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Utility functions for getting diagnostic status and progress messages from LSP servers, for use in the Neovim statusline

lsp lsp-client lsp-status lua neovim neovim-plugin nvim statusline

Last synced: 2 months ago
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Utility functions for getting diagnostic status and progress messages from LSP servers, for use in the Neovim statusline




# lsp-status.nvim

This is a Neovim plugin/library for generating statusline components from the built-in LSP client.

## Notices
- **2021/03/13**: Some users report success using the Google "Noto Emoji" font for `status_symbol`
and `indicator_hint`.
- **2020/11/19**: Please note that the default diagnostics symbols require Font Awesome or a [Nerd
Font]( You may also change the diagnostics symbols as shown in the
[configuration](#configuration) section.
- **2020/11/13**: Due to [this PR](, you must update to
the latest Neovim `master` to avoid errors with the old diagnostics API. See [issue
#19]( for more information.
- **2020/05/25**: There has been a minor breaking change to the API: `extension_callbacks` is now
named `extensions`. There have also been a number of additions and improvements; see the below
(specifically [Configuration](#configuration) and [Example Use](#example-use)) for details.

## Contents
1. [Examples](#examples)
2. [Installation](#installation)
3. [Usage](#usage)
1. [Protocol Extensions](#protocol-extensions)
2. [Configuration](#configuration)
4. [Example Use](#example-use)
1. [All together, now](#all-together-now)
5. [Status](#status)
6. [Contributing](#contributing)

## Examples

Show the current containing function (like `b:coc_current_function`):
![Statusline showing current function and no errors](images/no_errors.png)

Easily access diagnostic counts:
![Statusline showing some error indicators](images/some_errors.png)

Show progress messages from servers:
![Statusline showing progress messages from a server](images/msgs.png)

## Installation

You will need a version of Neovim that includes the built-in LSP client (right now, that means
nightly). Use your preferred package/plugin manager. With
[`vim-packager`](, this looks like:
call packager#add('nvim-lua/lsp-status.nvim')

## Usage

The plugin provides several utilities:
update_current_function() -- Set/reset the b:lsp_current_function variable
-- Shows the current function, method, class, struct, interface, enum, module, or namespace
diagnostics() -- Return a table with all diagnostic counts for the current buffer
messages() -- Return a table listing progress and other status messages for display
register_progress() -- Register the provided handler for progress messages
register_client() -- Register a client for messages
-- Integrate misc. LS protocol extensions into the messages framework
-- Each extension table contains a set of handlers and a setup() function
-- returning said handlers
extensions = { clangd, pyls_ms }
-- Set up a client for use with lsp-status. Calls register_client() and sets up
-- buffer autocommands
config(config_vals) -- Configure lsp-status
-- Table of client capabilities extended to signal support for progress messages
status() -- One example out-of-the-box statusline component (as shown in the images above)
### Protocol Extensions

`lsp-status.nvim` supports messaging-related protocol extensions offered by
[`clangd`]( and [Microsoft's Python language
server]( (`python/setStatusBarMessage`,
`python/beginProgress`, `python/reportProgress`, and `python/endProgress`). To use these extensions,
register the handlers provided in the `extensions` table (the keys for the handlers are
the relevant LSP method name).

**Note:** For `clangd`, you must also set `init_options = { clangdFileStatus = true }`.

**New**: You can also call `lsp_status.extensions..setup()` to return the full set of
handlers, as shown below.

### Configuration

You can configure `lsp-status.nvim` using the `config` function, which takes a table of
configuration values. The following configuration options are supported:

- `kind_labels`: An optional map from LSP symbol kinds to label symbols. Used to decorate the current function
name. Default: `{}`
- `select_symbol`: An optional handler of the form `function(cursor_pos, document_symbol)` that
should return `true` if `document_symbol` (a `DocumentSymbol`) should be accepted as the symbol
currently containing the cursor.

For example, the [sumneko lua server]( sends
`valueRange` (which is not specified in the protocol) to give the range for a function's start and
end. To respect `valueRange`, you can use the following configuration:
lsp_status.config {
select_symbol = function(cursor_pos, symbol)
if symbol.valueRange then
local value_range = {
["start"] = {
character = 0,
line = vim.fn.byte2line(symbol.valueRange[1])
["end"] = {
character = 0,
line = vim.fn.byte2line(symbol.valueRange[2])

return require("lsp-status.util").in_range(cursor_pos, value_range)
- `current_function`: Boolean, `true` if the current function should be updated and displayed in the
default statusline component.
- `show_filename`: Boolean, `true` if the filename should be displayed in the progress text.
- `indicator_*`-group: strings to show as diagnostic warnings. If you don't have Nerd/Awesome Fonts you can replace defaults with ASCII chars like this:
-- Put this somewhere near lsp_status.register_progress()
indicator_errors = 'E',
indicator_warnings = 'W',
indicator_info = 'i',
indicator_hint = '?',
indicator_ok = 'Ok',
- `indicator_separator`: a string which goes between each diagnostic group symbol and its count.
Defaults to whitespace.
- `component_separator`: a string which goes between each "chunk" of the statusline component (i.e.
different diagnostic groups, messages). Defaults to whitespace.
- `diagnostics`: Boolean, `true` by default. If `false`, the default statusline component does not
display LSP diagnostics.

## Example Use

Here is an example configuration (also using [`nvim-lsp`](
showing how `lsp-status` can be integrated into one's statusline and other LSP configuration.

**In any Lua file you load:**
local lsp_status = require('lsp-status')
-- completion_customize_lsp_label as used in completion-nvim
-- Optional: customize the kind labels used in identifying the current function.
-- g:completion_customize_lsp_label is a dict mapping from LSP symbol kind
-- to the string you want to display as a label
-- lsp_status.config { kind_labels = vim.g.completion_customize_lsp_label }

-- Register the progress handler

**Before calling `setup` for each relevant LSP client:**
-- Set default client capabilities plus window/workDoneProgress
config.capabilities = vim.tbl_extend('keep', config.capabilities or {}, lsp_status.capabilities)

**In an `on_attach` function for each relevant LSP client:**
-- Register client for messages and set up buffer autocommands to update
-- the statusline and the current function.
-- NOTE: on_attach is called with the client object, which is the "client" parameter below

**Specific client configuration (following `nvim-lsp` conventions):**
clangd = {
handlers = lsp_status.extensions.clangd.setup()
pyls_ms = {
handlers = lsp_status.extensions.pyls_ms.setup()

### LSP statusline segment

An example statusline segment is provided in
[lua/lsp-status/statusline](lua/lsp-status/statusline.lua). You are encouraged to read the source
and develop your own statusline segment, but if you'd like something reasonable out-of-the-box, you
can call `lsp_status.status()` somewhere in your statusline definition (make sure you have
`require`'d the `lsp-status` module too!)

### All together, now

Here's a complete example:

lua << END
local lsp_status = require('lsp-status')

local lspconfig = require('lspconfig')

-- Some arbitrary servers
handlers = lsp_status.extensions.clangd.setup(),
init_options = {
clangdFileStatus = true
on_attach = lsp_status.on_attach,
capabilities = lsp_status.capabilities

handlers = lsp_status.extensions.pyls_ms.setup(),
settings = { python = { workspaceSymbols = { enabled = true }}},
on_attach = lsp_status.on_attach,
capabilities = lsp_status.capabilities

on_attach = lsp_status.on_attach,
capabilities = lsp_status.capabilities
on_attach = lsp_status.on_attach,
capabilities = lsp_status.capabilities

" Statusline
function! LspStatus() abort
if luaeval('#vim.lsp.buf_get_clients() > 0')
return luaeval("require('lsp-status').status()")

return ''


## Status

This plugin is "complete" - it works in all the ways it was originally intended to, and it doesn't
seem to break. That said, it hasn't been tested much, and I'm open to adding new features if others
want them.

One thing that probably should be added is proper documentation of some sort. The code could also
stand to be cleaned up.

## Contributing

Bug reports and feature requests are welcome! PRs are doubly welcome!