The `Semver` object](#the-semver-object)
* [Using constructor](#using-constructor)
* [Using `Semver.parse()` method](#using-semverparse-method)
* [Using `Semver.coerce()` method](#using-semvercoerce-method)
* [Is the version stable?](#is-the-version-stable)
* [Comparing the versions](#comparing-the-versions)
* [Versions diffs](#versions-diffs)
* [Ranges](#ranges)
* [External](#external)
* [Internal](#internal)
* [Modifying the version](#modifying-the-version)
* [Contributing](#contributing)
* [Thanks](#thanks)

## Installation

Add the dependency to your project:

### Using Maven




### Using Gradle

implementation 'org.semver4j:semver4j:5.2.2'

###### Version `v1.0.x` references to original library version `v3.1.0` in [source repository](

## Usage

### What is a version?

In **Semver4j**, a version looks like: `1.2.3-beta.4+sha899d8g79f87`.

- `1` is the major part (required)
- `2` is the minor part (required)
- `3` is the patch part (required)
- `beta` and `4` are the pre-release version (optional)
- `sha899d8g79f87` is the build metadata (optional)

### The `Semver` object

You can create `Semver` object in number of ways.

#### Using constructor

Semver version = new Semver("1.2.3-beta.4+sha899d8g79f87");

#### Using `Semver.parse()` method

Semver version = Semver.parse("1.2.3-beta.4+sha899d8g79f87"); // returns correct Semver object
Semver version = Semver.parse("invalid"); // returns null, cannot parse this version

#### Using `Semver.coerce()` method

Library can help you to create valid `Semver` object when the version is not valid. This aims to provide forgiving
translation from not-semver into semver.

Semver version = Semver.coerce("..1"); // it produces the same result as new Semver("1.0.0")
Semver version = Semver.coerce("invalid"); // returns null, cannot coerce this version

### Is the version stable?

You can check if you're working with a stable version by using `isStable()`.

A version is stable if its major number is _strictly_ positive, and it has no pre-release version.


// true
new Semver("1.2.3").isStable(); // major is > 0 and has no pre-release version
new Semver("1.2.3+sHa.0nSFGKjkjsdf").isStable(); // major is > 0 and has only build metadata without pre-release version

// false
new Semver("0.1.2").isStable()); // major is < 1
new Semver("0.1.2+sHa.0nSFGKjkjsdf").isStable(); // major is < 1
new Semver("1.2.3-BETA.11+sHa.0nSFGKjkjsdf").isStable(); // major is > 0 but has pre-release version BETA.11

### Comparing the versions

- `isGreaterThan()` returns true if the version is strictly greater than the other one.

Semver version = new Semver("1.2.3");
version.isGreaterThan("1.2.2"); // true
version.isGreaterThan("1.2.4"); // false
version.isGreaterThan("1.2.3"); // false

- `isLowerThan()` returns true if the version is strictly lower than the other one.

Semver version = new versionver("1.2.3");
version.isLowerThan("1.2.2"); // false
version.isLowerThan("1.2.4"); // true
version.isLowerThan("1.2.3"); // false

- `isEqualTo()` returns true if the versions are exactly the same.

Semver version = new Semver("1.2.3+sha123456789");
version.isEqualTo("1.2.3+sha123456789"); // true
version.isEqualTo("1.2.3+shaABCDEFGHI"); // false

- `isEquivalentTo()` returns true if the versions are the same (does not take the build metadata into account).

Semver version = new Semver("1.2.3+sha123456789");
version.isEquivalentTo("1.2.3+sha123456789"); // true
version.isEquivalentTo("1.2.3+shaABCDEFGHI"); // true

### Versions diffs

If you want to know what is the main difference between 2 versions, use the `diff()` method.
It will return a `VersionDiff` enum value among: `NONE`, `MAJOR`, `MINOR`, `PATCH`, `PRE_RELEASE`, `BUILD`.

_It will always return the biggest difference._

Semver version = new Semver("1.2.3-beta.4+sha899d8g79f87");
version.diff("1.2.3-beta.4+sha899d8g79f87"); // NONE
version.diff("2.3.4-alpha.5+sha32iddfu987"); // MAJOR
version.diff("1.3.4-alpha.5+sha32iddfu987"); // MINOR
version.diff("1.2.4-alpha.5+sha32iddfu987"); // PATCH
version.diff("1.2.3-alpha.5+sha32iddfu987"); // PRE_RELEASE
version.diff("1.2.3-beta.4+sha32iddfu987"); // BUILD

### Ranges

#### External

If you want to check if a version satisfies a range, use the `satisfies()` method.

`Semver4j` can interpret following range implementations:

- [NPM](
- [Primitive ranges]( `<`, `<=`, `>`, `>=` and `=`
- [Hyphen ranges]( `X.Y.Z - A.B.C`
- [X-Ranges]( `1.2.x`, `1.X`, `1.2.*` and `*`
- [Tilde ranges]( `~1.2.3`, `~1.2` and `~1`
- [Caret ranges]( `^1.2.3`, `^0.2.5` and `^0.0.4`
- [CocaPods](
- [Optimistic operator]( `~> 1.0`
- [Ivy](
- Version Range Matcher `[1.0,2.0]`, `[1.0,2.0[`, `]1.0,2.0]`, `]1.0,2.0[`, `[1.0,)`, `]1.0,)`, `(,2.0]`
and `(,2.0[`

#### Internal

The internal ranges builds ranges using fluent interface.

RangesExpression rangesExpression=equal("1.0.0")
.or(greaterOrEqual("3.0.0")); // (=1.0.0 and <2.0.0) or >=3.0.0

### Modifying the version

The `Semver` object is immutable. However, it provides a set of methods that will help you create new versions:

- `withIncMajor()` and `withIncMajor(int increment)` returns a `Semver` object with the major part incremented
- `withIncMinor()` and `withIncMinor(int increment)` returns a `Semver` object with the minor part incremented
- `withIncPatch()` and `withIncPatch(int increment)` returns a `Semver` object with the patch part incremented
- `withClearedPreRelease()` returns a `Semver` object with no pre-release version
- `withClearedBuild()` returns a `Semver` object with no build metadata

You can also use built-in versioning methods such as:

- `nextMajor()`: `1.2.3-beta.4+sha32iddfu987 => 2.0.0`
- `nextMinor()`: `1.2.3-beta.4+sha32iddfu987 => 1.3.0`
- `nextPatch()`: `1.2.3-beta.4+sha32iddfu987 => 1.2.4`

## Contributing

Any pull request or bug report are welcome!
If you have any suggestion about new features, you can **open an issue**.

## Thanks

Logo created by Tomek Babik [@tomekbbk](