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A simple DrawerLayout component for Vue.js.

android commonjs drag drawer drawerlayout drawerlayout-component sidebar vue vue-drawer-layout

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

A simple DrawerLayout component for Vue.js.




# vue-drawer-layout
> A simple DrawerLayout component for [Vue.js](


## Demo


[Mobile QQ by Alexander Huang(click me or scan the qrcode)](

![Try it](assets/qrcode.png)

Click the avatar at the top-left or touch(click) and drag to right(left).


If the image is not animating, maybe your browser does not supports `APNG`, you could turn to the [GIF demo](assets/demo.gif).

## Dependencies
* [Vue.js]( (2.x)

## Browser Support
Modern (mobile) browsers and Internet Explorer 10+(due to CSS transition support) and X5 core is supported.

## Installation

npm install vue-drawer-layout --save

## Usage

*The following examples can also be used with CommonJS by replacing ES6-specific syntax with CommonJS equivalents.*

import Vue from 'vue'
import DrawerLayout from 'vue-drawer-layout'

// or
import {DrawerLayout} from 'vue-drawer-layout'
Vue.component(, DrawerLayout)
You can easily just set nothing or only `drawer-width` prop to get a simple drawer.It act above the main content.

Or you can set every prop as you want to get a fantastic drawer like mobile QQ has(It act below the main content and with distance is 1/3 of the main content drag).



## API

### Props

| Name | Info | Type | Default |
| drawer-width | width of drawer(px) | `Number` | 80% of the container(parentNode) width |
| drawable-distance | farthest distance to draw(px) | `Number` | same as `drawer-width` prop |
| z-index | z-index of drawer | `Number` | `818`(Don't Ask^_^) |
| content-drawable | whether to make content-wrapper drawable | `Boolean` | `false` |
| backdrop | whether to show backdrop | `Boolean` | `true` |
| backdrop-opacity-range | the opacity range of backdrop[min,max] | `Array` | `[0,0.4]` |
| enable | is drawer enable | `Boolean` | `true` |
| animatable | is drawer animate during moving | `Boolean` | `true` |
| reverse | is drawer slide out from right | `Boolean` | `false` |

### Slots

| Name | Info |
| drawer | content in drawer-content |
| content | content in main-content |

### Methods

| Name | Info | Arguments | Usage |
| toggle | method to show and hide drawer | `visible(Boolean)` | `toggle(true/false)` or `toggle()`to show(hide) |

### Events

| Name | Info | Callback Arguments |
| slide-start | drawer start to slide (fired when touchdown) | - |
| slide-move | drawer sliding (fired when touchmove) | `pos(int)` |
| slide-end | drawer sliding (fired when touchend or transitionend) | `visible(boolean)` |
| mask-click | touch(click) on mask | - |

## License
[MIT License](LICENSE).

Copyright (c) 2018 Alexander Huang.